
The Apex Hero: LionHeart

U.A. University, the top hero school in all of Japan is about to receive its most interesting class of students. A young man who can can take out any enemy with but a single punch... only to break every single bone in his arm... a young man with a quirk that can blow you to smithereens... who also happens to have an uncontrollable temper... and a young man with the power over ice and fire... with the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon. All three of these students are aiming for the top. But unfortunately for them the [King of the Pride] has arrived. #MHA #BNHA

DreamTheInsomniac · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

It takes 3 to Ménage à Trois


"Nice place you got here, Nathaniel-san! You weren't lying when you said you were a rich boy." The girl Tokoyami had been sucking face with all night, mutters when we enter the penthouse apartment my mother had rented out for me.

Each one of us holding a box of food that we picked up from the attendant at the front desk.

"Oooh, are your parents solar power tycoons? You said you were from Texas so it would make sense or maybe you're the love child of some Cartel big shot and a villain! Which one is it mista numba 1? Which one, whimmah…" Nejire starts rambling off, only to get interrupted by a cheese stick being suddenly stuffed in her mouth by Camie.

"I swear Gurl. Your filter compllleeetly shuts off after a couple of shots." Camie good-naturedly teases her lilac haired friend. "Besides, isn't it obvi? Even though that romance novel set up would tots be hot, he's going to U.A, just like you, so how could his parents be villains and if they were then he would probs wanna keep it lowkey."

"Exaaaaaactly! Could you imagine? The aspiring hot shot of U.A.'s first years makes a splash in the yearly sports festival.

His exploits catching the attention of his adorable 3rd year senpai who takes him under her wing. By day molding him into a cute little hero, while by night he relentlessly ravages the innocent girl… only for the climax of the story to be the reveal of his villainous background!

Now the heroin of the story must choose.

The love of her life, or the prestige of becoming the first #1 Female Pro Hero!"

Nejire passionately explains. Weaving a story that, at least in her mind, enraptures everyone's attention.

"Mmmm, and which one would you choose Nejire Chan?" I whisper in the daydreaming girl's ear as I reach around her for a slice of meat lovers style pizza, making sure to use the Hero name she told me she had chosen for herself. "Would you forsake our love, or would my charm be enough to ensnare you in my wicked ways."

The only two aware of the little play by play where Camie and the young woman I had elegantly internally dubbed as Mistress Cockblock.

Tokoyami and his girl had already snook away, taking a box of food with them before no doubt making there ways upstairs in search a the guest rooms.

'Traitorous bastard. Using me against the final boss as a sacrifice!' I mentally lament while simultaneously pulling the blushing girl, who had yet to answer my question, and setting her on my lap while I plopped down on the comfortable couch in the living room.

Making sure to also put some background music on, so any awkward silence that might develop has some filler.

Now Playing: Gangsta (Arkane Skye Remix) – By Kehlani

Seeing a chance to tease her seemingly never embarrassed friend, Camie's eyes glitter with mischief as she washes down the chicken wing she had just ate with a coke before seductively stalking her way over to the flirting duo.

"Yes Nejire Chan. Which will you choose?" She huskily entices. The innocent blushing girl going crimson at the sudden turn of events. "Afterall, how much more fun would it be to just let go, and be a baaaad girl?"

"B-but N-Nejire Chan's a good girl." The adorably blushing young woman whispers in protest as her body begins to heat up as she becomes intimately aware of the young man under her.

"But being a good girl can be so exhaaaausting." Camie emphasis. Her hands tracing their way up Nejire's bare legs, all the way up to the hem of her short light blue dress.

Said girl squirming under the ministration. Her movements doing amazing things to rile up my own libido.

Before committing 100% to the new path that suddenly opened up, I take a peek across the room.

My heart jumping for joy when I see my final obstacle fighting her own demons while trying to stay awake after a night of running interference against Tokoyami and myself.

The ancient art of having a higher HP and Stamina stat than your adversary, proving powerful once more.

"Yes Nejire Chan. Come to the dark side." I purr in the girl's ear, one of my hands tracing a tingling line up her arm while the other boldly reaches over to stroke Camie's cheek, causing her to blush at the sudden attention. "We have cookies, after all."

"Cooki… mmmmm!" The girl try's questioning, only for the hand caressing Camie's cheek, to move behind the brunette's head and gently but firmly coax the two young women into a sudden kiss.

Surprised squeaks escaping both their lips.

The kiss has Nejire's head turning to one side, exposing her tantalizing neck. Which I capitalize on by gently suckling on the sensitive skin right under her ear.

The self-proclaimed senpai's body melts into our tag team embrace, as her mind grows fuzzy and an invigorating moan leave her mouth, spurring both Camie and me to continue.

Camie's own mind had also become nothing but a hormonal bath of tingly sensations. My fingers scratching against her scalp, cajoling her to flush her own voluptuous body against Nejire's as she deepened the kiss.

"Mnngh…" Nejire whines, as I pull Camie away from their joining. Only for her eyes to widen a moment later when I pull her hormonally delirious brunette friend further into our embrace as I engage her into a kiss of our own.

It was a dangerous game that I was playing.

Although we had spent the entire night dancing away, our bodies grinding against one another, that and this was completely different.

But whether it was the alcohol in our systems, the horny hormones coursing through our bodies, or the badly written plot of a smut scene, we gave in to our baser desires.

"Mmgahh!" Camie moaned into our kiss, the sweet after taste of coca cola still on her lips. One of her hands mimicking the one behind her head as she too threaded her fingers through my hair.

While we lost ourselves in a duel of tongues, Nejire just luxuriated in one of my wandering hands tracing circles against her exposed inner thigh and Camie's other tracing the outline of one of her breasts.

Our kiss ended with a gentle 'mwah', the atmosphere of the room now a pink haze of lust as all three of our inhales and exhales synchronized as we tried to catch our breaths and see who made the next move.

