5 Chapter 5: Under fire in World War II

Gabriel was on his way back to the past to save the black knight this time, the young woman with the Béret told him on the head. He should be called Clint Blackham, where he was also a commander of a British ship. Allegedly, he should have an aggressive behavior. Again came after this brief but informative information the end. From above, Gabriel fell on a hard steel floor when he suddenly heard shots. Through the sounds he heard a strong beeping in his ear. Slowly he got up, in which he covered his ears. He looked around him, turning right along the small path. Lights were shining on him from above. It seemed to him that the way knows no end. Suddenly the steel-hard floor shook. A lot of water entered. Gabriel, who almost fell over several times, saw the water on the ground. Gabriel quickly ran straight ahead, only hearing the splash of water. It seemed to him that there was no exit. With despair, he continued to search. Into the distance he saw a ladder that went upright. The water rose even higher every second. Now the water reached to the foot. He hurried up the ladder. When he arrived he discovered a sailor? The sailor saw that Gabriel wore a sword, but he still had the feeling that Gabriel would not attack. With his sure gut feeling, he decided, "I'll take her to the captain." He tied Gabriel's hands together with a piece of rope, saying that it was a duty. After closing the lid of the lower floor as the water entered, they marched from one floor to the other. Whenever they had to run up a ladder, Gabriel was the first to go up the ladder so that the sailor had him in sight. One heard either the shots or a shaking of the ship. In front of a door that was on the top floor, however, they stopped. The sailor entered before Gabriel could enter. The thick, standing door was opened by the sailor who accompanied him. Both heard a young, serious but also deliberately full voice that was heard from a chair that was in the middle. One of the sailors at the front said to the commander that Admiral Hipper was on fire, but Blücher was another German heavy cruiser undefeated. Further orders were issued by Clint: "Fire with HE guarantor at the firing ship. Then fire on Blücher. The cruiser Admiral Hipper lost the same speed. With more than three shots per several minutes, the cruiser sank. Nevertheless, it was still no win, because of the counterpart sinking Hipper was also the Blücher. With secondary guns, which were then built small weapons on the side, shot the British on the Germans. Also torpedoes fired at the same time. "Sir! Deck one, three and five have suffered severe damage, "said another. "Three guns can be difficult," said another. Many of the fired torpedoes hit the ship, so they had several holes in the hull. After the guns on the visible deck were ready to fire, they were hit with AP grenades. In the clear distinction that the HE - grenades were high explosive, on the other hand, the AP ammunition were rather spiky to hit a hole in the ship. The first ammunition hit the water, but then one hit the command center and the ship stopped. The last shot could still fire before Blücher sank.

The commander wondered if he would give up on the third gun, but then he decided not to give up, leaving him no time for Gabriel to wait for him. Of course, he fully understood the situation that he had no time for him. On a wheel of a sergeant he received new coming German ships. There was a total of seven ships. Three battleships with their heavy weaponry. Two destroyers, which are insanely fast and last but not least cruisers, which resembled the destroyer. "Hard control board!" Commanded the commander. The ship turned to the right. The captain's plan was to attack the enemy from behind. Through a telescope, an officer inquired how far his enemies were when he said, "Sir! The enemy is a thousand six hundred yards away. "Only with a" good "did the commander emphasize. The clouds obscured the sun's rays coming from the sun. The sea shone, in which the warships swam around. Suddenly an alarm went off. "Damage report," the captain wanted to know. "More decks are flooded. Deck two, four, eight, nine, ten are flooded. "With one serious voice, he said only," Red alert. "Deck six, seven, and eleven were shut off by the water. All Lamps on the ship went red to see the danger. Added to this was the corporal with his bad news. "Sir! German submarine in sight. He is firing all torpedoes at us right now. Gabriel, who had no idea what was happening, thought he knew they were nearing death. Due to the miserable positions, Clint also ordered every torpedo after he said the coordinates out loud. "Sir! We sink to the ground. Almost all of the decks are filled with water and the engine is slowing down, "he said sincerely to the commander. The coming torpedoes hit deck one to three and the opposing torpedoes hit the small propeller as they tried to turn. Thus, the submarine problem was solved. After several minutes came the all-clear that the German submarine was sunk. But the joy did not last long, as then the NCO reported again: "All ship of the Nazis change course to us." With all that they had fired on the coming enemy, who were less than seven hundred meters away. Although they were now swimming back slowly, being targeted by the enemy, these ammunitions failed. Only one shot could be enough to lower the ship. Out of the sky someone shot at Captain Clint Blackham's ship. From a small window on the side, one could clearly see a white painted ship firing with everything she had. They had no chance to win, but Clint refused to give the order to flee. "Damn," he cursed, seeing that he wanted to destroy something. He did not want to give up. A sudden radio message could be the salvation for the crew. A young voice, which had spoken loudly, came from the loudspeaker, which rang out from the chair. «HMS Anso to the HMS Prince of Wales. Please answer! "Clint began to speak impudently." Catherine, here you are. What took so long? "But instead of answering his question, she asked him what was going on with his ship, that he was sinking. "He had a dropout," said the ship's commander of the Prince of Wales. Then she said in a serious voice that she was helping him, but he owes her something. With arrogance he replied: "Of course I'll buy you something if you have no money!" Since then the radio was quiet. Still the white painted ship shot at the Prince of Wales. "Ten ships are on our course. Only when he himself ran to the radar, he ordered the immediate evacuation.

