
The Archmages Restaurant

Ellesion fell into another world and worked as a Class 9 witch. After retiring, he chose to open a small restaurant in the countryside. But everyday life at this restaurant is not unusual at all...Lurin, a polymorphic black dragon, lives in a room on the second floor of the Ellesion restaurant! "Are you ready to eat?" The joyous and cheerful relationship between the continent's most powerful ninth-grade witch and the black dragon who eats well and sleeps well... This novel is only MTL-Translation, using chat-gpt read with your own risk

AndikaIndra · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Soju with friends (3)

"In fact, Mr. Ment provided the money needed to open the store."

"What do you mean, Mr. Knoll trying to open a shop without money?"

"Not that. He and I both don't know about business, so we were frustrated after being cheated by a fraud. I lost all the money I saved while working as a mercenary. When you think about it, what did you think of when you decided to start a shop? "I'm very naive."

It's anger no matter which city I visit. Even when I opened a restaurant, there were some scammers trying to contact me.

"My husband is a man with a strong self-esteem. I said I'd let go of my dream after being cheated. He said he wanted to live a peaceful life just for the two of us, so he quit his job as a mercenary, which required him to leave for a long time, and take over his father's job of loser... when he failed because of a weird deception, the man stopped smiling and acted as if he had lost hope in life. So I have no choice but to seek help from Mr. Ment.

Mr. Laine said that and looked at Mr. Ment. The content is gratitude and respect.

Apparently that's all.

"I understand roughly what's going on. That's why. Then we need to clear that misunderstanding. Do you both want to come to our restaurant until dinner? You've reached a point where you can't cheat anymore, have you? So I'll call Mr. Knoll too. "We'll help you solve this problem peacefully."

An effort to avoid the closure of the meat shop and save the regular customers.

It's time to showcase your cooking skills for that purpose.

I dragged the steaming Rurin and went to see Mr. Knoll. After telling the awake Lord Knoll to come to the restaurant without interruption, I went back to the store and prepared the atmosphere for the reconciliation event. Of course, I plan to put them on a table for four people rather than on a bar table.

The dishes I'm going to present are shabu-shabu that can be eaten together.

Put the calf in the pan and Mr. Knoll is proud of Belleren's meat.

The quality of the Belleren monster meat is perfect for shabu-shabu. It's because he has a fast maturing nature. Red meat with a characteristic soft texture.

The calves, the shrimp and the sea grass, and then they dropped the mushrooms. This mushroom is a valuable ingredient that adds flavor to the soup.

Take the caldera and taste it. Though the cake is normal, it tastes very deep. Can you taste MSG even without any spices? This is the greatness of the monton mushroom.

It's beef that has a deeper flavor than beef. I sliced the Beleren meat that I received from Mr. Knoll.

"What about the hamburger steak?"

"I'll do it later. "Can you squeeze the outside of the restaurant?"

"You can't do such a little thing!"


"So you're trying to send me back? I don't like clans. "They always mock me and call me ugly, and I also hate humans."

"So, help her work!"

"Uh! "I'm sleepy."

I pulled out the mantle and handed it over. Lurin had no choice but to take a jacket and walk out the door and start sweeping the floor. A purifying dragon. Very unique. However, after sweeping the floor twice, the Dragon Master leaned on the shop fence and began to fall asleep.

Oh, my God.

What do you want from a dragon?

I gave up and focused on using Veleren meat.

This world is a free-working era. There's only a difference between a nobleman and a fool. There's no such thing as interprofessional pride. So, if the meat store was this big, it could be developed with a wider distribution network.

While I was cutting meat thinking of useless things like that, Mr. Laine and Mr. Ment arrived at the restaurant first.

"Do you run a restaurant in a place like this?"

"Mr. Ment, although I've seen it like this before, it tastes so delicious that it can't be compared to a restaurant before. In fact, if my husband wasn't a regular customer, I would have brought him here. It's definitely something my husband might misunderstand... I think keeping a secret is too hard. "I can't believe I missed the right time to talk and end up here."

"Isn't it because it's gonna be hard to mess up and close the store in the middle of the street? "Don't be too hard on yourself."


"That's right. Now, please sit here."

When I did that, Mr. Knoll arrived.

"You said you were going to find out about Laine, but you still came to the restaurant! "What's going on?"

As soon as he arrived, Mr. Knoll, who was still awake and shaky, made eye contact with Mr. And Mr. Ment.

Mr. Knoll seems to suddenly gain strength and rush towards Mr. Ment.

"Hey, you son of a bitch!" "You, you dare touch Laine?"