Camie's doe eyes met Nejire's sky blue ones and for a moment I thought the spell had been broken, but before it could get to that point, I took the lead and with negligible effort hoisted them both up from the couch.

They were confused for a moment, slight disappointment flashing through their eyes, only to make way for vexed squawks that morphed into giggles as I hoisted them up, draping each one over my shoulders.

"W-Wait! I think, I think we're skipping a bunch of steps here!" Nejire half-heartedly protested as I started trekking toward the stairs that would lead to the master bedroom.

"Yea! You tots should have ripped our clothes off first, then thrown us over your shoulder, you barbarian!" Camie teased, her vibrant personality resurfacing after being so submissive during our little make out session.

"T-that's not what I meant at all!" Nejire once again protested.

Her argument made less effective by her lack of control when it came to hiding her amused giggles.

"Oh! How kinky Nejire Chan. Then you wanted the big bad lion to bend us over and… MMAAHHH!" Camie tried teasing again emphasizing her point my taking a swat at my lazily swishing tail. Their play-by-play amusing but I could practically feel the lilac haired girl steaming with embarrassment and it was rude to take a swipe at a cat's tail.

So, deciding to return the favor, I delivered a sharp smack against the plump ass covered in a silky black dress I was carrying. The act was enough to get Camie to moan out in mostly shock but hopefully at least a little bit of arousal.

"D-Did you just moan after he slapped your ass!" Nejire whispered loud enough for Camie and me to hear, her words colored with amusement and curiosity. "You, you, Slut! Hahahahaha"

"I-I'll show you who's a slut you blue haired bimbo! You're cappin! You know Damn Well that wasn't a moan." Camie tried arguing, my chest rumbling with laughter as I experienced first-hand the closeness of the relationship the two friends shared. "Just wait until I get my hands on you. I'm going to have you moaning my name by the end of the night!"

"I'm pretty sure that's my line." I finally cut in, my voice a mixture of huskiness and desire as I kick open the door of the master bedroom before throwing both girls on the California king size bed.

"Shit… that was hot." Camie voices, after landing on the soft bed with a light bounce. "Nejire… we're in trouble."

"Gulp." Nejire replies, literally saying the word gulp instead of just doing the action.

Threesomes are a tricky thing.

Give one partner too much attention and the other feels left out. And although neglect play could be fun, it's not something that would usually go over well during a first time with someone.

But choosing who to start with also came with its own set of difficulties. Luckily for me, I had the perfect excuse.

"Well since I already got to see what Camie tastes like, I'd very much like to see what you taste like Nejire." I state with a confident smirk.

Making a show of stalking over to the bed, by slowly unbuttoning my shirt.

Two sets of eyes, one brown and the other blue, hungrily take in the splendor that is my body, as the satin red shirt they had enjoyed running their hands over the whole night, finally gave way to show them what they had been imagining was under it.

"Hellooo, muuuscles." Nejire cutely voiced her inner thoughts, getting a single slow head nod from the girl beside her.

"So, what do you say Nejire. Do you mind if I get a little taste?" I seductively ask.

Letting out a deep pleasant rumble that has the receding blush dusting the girls faces, turning a shade or two darker.

<u>Nejire Chan's POV</u>

'How can he say something so bold, with a straight face?' I can't help but idly wonder as my body heats up from both embarrassment and arousal.

I was way in over my head.

Although I had kissed boys before, which sometimes had led to some heavy petting, I had yet to go all the way with any of them. I wasn't sure if Nate-chan had such intentions, but if the way his sexy brown eyes were taking me in, were any indication, sex was definitely on the table.

In the end, the deciding factor of whether I should kiss the cute boy that had been nothing but fun the whole night, was a not so inconspicuous elbow to the ribs from Camie-chan, that was then followed with a 'what are you waiting for gurl?' look I was very familiar with.

"Well, ummm s-sure. If you really want to, I mean." I end up lamely replying, a nervous stutter making its way into my answer.

And before I can mentally prepare myself, his lips are on mine.

But following his lips, was also one of his hands. A hand that he threaded through my wavy locks, scratching at my scalp in a way that sent pleasant shivers down my spine, through my hardening nipples, and into my rapidly moistening core.

He was a good kisser, his soft lips effortlessly molding themselves to mine, while his tongue teased me into a make out session, I was unprepared for.

I had never been kissed like this before. I guess it was kind of true what they said about Americans, or Texans in this case, they were very bold.

So bold, that Nate-chan wasn't satisfied with just kissing. No, instead this admittedly hot kōhai of mine, decided to straddle me and take my hands in his, placing them on his toned, naked upper body.

I didn't have to be told twice, the alcohol still in my system giving me enough confidence to indulge in feeling his very hard muscles.

<u>Camie's POV</u>

'Fuck that's hot.' My mind helpfully stated the obvious, as my mouth totally did not water as I watched my best friend lose herself in the passion that Nathaniel-San was providing.

I didn't know who I should be more jealous of, Nejire who's mouth was thoroughly being ravaged by the sexy half naked Texan, or Nathaniel-San, who's wandering hands had begun to coax very feminine moans out of the lilac haired girl.

And wasn't that a kick in the mouth. I obvi had always thought Nejire was a highkey beautiful girl, and it was probs the alcohol talking, but I very very much wanted to share another kiss with her.

If I had known, it would feel that good, then I would have tried making out with her ages ago.

"Maaahh… N-Nate-chan." Nejire called out, as Nathaniel-san pulled back from the heated tongue lashing he was giving, only to trail kisses over the girl's body, starting from the corner of her lips and down to the sensitive skin of her neck.

They had only been kissing for a couple of minutes, but as the seconds ticked by, I was starting to feel like a third wheel.

