
Chapter 2: A Wealthy Surprise

Tyler stood up from his seat in disbelief. He couldn't fathom how he could be from the richest families in the world and not know it. His mind was racing with questions, and he felt like he needed to get some answers. As he was talking to his friend about this newfound information, he planned on going to the bank to verify this claim.

As he was walking out of the park, he noticed a luxurious car pulling in front of him. A well-dressed old man stepped out of the car and called him, "young master."

"Please wait, I'm finally here." The man smiled as he said.

Tyler stopped in his tracks, looking around, thinking that maybe he was talking to someone else. 

Tyler turned around to look at the man, he looked sideways, he was confused enough, "now was this rich old man coming from?" He thought as his mind was filled with lots of thoughts.

The old man, noticing Tyler's confusion, approached him and said, "Don't worry young master, you are who you think you are." 

"Was that even a word to be reasoned?"

You are who you think are, means what? Tyler's eyes widened in realization. The old man had confirmed that he was indeed from a rich family . 

"Who are you, and how do you know this?" Tyler asked the old man, feeling like he was stuck in a dream.

The man smiled at him and said, "My name is Jacob, and I'm your family's trusted advisor. I've been with your family for generations."

Tyler couldn't believe it. Everything was happening too fast for him. He needed more information. He shook his head, feeling like he was in a daze. "But if this is true, why wasn't I told about this sooner?"

Jacob looked at Tyler with a sympathetic smile. "According to our family's tradition, every member of the family must experience suffering before inheriting their fortune. Only then can they fully appreciate the value of wealth. We believe that everyone must experience suffering and hard work before they're able to inherit the family's wealth. It builds character and helps ensure that the wealth is used wisely."

The old man smiled, "earlier the young and old of your family never valued what they had until they almost lost everything, after your great-grandfather recovered everything back this tradition was laid out."

The old man looked at him with a twinkle in his eye. "Your great-grandfather founded a company that revolutionized the technology industry. Your family has been growing in wealth and influence ever since."

Tyler couldn't believe it. He had always thought his family was just a regular, middle-class family. 

Jacob smiled indulgently. "We are sorry you had to go through alot, but you've proven yourself." Tyler felt like he was in a daze. "I don't know what to say," he muttered.

Tyler listened with keen interest, wanting to learn more about his newfound identity. However, as he was deep in conversation with Jacob.

Ring Ring.

He suddenly received a call from his father, and after looking up at the old man he picked up,

"Greetings to you father." He said as he slightly bowed his head, "how are you father? What makes you call me today?" He asked. 

His father's voice crackled through the phone. "Son, listen to me. What Jacob's telling you is true. I've been keeping it from you all these years but it's time you knew the truth. You come from a very wealthy family." 

"Son, I know this is a shock for you, but it's true. You're a part of the family, and we couldn't be more proud of you," said Tyler's father, his voice sounding shaky and emotional, confirming what the old man had just told him,

Tyler felt like he was on cloud nine, but at the same time, he felt like he had a lot to learn. As the call ended, Jacob handed him a golden badge with the family's crest engraved on it. "This is your family's symbol of identity. Keep it safe, and never lose it," warned Jacob.

Tyler nodded, accepting the badge with both hands, feeling grateful yet apprehensive about the new life that awaited him.

"I promise to do my best, and never let the family down." Tyler said and turned around, the information he got was enough for the day.

As Jacob left, Tyler tucked the badge into his pocket and started walking aimlessly down the street, it was already night and he couldn't get the thought of his girlfriend leaving him out of his head. He was so lost in thought that he didn't see the young woman stumbling towards him. They collided and fell to the ground in a heap.

"Ow," Tyler groaned as he rubbed his head.

The woman groaned as well, clearly drunk but still semi-conscious. 

"Hey! Are you okay?" He asked the girl, who was swaying back and forth.

The girl looked up at him, making blurry eye contact, and said, "Help me, please. I need help."

Tyler hesitated for a moment he lifted her up, feeling a sense of compassion for her.. 

"What the hell are you doing with my woman?" An overweight man approached them and started threatening Tyler to leave the girl and leave.

Tyler felt his anger flare up. "She needs help, man. Can't you see that?"

The man sneered. "She don't need your help. Get the hell away from us."

Tyler was about to protest when the man lunged towards him. Instinctively, Tyler punched him in the face. The man fell to the ground, stunned.

Feeling a surge of adrenaline, Tyler scooped the woman up and hailed a taxi to get her to safety.

  Tyler could not help but wonder what would happen next.

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