Gabriel, who looked at the captain, noticed that he wore a green uniform. His dark, long, black hair falls down. His eyes, as well as his pointed nose, seemed terrifying to Gabriel, his eyes red. He also wore a black glove. The visible guns were already in the water, so the crew slammed the narrow windows so they could jump out, but unfortunately, they were too small. Now they had to use the doors, but everyone was aware that they might be able to get some water in. With courage, a sailor opened the door, when he was surprised by the water that came in. All men swam in the water, which rose more and more. All dipped in salt water. It itched in the eyes when they opened their eyes. Through the door you could be trapped by ropes that got stuck, become and die. When they all came to the surface, they saw HMS Anso standing on the Catherine with a telescope on the visible deck. Gabriel, who came to the surface last, anxiously searched for the captain of the sunken ship. Unfortunately, he did not see him on the surface, so he had to dive again. As he did so, he found the captain in ropes trying to break away. Gabriel could open the first button that was around his foot. The second, which was wrapped around his legs, Gabriel needed for a very long time, because he did not know where the rope had gotten involved. Clint could not stop, so he gave up. Air bubbles popped out of his mouth. He hurriedly pulled the rope to him, but though he thought the rope was nowhere fastened, he was wrong. You could not just pull the rope, because when Gabriel did that, the rest of the rope narrowed to Clint's body. After another solution the blue knight looked for, when he realized that he only had the rope, that he had to pull his foot away. With all his effort he pulled on his foot, and now his shoe was the problem. Not too much air in his mouth, he took off his shoes. After that, this was solved. The air he had, he could no longer hold, so he also formed air bubbles in the water. When Gabriel came to the surface with him and saw the ship's commander she was immediately relieved. While the Anso came to the rescue, they protected the other nine ship around them, but unfortunately the white painted ship had disappeared. Nevertheless, the Germans were still there. Again, and again the water shook with shots. The blue knight drew the unconscious to Anso, whereupon the commander, who looked down from above, threw a wide long board into the water. With two ropes attached to the side, strong men pulled the unconscious out of the water after Gabriel lay him on the board. While the commander looked down from above, she also saw Gabriel. She wondered who he was because he wore neither the sailor's uniform nor the officer's uniform. No time for questions, the woman ordered the doctors who ran to her: "Go fast! Hurry up! "Pressured by the doctors who were advancing from their superiors to the pill. You also had to understand that she cared for her friend, because she had known since childhood. Gabriel, who was still in the water, found a wooden ladder on the fuselage to get up. Gabriel certainly climbed up. Up on the deck he got a blue blanket from a sailor standing there. He could wrap himself around that. Relaxed he ran through the upper deck on the many young but also older men who served on the old ship were there. When the friend was treated by the commander, he looked around the crowd, because she was looking for the black-haired boy, because her friend had saved. When he looked back, however, the commander saw Gabriel. Both eyes were startled when they saw each other's faces. In a hurry, she ran to him. Gabriel stood there wondering if he should wait or flee. However, he found that if he escaped, he would only attract more attention, which he did not want. So he decided to wait for her. The young woman had a typical white captain cap. From the front you could see two golden wings and an anchor. Her black hair was hidden under the white captain's cap. Her oval face had brown eyes, a round nose and a red mouth that she had made up with a lipstick. Her uniform was also sewn in white with golden branches. In addition, she wore a brown coat in this cold day. She also had white gloves that suited her. With his right hand he held his sword ready in case he should attack her. She knew exactly what to do because she saw the sword clearly. Even a word could kill her. First of all, she thanked him for pulling her boyfriend out of the water. Next, she then took off her right, white glove to greet him in a friendly manner. He took his hand from his sword so he could shake her hand. He noticed, as he looked at her, that she resembled the mysterious woman with the Béret. But he must not forget that she just resembled her. At first, she introduced herself before Gabriel introduced himself. Next, the black-haired woman asked where he came from. "A distant future," he tells her, but she did not believe him. In order to be able to continue the conversation, whatever she wanted, she asked herself what she could offer him for compensation. After