A feeling that I didn't like at all.

<u>Nathaniel's POV</u>

I was taking a gamble with how much attention I was giving Nejire.

Of the two girls, she seemed like the more responsible one, so having her on board with this threesome, felt like the golden cheat code. Of course, if Anime taught me anything, Japanese women could be any type of – Dere - under the sun.

I just had to wait and see what type Camie was.

'As long as she doesn't turn into a Sadodere or a Yandere, then we should be good.' I idly muse to myself as I position my body in a way that has my eyes meeting Camie's observing ones.

The eye contact must have been all the invitation she needed, because within moments she had crawled over to us, taking up position behind Nejire.

"Nejire chan, I think we're being lowkey rude to our host, don't you think?" The brunette sexily whispered in her friend's ear as her hands began running up and down the silky blue dress Nejire was wearing.

"H-Huh?" Nejire voiced out her confusion at the question. My constant attention on her delightfully silky soft neck, enough of a distraction to keep her mind a bit fuzzy.

"Well, we're committing a major party foul. We're both still fully clothed." Camie purrs into the girl's ear, before taking the hem of the light blue dress, that had conveniently already ridden up to her hip, and pulling it up the girl's body. "And he's not."


The Adorable blue-eyed girl squeaks in surprise, yet willingly lifts her arms so her friend can have an easier time in undressing her.

"Mmmmm, no bra but cute panties." I state, as I lean back a bit to get a better view of the almost naked girl.

And gods above did she have a body built for sex.

A flat abdomen, with the slightest hints of muscle, a narrow waist that gave her a wonderful hourglass figure, mile long legs that connected to wide doggy style fuckable hips, her center covered by adorable white panties with a little rose at the top, and a pair of heavies that would definitely be a sight to see as I pounded into her from every angle.

"C-C-CAMmmmmmm…" Nejire whined, turning her head to level a cute puppy pout at her friend, only for her lips to be captured by the brunette who wanted to get in on the fun.

'Ole boy, you still got it.' I brag to myself as I take in the very arousing site.

Shaking my head as they start to get into the kiss.

"And here I thought that getting you two to jump into bed together was going to be a tougher task than this. You two a thing?" I ask, getting up from Nejire's lap and moving around the still kissing duo, so that I'm now behind Camie.

The question seems to jog Nejire out of her dopamine high, because for the first time she's the one to break the kiss.

"A-Actually I've never. I mean… I haven't." The adorable young woman tries to voice out, catching me by surprise as I read through the context clues and conclude that she's a virgin that has never kissed a girl before.

With how smoothly everything had been progressing. I had thought that both would have been at least experienced enough with the opposite sex.

"Oh… but like what about that blonde haired boy you dated?" Camie asked her friend, her eyes a little misty with pleasure but growing equally as surprised at the new bit of information.

"Uh-uh, we umm. We umm kissed a little, but never more." Nejire truthfully replies, too caught up in the moment to be embarrassed about her answer.

"What about you Camie?" I ask, hoping her answer isn't the same since having a threesome is one thing, but having a threesome with two virgins is a tall order even I don't think I can easily take on.

It's important to be humble and know your limits after all.

"Mmmmmm, you know, it's tots rude to ask a lady a question like that." Camie coquettely replies, humming in pleasure as I run my fingers down her exposed back.

Once again, context clues are important, so the kiss she initiates after she replies, is answer enough.

"Then we should probably have a safe word. If things get too intense for either one of you, then just say… Plus Ultra or something." I offer, after indulging in Camie's lips for a couple of moments.

Nejire seemed amenable to the suggestion, but Camie cutely scrunched up her nose at the idea.

"Hahaha, no I'm not saying that. How about…. Yahtzee!" Camie offers instead. "I heard it in a cartoon once."

"Works for me, Nejire?" I consent, throwing the proverbial ball over to the other participating member of our little escapade.

"Aah… I mean… yes. A safe word sounds ok."

"In that case, we should probably get rid of this." I follow up by reaching around Camie and unzipping her out of her midnight black dress.

"God bless this wonderful country that's Japan." I mumble to myself as her dress falls down her smooth pale skin. Pooling at her well defined hips, where she wiggles her body to bring it past her amazingly round ass bereft of any panties, down her thicc legs and past her dainty feet.

Camie was no less beautiful than her friend and it made me wonder if there was something in Japan's water that made its women so hot, or if I just got lucky with bumping into these two.

"So, like, since you've never gone all the way with a boy before. Have you ever seen a penis?" Camie turns to ask her friend as she throws her dress off the bed and next to where Nejire's was.

<u>Nejire's POV</u>

'What kind of question is that!' I mentally scream as my eyes roam over the jiggling tits of my best friend.

"O-Of Course!" I reply, squirming a little bit, hoping she doesn't call me out on my half lie. "I'm not a little kid you know."

"Oh? Then who's did you see?" My devil of a friend follows up.

The succubus being shameless enough to sit in between Nate-chans legs, her naked body pressed up against his bare chest as she takes his hands in hers before showing him just where she wanted to be touched.

"I…I… W-why does that even matter!?" I frantically question, wanting to buy enough time to make up a lie.

After all, I didn't want to let her win by telling her that the only boy thingies I have seen, are the ones in textbooks or the first aid videos we had to watch at Ryu-chan's behest.

"MMMMM… I guess… I guess it doesn't really… Gahhhh… maaaahhh" Camie tried answering, only for Nate-chan to distract her by tracing a finger down her belly and in between her legs.

'I need an adult.' My mind memed, showing me just how much I had already been corrupted by Camie-chan's constant pop culture references.

<u>Camie's POV</u>


"Gahhhh! Nathaniel-san!" I called out, my head lolling backwards as Nate's dexterous fingers teased my wet folds and tweaked my crinkled nipples.

