
The Call

*Pluto's P.O.V*

Ring, Ringg, Ringgg

UGH!! Would they just give me a break?!

Snatching the light headset from the desk, I slowly peel my cheek from the papers I had been working on, secretly hoping that I'd accidentally miss the call. Clicking the piece into my ear I take in a deep breath and answer the call in my stone-cold Straight-to-the-point voice.

"What." The voice on the other end was hesitant, almost as if he was scared that I'd somehow kill him by talking to him through a headpiece. "WHAT" I repeated more sternly. I hear a gulp- something that did not sound too good when it is so close to your ear.

"A-Alpha Ori-on?" Poor guy, I could hear his boots rattling from here... All well.

"Who else would it be? Now state your name, rank, pack and reason for distracting me and my work" Pfftt, work. I was sleeping.

"Uh, Ineedyoutogoonarescuemission" What the hell did he say? Ugh, I'm too tired for this crap right now.

"What? Speak English!"

"I-I need you to perform a rescue mission for my pack." I roll my eyes, is this dude serious? How the hell am I supposed to know who his pack is?

"State your name, rank and pack pup! Otherwise, you can say goodbye to whoever you intend for me to rescue." I let out a little yawn at the end and hear his breath hitch. He lets out another gulp and my eye starts to twitch.

"M-my name is Daemyn H-ades, I a-m of Omega rank and my pack I-is the Shallow Moon Pack." His voice breaks when he mentions that he's the omega, and that made me furious. Not because he was an omega, it made me furious that they made the omega call for help instead of the alpha.

"Well, Daemyn Hades, who is it that you wish for me to rescue?" He sucks in a sharp breath at my angry tone.

"M-my Luna, Alph-a Orio-n S-Sir!" This made me laugh. Sir? Did he really think I was a guy? I smirk.

"Well Daemyn, I will arrive in a days time with a few members of my pack, I expect your alpha to arrange at least five rooms for our stay." And with that, I hung up the phone and let out a small groan. This alerted my best friend who was also sleeping on the desk. He shoots up shouting "I'm Awake!" and his drool flies everywhere.

"Flynt! That's disgusting!" He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Come on babe, I know you like it" I throw him a disgusted look. Soon that look turned into a smirk.

"What?" His face changes to one of confusion, then to one of horror. "You wouldn't!" My smirk only widened.

'Karlie, honey can you please come reprimand your mate for me?'

I look at him and by the look on his face, he knew what I had just done.

"Flynt Crossborne! How dare you?!" His face was priceless!

"W-what baby? Honey, what did I do?!" She freezes and lets her eyes wander around, trying to look for an excuse.

"You, uh... You! You didn't eat breakfast this morning! I told you! You need your protein and nutrients! We don't want our alpha to die in the middle of a fight all because you couldn't save her due to the fact that you were stupid enough not to eat breakfast!" By the time she had gotten that sentence out she was red-faced and jabbing her finger in Flynt's stomach. I decided to cut in here before I started bursting out in laughter.

'Thanks, Karlie, I think he's scared enough now. Could you just gather the pack in the auditorium, please? I have something to tell you all.'

'Yes Alpha'

And with that, she had forgotten about being angry at her mate and was already out the door by the time he had realized what was going on.

"Flynt, don't just sit there! We got a pack to run and an announcement to announce!"

**********Half An Hour Later**********

It took us a while but we were able to get everyone inside the auditorium and settled. Walking to the front of the stage, I watch as everyone goes silent.

"My pack! My Family! We have yet another job to do! We have a pack that has lost its Luna! A pack that has let their luna slip through their fingers and into the hands of rogues!" Growls submerge at the mention of rogues.

I hold my hand up, silencing their growls, "I will go myself. However, I will need five of my best warriors. Five Warriors who will fight for me, who will fight for this pack's reputation and most importantly, who will fight for our family!" Howls erupt from all of my wolves, however, five of them stand out.

"Jace Loal, Peter Omio, Jenna Queens, Collen Trent and Lilly Smocks. You Five have been selected to take part in a rescue mission. Prove yourselves to us, show us your loyalty and do us proud! We leave in an hour!" I turn and walk out of the auditorium, immediately heading to my room.

"Pwootoooo!!!!!" The soft yet excited voice make me halt, a smile on my face.

I turn around and immediately my eyes meet a pair of icy blue ones. "Hey there little bug!" I scoop the little boy into my hands and let him snuggle into my neck.

"Why awr you going away alphy?" My heart melts at his sad tone.

"Sorry buddy but I have to go help someone, I wont be gone long okay Elk?" Elk is a little boy that I had adopted from the pack orphanage as soon as I had become alpha.

"Can I gwo wit you?" He sniffs into my neck as I hold him.

"Im sorry little bug, I don't think you can this time." He pulls back and looks into my eyes and I had a small urge to take him for a haircut.

"Pweaseee??!" I let out a small sigh, sweeping his fringe behind his ear.

"How about I make you a deal?" He perks up at the chance of a deal. "If I'm not back within a weeks time, I'll get Beta Flynt to take you to me." He grins.


"Great kiddo, now I've got to go pack so ill catch you before I leave yeah?" He nods his head enthusiastically and runs out of the room screaming, "Im gowna gwo teyl Beta Flingt owr dweel!"

I let out a small chuckle and walk the rest of the way to my room.

**************************Saying goodbye to the pack****************************

"Bye little bug" I squeeze him in my arms and put a sloppy kiss on his cheek, which he immediately screws his face at and wipes off. I chuckle at his antics and release him.

"I'll see you soon okay?" he nods his head and runs off to go play.

I sigh heavily and run a hand through my hair. He was the last one I had to say goodbye to. Turning around, I take one last look at my home and shift into my wolf. It wasn't a very long trek to the Shallow Moon Pack so it should only take an hour a most.

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