"Wait, Mr. Knoll."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" "This bastard says he's looking for the details, but then he connects the two men together like this?"

"Dear, it's not that! "No!"

"Why not! Why did you call me? Did you ask me to break up with you? That's amazing, I like it. I'm gonna kill them all.

Mr. Knoll, who was already under the influence of alcohol, couldn't withstand his anger and tried to make a stir.

"Mr Ment lent us money when we opened the business, and we only meet every month to repay the money! So calm down, honey!"


Mr. Knoll blinked and looked at the two men alternately.

"I know your personality. Would you open a shop if you knew that Mr. Ment borrowed you most of his life savings? Even if he dies, he won't try to take that money! So, I mean, I can't stop him."

Mr. Raine finally cried.

"Opo opo?"

Mr. Knoll looked at Mr. Mant confused.

"Wait a minute, Reine, didn't you say that the money was returned after your castle caught the criminal? "You obviously did that, didn't you?"

"You're so mentally tired that you believe what he says, and honestly, it's impossible to get it back."

"It's not possible..."

When Mr. Ment knocked, Mr. Knoll fell helplessly to the ground.

"You saved my life. I think it's natural for me to help a friend like that when he's trying to find happiness. Even though I rarely see you because of that, even though I can't drink with you anymore! I'm sorry I cheated on you. However, I had no choice but to lie because I agreed that it was impossible for me to accept anything if I said the truth. Even as time went by, I felt offended for lying, so I couldn't tell the truth."

"You... "

Mr. Raine added crying.

"You're so self-destructive that you act like you're going to kill yourself, so I'm scared and have no choice but to seek help. Initially Mr. Ment said he didn't even need to pay back the money, but that doesn't make sense, does it? So, I just met routinely to pay back a small amount of money. "How could you get it wrong?"

Mr. Knoll can't say anything. Slowly I stepped in and helped Mr. Knoll sit at the table, then Mr. knoll opened his mouth hard and whispered.

"Ha. I'm not cheating, you... did you lend me your life savings? For a man like me? How could that happen? "I would be very grateful if you often visited."

"How can you see something's wrong? I still can't forget the day when you pushed me and hit me with a sword in the Battle of Peren! So, if it weren't for your self-esteem, we't be able to meet well for 10 years! Besides, I have no intention of getting married and plans to continue working as a mercenary, so I don't need money. It doesn't mean they borrowed his subsistence funds to live on their own. So I think that's a good decision."


Mr. Knoll can't say anything.

"After all, I paid all his money in 10 years! So, there's no point in talking like that now than returning the money. So don't say anything about closing the store, honey."


Mr. Knoll shut his mouth and bowed the table in response to Mr. Raine's request.

Mr. Layne was surprised and shrugged his head.

"Doubt you like that, asshole like me... fuck you!"

But fortunately, it wasn't just an expression of anger. Do you think it's anger against yourself? So I dropped my hand.

"You three, let's calm down and taste this dish before we talk about it, huh?"

I put a boiling pot on the table and I put three pieces of Beleren meat from Mr. Knoll's store.

I took it out and put it on a plate in front of three people.

"Take and try the sauce in front of him."

The three men seemed confused, but they could not resist and put meat into their mouths, because they thought it was a very carefully prepared dish.

"Oh oh."

"That's delicious."

"This is good. LC."


I held my breath for a moment and opened my mouth.

"It's made of the meat Mr. Knoll provided. "Eat and relax."

After leaving the meat to Mr. Raine, I left. The water in the pot is boiling.

Those three men shut up for a second.

"Are you still interested in meat?" "This meat tastes amazing."

"What's that? "No one can match my skill!"

Thanks to Mr. Ment, the conversation began at a quiet table. At the same time, Mr. Knoll began to choke the calf that was still wrapping.

The atmosphere gradually calmed down.

"Hey, man! Bring me alcohol! Isn't this a situation where alcohol is clearly needed? Soju! "I have to show my friend the taste of soju."

Mr. Knoll looked at me and yelled at me. Yeah, this is the perfect place to drink. I can only smile and deliver the soju.

After drinking soju, Mr. Knoll's eyes are immediately moist. I don't know why, I feel like that.

"You're a bad man... you're an evil man... thank you. thank you! thank you!" Haha, but why is the smoke so hot...? Hi! Try acting! "I'm crying in my eyes!"

"Why is the pot wrong?" "The others are fine."


Mr. Knoll ate the soup again and drank the soju, and then he beat the bottle with Mr. Ment's soju.

Only after seeing that, Raine ate the soup. Looks like the misunderstanding has been solved well.

This restaurant is crowded for the first time in so long.

It's a nice phenomenon.