Although not as satisfying as a real cock or a smooth tongue, the Texan was quickly working me up to a satisfying peak. His lips on my neck igniting wanton moans while the occasional rub against my peaking clitoris sent electrified arousal up through my tummy.

"Fucking hell your gorgeous, Camie." He complimented me, his eyes seeking mine before shushing any answer I was about to give with a dominating kiss.

The genuine compliment, his tongue wrapped around my own, and his fingers buried inside my quim where enough to set me off. The feeling only made so much sweeter as I started squirting, realization hitting me like a freight train as I let my eyes open only to see Nejire staring wide eyed at the spectacle.

Her innocent face enough to send me to higher heights of arousal.

'Huh, who knew I liked an audience.' I idly thought.

"Th-that's probably… huff… one of the… best orgasm's I've ever had." I absentmindedly pant, luxuriating in the afterglow of climaxing, my body a puddle of satisfaction as I entrusted all my body weight to Nathaniel-san.

<u>Nejire's POV</u>

'Is that supposed to happen? Did Camie-chan just pee? I… I don't smell any pee." My thoughts raced.

I had only tried masturbating a handful of times, but maybe besides the first time my reaction hadn't been as explosive as Camie's.

"I aim to please." Nate-chan purred in Camie's ear, getting a dopey smile from the girl in return before his eyes turned to me. "But I think we're now being rude to Nejire, so how about I take care of her while you take a second to catch your breath."

My heart began to beat erratically when Camie hummed her acceptance. It only got faster as he gently laid her against some of the pillows on his bed, but when he turned to face me, our safe word was already at the tip of my tongue.

"You still ok with this? No shame in backing out now." Nate-chan asked, his voice a gentle coo that both pacified me and sparked a little indignation within my heart.

'He didn't ask Camie if she was ok with getting a mind-boggling orgasm.' I petulantly pout, my lips unconsciously mimicking my thoughts.

I was aware of how people saw me. My innate curiosity and general carefree attitude made people see me as someone that needs coddling.

Turning my gaze to look at the reassuringly smiling Camie, as she traced her fingers across her smooth body, their combined efforts where enough to spark a little competitiveness within me.

"Of course! I haven't said the safe word, have I? It's ok if you're not as experienced as you wanted us to think. It shows with how often you're second guessing yourself." I let the words fall out of my mouth, relying on my so-called lack of filter to just voice the first things that come to mind.

I didn't know what reaction I expected my words to have, but the seductively predatory grin I got definitely wasn't it.

"Oooooh, There's Nejire Chan! Come on big bad villain. Ravage your innocent senpai!" Camie tacked on, her callback to our earlier conversation dousing my sudden confidence as my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Once again, before I could say the safe word that had popped back up in my mind, Nate-chan was already upon me. His large strong hands gently holding my head in place, as he tipped it up so he could seal his lips against mine.

This kiss was different than our first. Instead of a pleasant tingle that the first one gave me, the way his surprisingly long tongue made its way into my mouth and took what it desired, caused my lady bits to contract with need.

A need I had never felt before.

A need that grew stronger as he began to trail kisses down my neck, across my collarbone, and onto my chest. His destination my little pink nipples, that had hardened in hopes of catching his attention.

"Mgghhaaa… Nate-chan." A breathless sound that I had never made before, escaped my lips as he moved on from nibbling at the slightly darker skin around my pink nipples and instead wrapping the little pink nub with his lips. His tongue flicking at the little crinkled nub, causing my back to arch in need.

My body wanting to feel more of the sensation if the way it lewdly presented itself was any indicator.

"Purrrrrrrrr." The man purred, the vibrations causing the tingling his tongue was producing from my body, to turn into intense jolts of pleasure.

The distinctively feline trait did jog a memory within me, a dopey grin placing itself on my face as I decided to be less passive. One of my hands running up the side of his strong body, before threading itself through his silky soft hair and up to where his golden fluffy ear were.

I don't know if it was my hormone doused mind playing tricks on me, but as I ran my fingers across his ears, and gently scratched the area where they connected to his head, his purrs seemed to change, from an arousing sound to a more satisfied one.

The way he relaxed into me, also helped in relaxing me to his touch.

A touch that continued exploring as his mouth shifted to my other breast, while his hands tickled their way down to my inner thighs. Where he gently massaged the sensitive areas that had me squeezing my legs to get more of the pleasant feeling.

"I like the sounds you make Nejire." Nate-chan sexily whispered after releasing the swollen nipple he had in his mouth. His words giving me a mixture of both pride and embarrassment.

"I… I like the sounds you make too." I reply, earning me a smile from him, for my compliments of his seductively calming purrs.

"Then let me do something for you, that you'll hopefully like a whole lot more." He replies, a cheshire like grin on his face as he returns to peppering my body with kisses.

This time his journey takes him down my tummy, where he spends some time at my belly button, confusing me with how good his tongue feels tickling it. Satisfied with the sounds he made me produce, he continues down my abdomen, where my breath hitches as his chin grazes my panty covered pubic mound.

His eyes flash upwards, giving me a cheeky grin before he continues pampering me with his lips, but this time starting at the top of my thighs going down my smooth legs, all the way to my little toes painted with white nail polish, where he nips at my ankles in a way that has my tummy doing flips, with how provocative he looks.

My leg on his shoulder, his rippling upper body on full display, and a very noticeable bulge in his pants causing my mouth to start watering and my tongue to wet my lips in unknown anticipation.

And with another grin, he starts backtracking, but this time instead of his kisses and nibbles being on the outside of my leg, his ministration is fully focused on the inside of it.

"N-Naaate-chan." I breathlessly whisper, as his face inches ever forward to my most intimate places. "GHAAAAA!" I scream, when his nose nudges against my very wet panties as he nips at the junction between my leg and my pelvis, my body falling backwards onto the bed and my back arching as his lips finally meet my covered center.

