

My conscious sober just like magic, she's attracted to my every thought. She's my anaesthetic. I would show a middle finger to anyone who said she and I were wasting time and would never work, I'm pretty sure they are just jealous of us. She was my magic and I would rather keep chanting incantations for the rest of my life and not looking for any other woman, I already knew her motive and she knew mine. You okay?" I asked brushing her cheek with my thumb, her face was so smooth. She just nodded and cupped her head in her palms, resting her hands on the knees, still on the floor. She sat pulling her legs up to her chest. Her face with that look you just knew something is up. "Probably I drank too much wine, my head is fuzzy and heavy" she rolled her eyes at me when she caught me staring like in disbelief, still I wasn't sure I had come out of my head. I shook my head and said I was going to get some ice. "I need water first" she softly requested with that voice I can't say no to... This is mature content.

Peter_Epicurean · Urbain
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34 Chs


I always felt weird walking in the dark, but having her at my side revitalized me, the sight of her always comforted me.

"How's life?" She asked and my eyes gravitated towards her. I simply let out a sharp breath and slowly shrugged.

"Life is empty without some people around" but I always felt strong around her, "But you are here now". I said.

She scanned my face and gave me a one arm hug, a knowing smile bright on her face despite the darkness. Crickets were screeching now, somewhere in the dark, many other strange sounds were heard, I can't quite make out the owners. Beautiful nature sounds are calming to listen to, is like you are in this natural harmony understand what the sounds tell you.

"You know Val and I ended things?" it was an awkward question but I had to ask anyway. She gasped so much that she was running out of more gasps. Damn I wasn't trying to scare her with my broken heart horror stories. She was patting my back to soothe me.

" Sorry to hear that, but you deserve better." If only she knew that the better one is nowhere to be seen except from a sine evidence of a text wishing me merry Christmas and a WhatsApp audio of a song from muffin. Thinking about her in an intimate detail hurt, but it was worth the pain." I could help you drag that girl back to you, you know I got your back cousin, let's go pull her out of her hiding place right now."

I was smiling, her determination was hard core mode. I needed her to set me right on track, hence my best friend.

"The one I'm worried about is muffin, the new girl we spoke on the phone about, she hypnotized me and put me under a spell and she went MIA." I spoke with a pang and felt my stomach turn. "I got a text today though" , I said shoving my phone on her face. I know she loves me and cares enough to text me, after long periods of silence.

"We shall hunt her down with arrows if need be." My rescuer was my unmatched protector. I smiled and gave her arm a comforting squeeze.

We stopped under a tall tree with a huge trunk, we went down memory lane when we saw it. One time when were kids, we would run round it, sometimes try to hug it but our baby hands barely went half round it. It was an old tree like an old guard.

We took our time walking back to the house, I was now full of peace and relief. I needed a vent, she was always there, my best friend brought me from the dead, I had narrated the nasty days when I was alone in the dark hole with no one to pull me out. We laughed at the pain and she hugged me again when I went straight to my room to do a little writing, I had gotten some insight and I wasn't going to to let it slip out of my head, I was taught by her.


Hello, how have you been love?

I hope everything is well with you

Don't mind the little things I feel

They sound just a little lame to me

Maybe we could be a little bit

More honest oh,

With me with you, with us

Maybe we could go our ways

And let it go

I know that you have given your all

Just staying beside me

And this is all I'm thinking

My thoughts are broken

Inside my little mind

Hello, how have you been love?

And time has played it's little part with me

I know that you've forgiven it all

We're sinking from all the lies and

We both let out we've given it all

There's nothing quite left to give

Feeling satisfied, I shut my notebook, I sent muffin a copy and locked my phone, went downstairs for dinner. I had a new energy in my veins. I was kind of reborn. A new start.

A song was playing from the sitting room where we rejoined with Anna. She was nodding and tapping her foot softly in rhyme with the beats, the song was a classical, Sweet Caroline by Roy Orbinson. She loved the same music I did.

Other cousins and family members were outside in the bonfire as tradition of the family. A ritual we all participated, when it became late in the night, a special part of this whole activity was to throw your troubles into the fire and let them burn, so as to scare aware future disappointment, written then burnt.

We went in order. I was lucky tonight because I got the first chance to put my troubles to an end. I picked my folded piece of paper and kind of made a wish before I dumped the paper and let it be consumed by the fire with its ferocity and heat.

"I hope that felt good" Anna was sharply whispering in my ear when I sat down beside her. "Hope you find what you are looking for." she smiled at me. She's a blessing in my misery filled and perilous life.

Actually I felt as if a weight had been lifted of my chest and was able to breathe again. Before I knew it, I was punching muffin's number and dialing it. Her name flashed on the screen and before I could end it, she received it.


I wasnt sure what I was going to say, but put the phone back to my ear.

Tensed a bit but at least I was now relieved she wanted to talk. I excused myself and found the kitchen and spoke.

"Merry Christmas to you too, I realize that I hadn't wished you one." I was running my mouth. She giggled or laughed. I replaced the weak thoughts in my head with her face. The sound of her voice reverberating deep and erotica in her throat, something about that laugh revitalized me, making me alive. I could now see her face, not classically beautiful but expressive and fascinatingly intense with her exotic mix of cultures.

The world was now becoming kinder to me. Thanks to the most important two ladies in my life, my best friend and muffin. And with great glee I fixed my thoughts to her.

With me on the side was a bottle of whisky, once in a while I would down shots, I loved every scorching effect to drown the many sorrows I had. A beer in tow, sipping it periodically to cure the pain of impatience, I had waited for her for too long, but now she was here. Now I could see more clearly.

I had scars but they now look beautiful, she was with me.

"I'm at the mall, went to collect a few things and I also got you something"

What is it? "my curiosity was getting the better of me.

"Take a second to relax, is all yours, I won't be selling it." she was back with her smart ass comments. I loved her honesty. Otherworldly excited that she was finally talking. I smiled and pressed my phone a bit closer to my ear and whispered those little dirty words that always turn her on. Giving her the best descriptive reminder.

The ecstatic feeling of grandeur and awareness of a beautiful woman talking to me, made me feel strong. I was deep and irrevocably in love with her. Right now I desire her intensely.

Life's funny and mine is a comedy..

How's everyone doing, hope you had a Happy New year, on this other side they made up finally, things take time, don't you think so too?

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