<u>Nathaniel's POV</u>

"Mmmm, you smell wonderful Nejire." I compliment, my keen nose filling itself with the heady aroma of a woman in heat. "I can't wait to hear what noises you make when I actually start trying."

My tease fell on deaf ears though, Nejire still luxuriating in her post orgasmic high. An orgasm that took me by surprise in its suddenness but what man would be dissatisfied with making his woman cum with only the tamest of foreplay.

A slight chuckle reverberates in my chest as I look over to Camie who had begun masturbating to our coupling.

"You must have been really strung up, Nejire-chan. He didn't even get to the fun bit." Camie playfully cooed at her friend, her hands lazily playing with her femininity.

"Wha… huh?" Nejire hummed in confusion, her head turning to look at her friend.

Only for her cheeks to glow crimson as her eyes zeroed in on her friend's delicate fingers playing with her wet slit. "C-Camie!" She squeaked.

"Oooh. I think the fun bits about to start." The brunette once again teased, confusing Nejire.

The confusion only lasted a moment though, because soon after, my thumbs had looped around the woman's cute panties. Her head sharply turning to look at what I was doing, as I began pulling them down.

No protest left her lips though, instead she bashfully lifted her hips and then her legs to help me get them off.

"I think I'll be keeping these." I shamelessly admitted, taking a very deep inhale of the moist undergarments, both women gawking at the debauched act. "Unless you don't want me to?"

Although many mutates would swear that their mutations made them no less human than the average person, those of us lucky to share characteristics to the animal kingdom knew a very different truth.

For me, one of those truths was how fucking horny the smell of an aroused woman made me. The primal musk that they exuded as their pheromones bathed the sensory receptors in my nose, sending very hedonistic signals to my brain.

"Ummmm…" Nejire hesitated, her whole-body crimson with equal parts arousal and embarrassment.

"Please Nejire Chan." I cooed, consciously drooping my ears a bit while throwing the panties over to my dresser before rubbing said fluffy ears against her thigh in a very feline manner. "I promise to make it worth it." I then punctuate, making sure my warm exhales waft over her very wet pussy.

"I-I g-guess it's ok." Nejire cutely whispers, covering her face with both her hands, missing the satisfied smile I give her before my tongue greedily licks from her perineum, in-between her lips, and all the way to her clitoris.

Camie's POV

"Maaahhh… NNNoooo… Not their Nate-chan." Nejire mewled, her voice making my body tingle as I brought myself closer to my second orgasm of the night.

I had almost achieved it earlier but the request from Nathaniel-san had made me curse not wearing panties to the rave, distracting me enough to stop flicking my bean for a moment too long.

"Nnnnate-Chan!" Nejire continues, her head turning from left to right, her hands squeezing the silk grey sheets under her, while Nathaniel-san firmly grasped her meaty thighs that where now resting on top his shoulders, as he indulged in Nejire's core.

"Wwwwaaait!" She screamed out, the man showing no mercy as a distinctive purr caused my whole body to tremble with even more need, my fingers a blur as they rubbed my little pearl.

"Nnngghhhhhh…" I tried muffling my moan but as I heard Nejire wail with her own climax that thought perished as my body seized in pleasure.

<u> Nathaniel's POV</u>

It took Nejire a couple moments to come down from the pleasure I gave her. Moments that I spent nuzzled in-between two very warm thighs, my nose periodically brushing against the little tuft of soft lilac hair, in the shape of a heart, right above the woman's winking pussy.

When she finally loosened her legs, that had squeezed my head when she began to cum, I gave her wet quim one last lick before crawling back up her body and stealing a much-deserved kiss.

Her taste still in my mouth as I plundered my second favorite hole of a woman, with my tongue.

Out of the corner of my right eye, I could see Camie periodically twitching from what could only have been a self-induced toe-curling orgasm.

"Do you want me to move you next to your friend, so you get a better view as I fuck her, or do you want to stay here and rest a bit?" I whispered into Nejire's ear after tugging at her lower lip at the end of our kiss.

My bed was large enough that there was plenty of room for the three of us to move around as we pleased.

"I…" Nejire hesitated, turning her head to look at her friend who was in her own nirvana, her eyes closed, and her fingers drenched in her own juices. "I wanna watch."

"Then undress me." I more or less command, remembering Camie's earlier question and wanting to selfishly be the first real penis Nejire ever sees.

"Oh, u-um. Okay." The girl, who had spent the whole night a chatter box, demurely agreed.

Her dainty pale hands worming their way down my body, fumbling at my belt before unbuttoning the button of my slacks. The whole time she was doing this, my eyes stayed on hers and when she had everything undone, I leaned down to capture her lips one last time before rolling off of her and in one smooth motion taking off both my slacks and my boxers.

"Wo…the one in the video wasn't that big?" She murmured to herself, her eyes zeroing in on my fully erect cock.

Her whispers drew Camie's attention, her mouth going slack as she uttered one simple statement. "Fuck, that's going inside of me?"

"Hahaha, I very much hope so." I chuckle in response, her jaw snapping closed when she realized she voiced her inner thoughts. "Now let gets you to a place where you can enjoy the show."

Scooping up the lilac haired girl, into a princes carry, that had her blushing all the way down to her cute little toes, I crawl my way over to where Cammie is laying on a bed of pillows, conscious of my penis rubbing against Nejire's plump ass and the single focused gaze Camie has trained on it.

From there, I made my way over to the brunette girl whose eyes had yet to leave my pulsing cock, placing my body in between her welcoming legs. Legs that she widened for me as my tongue traced a line from the base of her arched knee to the center of her core.

A rumble leaving my chest as I inhaled her distinctively feminine scent.

"I-I don't need f-foreplay. I-I'm good whenever you are." She stated, probably less confidently than she intended to.

"Mmmmm good, because I don't think I've been riled up this much in a very long time." I hummed, moving up her body and stealing her lips. "You better take responsibility." I further tease, after releasing her pouty bottom lip, that I gently had between my teeth.

"I-I'm ready a-and I have an implant, so no condom needed." She consented, her legs unconsciously widening just a bit further for me as I grasped my cock and ran it up and down her slit a couple times.

I never had any intentions of using a condom, at most I was just going to pull out, but hearing that she was a-okay with a cream pie, sure did put a smile on my face.

Making sure to fully lubricate the head of my dick, smearing both my pre-cum and her juices all over it, I lined myself up, put one hand on her curvaceous hip and took what was mine… at least for the night.

<u>Camie's POV</u>

'FUUUUCKKKKK, I wasn't ready.' I internally screamed as the most debauched moan I have ever produced, left my lips when Nathaniel-san plunged his meaty cock into my tight little cunt without any hesitation.

I was wetter than I'd ever been, but I don't know if that was better or worse because one moment, I was yearning for him to fuck me, and the next my body felt fuller than it's ever been.

His cock molding my poor little pussy to fit him just perfectly.

"MMNNGAAAAHHHHHH!" I groaned a couple second later, my folds tightening around his receding member.

My insides yearned for him to stay, and he felt it too if the groans of pleasure that escaped his lips where any indicator.

Fucking hell, his groans were sexy.

I had never had sex on the first date, let alone the first-time meeting someone, but as I looked at his rippling muscles flexing as he pulled out all but the last inch from inside of me, I realized there was never a reality in where I would of said no to him.


All those thoughts left my mind once more though, when his hips slammed into my core, a gurgle leaving my throat as I arched my back for him.

My eyes closing in pleasure.


And again, he repeated the process, but this time quicker than the first. My depths greedily accommodating him as they contracted for him in ways that made me wrap my legs around him, urging him to go faster.


"Faster… please… Fuck me!" I voiced out, my eyes opening for him, so he could see how crazy he was driving me with just a couple simple thrusts of his hips.

"Mmmmm, remember Camie, if I start to get a bit too rough just say one simple word and I'll stop." He hummed, a warning that didn't even register in my addled mind.

"I don't want you to stop. I want you to fuck me until the only thing leaving my lips is your name, just like you promised." I challenged him, confidence filling me as I looked at his lustful gaze, that only became hungrier with every word I said.

<u>Nathaniel's POV </u>

My throat rumbled in satisfaction, from her words.

And seeing that words were no longer necessary, I put my other hand on her hip, driving myself forward as I searched for the perfect rhythm that would bring both of us pleasure.

And gods did it feel good.

Cammie was tight, not enough to make things uncomfortable but instead, her tightness made it so I could feel every silky soft ridge and bump of her velvety depths.

Her warmness a welcoming one as her body produced sounds that made it very clear of what we were doing.

*Squelch* *Squelch* *Squelch*

Her body became a symphony of noises. Each one telling me just how aroused she was. From the grunt and moans she was producing. To the smacks her skin made every time my hips clapped against her thighs.

I hazarded a gaze over to Nejire, curious of what her reaction would be.

What I saw sent a prideful shiver up my spine as the girl observantly watched both of us with growing lust.

"Y-You're wel… Fuck, you feel good Camie…" I tried saying, only to grunt in pleasure when the brunette's pussy wriggled around my cock as I hit a certain spot within her. "You're welcome to join in at any point Nejire."

My offer shocked the girl. Her body jumping when she heard me, her face a permanent blush but the desire I saw flicker threw her eyes left no doubt in my mind that she eventually would, so instead of coaxing her further I focused back on the warm cunt I was hammering away into.

"Don- Don't Stahp!... I think… I think… haaaaghhh!" Camie whined as I focused on that little spot that had made her pussy squeeze me so needily.

Her legs around my body tightening as she did everything in her power to keep me inside of her.

I had to grit my teeth as her warmth nearly had me coming undone. I was wound up pretty tightly, but I'd be dammned if I came only 10mins after starting.

To keep my mind off of the tingle that was starting to build at the tip of my cock, I draped my bodies over Camie, turning her head so I had access to her neck that I began to nip at.

Leaving love bites that would be noticeable tomorrow.

"Dear god that was amazing." Camie grunted, her hands wrapping around my upper body, her fingers mindlessly tracing up and down my back.

"What does it feel like?" Nejire asked, her voice suddenly appearing right beside us.

"Mmmm, like… like a good morning stretch but only a million times better." Camie voiced, as I moved my way down her neck and to her soft tits. "Give Nathaniel-san a moment and… wait… you're still hard? D-Did you even cum?"

The girl asked as my dick twitched inside of her when she wriggled around the bed to better look at her friend.

"Hahaha, sweetheart you feel good, amazing even, but so far, I've been doing all the work. You're going to need to up your game if you want to make me cum." I tease, drawing a shocked expression from the doe eyed girl.

An expression that turned into a sexily determined one.

Camie's POV

'Huh… he thinks I'm a dead fish.' I childishly think to myself, my womanly pride feeling offended at his remark.

"Get on your back. My turn to be on top." I command, determined to have him scream my name instead of the other way around. "Eeeeeeep!"

Only for him to roll us over, our sexes staying joined the entire time as my up becomes down.

It takes me a moment to reorientate myself, the new spots his dick is squeezing against not helping me as gravity forces him to sinks just that much further inside of me.

"T-the girl can be on top too? But in all the movies the girl is always on bottom. What about a blanket, you guys didn't go under a blanket." My adorably innocent older friend confusedly voices.

Her statements making me wonder how much sexual education this senpai of ours really has.

"There's a whole book on what positions a man and a woman can do the devils tango in, Nejire. I'll buy you one for your birthday." Nathaniel-san teases, his adorable brown eyes playfully looking at the girl who smiles at his offer. "But yes, girls can be on top too. It's actually one of my favorite positions, as long as the woman has the stamina to keep up."

'Who the hell does this guy think he is.' I internally scoff. Arching one of my perfectly manicured brows at his obvious taunt.

A taunt that has me wanting to show him just how good I can make him feel.

"Huff… Let's see how long that stupid smirk lasts. You might have made me cum twice already, but by the timeeeeeeeppppp!" I tried getting in the last word, but the second he bucked his hips, my body lurched forward.

"You're talking to much sweetheart." He playfully mocked as he quickly lowered his hips, my pussy acting like a sheath as he easily slid downwards.

I had to use my hands to steady myself on his chest, woefully unprepared for when he possessively gripped my hips before ramming himself upwards once again.

"Gaaaaahhhh! W-Waaaaiitt!" I yelled, as he fucked me in a position that was supposed to have me in control, a control that I had utterly lost as he manipulated my body to satiate himself however he wanted.

His strong hands holding me in a way that would more than likely leave a bruise, my eyes meeting his as he confidently smiled up at me.

'A-Arrogant asshole.' I pettily whined in my head. Helpless to the pleasure he was giving me as I watched how his arms would tense each time he lifted me up only to drive me back down like some kind of onahole. 'C-Come on C-Camie. Get yourself together.'

"I thought she was the one that was supposed to do the work?" Nejire innocently asked as she scooched even closer to us.

Her question shooting an arrow into my heart as my head whipped over to look at her adorable curios gaze. Even as I grunted in pleasure every time Nathaniel-san's hips smacked up against me, I couldn't help the aggrieved feeling of not reciprocating the pleasure.

So, with some effort, I moved my legs to a position that would allow me some type of leverage, the act harder than it sounded since the silk sheets on the bed offered minimal traction.

And with even greater effort, I pried Nathaniel-san's hands off of my hips. My intention being to sexily trap them above his head, but the height difference just caused my tits to dangle in front of his mouth and my hands to slide down to his forearms when I enacted my plan.

Something that he took advantage of as he greedily bit at the closest nipple, taking it into his mouth before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

The next moment he began relentlessly thrusting into my sex.

"Fuuuuhhhhhggggg!" I screamed into his neck as my body betrayed me, too overwhelmed to offer resistance.

<u>Nathaniel's POV </u>

'Fuck, I'm close.' My inner thought voiced as Camie's body wrapped around me.

It was funny how she had tried to take back control, but after I had started thrusting, I realized that it wouldn't take very much for me to finally cum. Call it, manly pride or a competitive nature but I wanted to make the girl lose control before I came undone.

So, with reckless abandon I possessively bit down on the girl's collarbone and pounded into her in a reverse pile driver position.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

"Naaaaaateeee!" Camie bellowed as her pussy continuously contracted around my cock.

Our bodies glistened with exertion, the room filling with the scent of sex that drove me even crazier as my dick hardened just that little bit more. My entire shaft tingling with pleasure that finally exploded when Nejire turned my head and captured my lips in a toe-curling kiss.

My mind hazing over in a searing white pleasure as I released inside Camie's lewd little cunt, warmth flooding through both our bodies.

"I-I don't think I'm up for losing my virginity tonight. B-But if you don't mind… I can… I can use my mouth." Nejire blushed at her admission after breaking our kiss, a little vulnerability coloring her tone as she took in my panting visage.

"Sex is only fun when both parties are willing Nejire." I breathlessly comforted the adorable girl. "I only want to do whatever you're comfortable with."

My reply seemed to be the exact thing that she wanted to hear. Her dazzling smile made even better as she started to push her friend off of me.

Said friend protesting as she groaned from the sudden loss from within her legs. A feeling I empathized with as my breath hitched when my over stimulated crown rubbed against her wetness on its way out.

"But maybe give me a second or two. I'm a little sensitive at the moment." I amended, giving the girl a wry grin that caused her to change course and go back to kissing me instead.

Camie for her part, was still trying to regain her faculties, having passed out for the briefest of moments when she climaxed.

In the meantime, Nejire became bolder and bolder as our kiss deepened. Startling me in the process by running her fingers through my hair and across my ears.

Scratching at the little area she had found to be my one of my weak spot.


Girls loved the ears, but those lucky enough to get into bed with me would quickly find out how much more they loved hearing the sounds that I would reflexively produce when the scratched me in just the right places.

Sounds that some manly men wouldn't be caught dead emitting. But why would I be ashamed that a beautiful naked woman was trying her best to make me feel good?

"I really do like the sounds you make." She punctuated, breaking our kiss to give me a genuinely sweet smile. Her wet little slit finding its way on top of my hardening cock as she straddled me. Her body wiggling in a way that made both of us groan as my shaft spread her lips. "D-Does this feel good?"

"Verrrrry good, Nejirrrre." I moaned, the verbal tick that would occur when I talked while my sensitive feline spots where pampered, acting up.

But again, the tick only further pleased the woman that was doing everything she could think of to make me feel good.

Her body a hypnotic sight as my eyes lidded over in lust. Her magnificent breast swaying with her movements, her hips rolling like a trained belly dancer, and her delicate fingers scratching me with care that few women allowed themselves to show.

Eventually her movements became erratic, her inexperience catching up to her as she doubled over in pleasure. Her instincts driving her to grind against me harder and mash her lips against mine in a very needy way.

"Sorry. I was supposed to be making you feel good." The girl apologized as her body calmed down from the satisfying orgasm.

"Mmmm, keep your promise and we'll call it even." I teased, reaching up to run a finger across her lips in a very suggestive way when she lifted back up off my chest.

My intentions clearly understood as she blushed and decided to nod instead of verbally answer.

"H-hey. Why are you being so gentle with her. She was the one you were supposed to ravage and instead you took it all out on me, ya big brute." Camie whined, apparently more cognizant as she scooched over so she could be closer to me.

"Nejire doesn't want me being rough. Do you Nejire?" I asked the lilac haired girl that was teasingly smiling down at her friend, getting a cute head shake from her in response.

"Huff… whatever." Camie conceded, slightly blushing at the implication I made about her wanting it rough instead.

Chuckling at her cute response, I draped an arm over her body and pulled her in closer to me, so her head could rest on my chest and her soft curves could mold themselves up against me.

"Then as a reward for being such a gentleman, how about I do all the work and you just sit back and relax." The blue-eyed girl sexily suggested.

A jab that Camie fully understood. Her middle finger punctuating how funny she thought the comment was. Nejire didn't mind much, simply sticking her tongue out in return before pumping herself up for what she had offered.

Giving me one final kiss on the lips, she turned around and began crawling down to my dick, giving me a perfect view of her tight ass and her cute pink lips.

"Well, are you just going stare at it or are you going to put it in your mouth." Camie blurted out, earning a pinched nipple from me and a pout from her friend.

"I didn't make mean comments while you became an onahole for Nate-chan, so sush." Nejire reprimanded her friend, causing me to snort at the description she leveled at the brunette.

"Tch… has one threesome and suddenly she becomes an expert." Camie grumbled as she nuzzled further into my embrace her lips kissing at my chest while one of her fingers moved to trace circles around one of my nipples.

A deep breath later and Nejire was finally ready.

But instead of reaching out with her hand as I thought she might, the young woman hesitated no longer and engulfed the head of my penis in one go. Her brilliant blue eyes shooting up to mine so she could gauge my reaction.

"That feels really good Nejire." I vocalized what she wanted to hear, her eyes sparkling at the praise, but before she could further act on what she was doing, I gently gave her directions. "But a little less teeth sweetheart. Your tongue feels amazing though so please use that."

Camie must have realized what I was doing, because she bit down on me, drawing my attention as she fought back a couple of snickers.

I didn't pay her too much attention though, my eyes going back to the brilliant azure ones that were attentive to my every reaction. Reactions that I played up a bit when she followed my suggestion and relaxed her jaw enough to accommodate my girth easier.

"Mmmm, that's it darling." I cooed, running my hand through her hair for encouragement. "Now move your head up and down, like you're sucking on a popsicle, but since you can't bring my cock to you, you need to bob your head to get the same effect."

Nejire nodded at my words, her eyes never leaving mine, even as Camie moaned at the attention I was giving her one of her breasts. Her own hand mimicking mine, as I played with her nipple.

*Gluhk* *Gluhk* *Gluhk*

The enthusiastic girl in between my legs became more adventuress as time went on. Each time her mouth descended on my member, I could feel it going further and further within her warm mouth.

*Gluhk* *Gluhk* *Gluhk*

"Go off queen. Who knew you were a natural cock sucker." Camie teased at her friend.

*Gluhk* *Gluhk* *Gluhk*

But Nejire seemed to be focused on one singular thing. A sentiment that I showed how much I appreciated as my groans of pleasure became less fake and more frequent.

By her own accord the young woman became bolder, her head twisting in different motions as she looked for what patterns drew the loudest noises form me. Her tongue wrapping itself around my crown, causing my hips to buck each time it felt like she was about to release me from her mouth.

The faster she went, the closer I got.

But when my cock began to twitch more frequently, and my eyes struggled to stay open, the woman jerked herself forward, deepthroating me until her lips kissed my pelvis and my cock exploded in her mouth.

"FUCK! Nejireee!" I called out as the hand still on her head, gripped her hair a little tighter, keeping her face pressed up against my base.

Spurt after spurt, the young woman swallowed, wanton moan vibrating my dick, sending waves a pleasure that had me emptying out my balls. "Goddamn you're amazing Nejire."


My compliment signaled the end of my orgasm, but as she slowly pulled her face off of my dick, the pop at the end of our joining had my hips bucking forward with how good that little act felt.

"Ahhhh." Nejire voiced, after sitting up on her haunches. Proudly showing me the cum she hadn't swallowed, sending another jolt of pleasure down my body.

A jolt that intensified when Camie shot up from my embrace and tackled her friend, before smashing her lips against her own. The duo moaning as the brunette did her best to steal the contents of the blue-eyed girl's mouth.

"Fucking hell, I love my life." I smile at the view, as I let the afterglow of a good orgasm wrap itself around my brain.


<b>Author's Note</b>

Good Morning/Afternoon My Dear Readers,

Apologize for going MIA for a bit. Life got complicated the last couple of months. I ended up quitting my stressful corporate job and now I'm stuck in a limbo of whether or not I should look for another big boy job or give the man a big fuck you and try to do my own thing.

We'll see where life takes me but in the mean time I want to keep writing. I've found myself wanting to be more creative after being stuck in a cubicle 8.5 hours everyday. Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you, we all have to pay the bills but I just want to find a more fun way of doing that.

With that being said, like I stated in chapter 1, I don't plan on sticking any of my fan fiction behind a pay wall because I don't trust myself to be consistent enough with any type of schedule. Instead, I have an eBay shop and now a Depop shop where you can go and buy Vintage Clothing/Items if you so feel inclined to get some new drip.

Anyways, I'm back MOFOs so stay tuned for upcoming chapters. Hopefully you enjoy the smut, I had fun shifting from point of views and hopefully the call out of POV's wasn't distracting in the emersion of the story. Let me know what you guys think and please leave some reviews!


Lord Otaku


Ebay Store Link - eBay.com/usr/holy_grail_vintage (Or just type in holy_grail_vintage in eBay)

Depop - @holygrailvintage