a while, she remembered something she asked, "Do you have accommodation?" His head swayed from right to left. She then shut him up when suddenly the ship shook again. With Gabriel, she ran into the command center after climbing a ladder in a room. As the first to arrive at the top, her deputy gave a report. Her replacement was the seventeen-year-old Stanels Tuttigton. She wore a white period officer hat that resembled that of Catherine. Lieutenant Tuttigton's hair was under her hat. Her eyes were blue, her nose too round. The uniform of the Deputy Commander was red. A white shirt, with a black tie, she wore under her red uniform. With her, the golden industry was smaller than with Catherine. Behind her stood the Gabriel. "Hull hit," shouted one, "All torpedoes firing," she ordered. The next order, as she gave, went to her representative, who is to bring the injured persons down to safety. After turning, she spotted Gabriel. She also greeted the young man with a handshake, introducing herself. After that she left immediately. Below, where the guns were, the lieutenant gave further orders for the safety of the sailors and officers. All who could still run a little, fled. All the sailors helped those who were unconscious to transport. Catherine did not have an easy time at the command center because she was in charge of ten ships. Two of them are in fire. advised, but could continue to attack the enemy. The Anso was shaken because of the torpedo shots of a German submarine. Catherine's attack method was not beneficial. So she waited for the next attack of the boat. Several minutes passed. All quiet until again torpedoes came from the east-west. This action had its consequences, because it gave them a hole in the fuselage. East and west they fired their torpedoes after the ship spun, because she had the guess that they were there. In fact, they hit the submarine. "Well then," Catherine said abruptly as she decided to support other ships. Still in the flames were a few ships. The nine ships sank some German ships before they fled, knowing they had no chance. Although Germany was strong in the war, it was unable to win in this battle. The battle was over, but enemies suffered great damage. Most were holes in the hull of the British. In the German ship mostly, the guns were damaged. The two burning ships lead slower, because they also had big problems with the engine. The enemy of the British also lost two ships. The engineers repaired the engines of the ships during the return journey. Heavily injured men were cared for. Most of them were in cabins because they did not have enough seats on the ship. Catherine, who had fought the battle, was totally happy that the enemy had withdrawn, because she believed that the whole fleet had sunk. She also helped the injured in the cabins. Gabriel, who was once on a ship, stood in front and enjoyed the sound of the water. Arriving in Edinburgh, all the wounded were immediately removed from the ship when the ship was tied down. In several ambulances they were hospitalized. After all were gone, Catherine had yet to control everything. From the control center, Catherine could see him looking out to the water. After that, she ran down to him. "What's going on?" She asked him. In his mind, he told her he wondered where the white-colored ship was. The commander asked herself what he was talking about because she was not a white ship at all. To stop cheating on him, she called him, "Let's go." Gabriel turned. With her he ran along the footbridge. With great astonishment, he looked at the old-fashioned houses that were next to the street. Gabriel had the feeling that the houses were almost collapsing. The jetty ended near a road, so they ran on the street. Catherine took out her keys in the middle of the street. In the next few minutes she stopped next to a yellow house, where she then put her key in it. Twice to the left, she turned her key as the door opened. When entering the corridor. She led him to the kitchen. There she asked him to drink a coke. "What's a coke?" He asked. "It's a good, refreshing drink," she insisted sincerely. She gave him an open can. He drank the drink. Later he took more. Meanwhile, Catherine took a big dark beer out of the fridge. "What's that?" Gabriel asked again. "Alcohol," she replied to him. Next she asked him if he would take a sip. Since he was already trying cola, he now believed that the drink with alcohol was a similar drink, but he was wrong when he took a sip. It was burning like crazy in his mouth. Only a loud moan sounded before he stood up, ran to the lavabo and spit the Irish beer called Guinness into the lavabo. Catherine stood by, drinking the drink with pleasure. "What a waste," she said. By taking the alcohol, she became red in the face. Again, and again she talked a confused, incomprehensible stuff. She also had a little hiccup. Gabriel, who was too tired to look, asked Catherine where his room was. "Top right. Second room on the right, "she explained. With difficulty he was able to go up into the room, fell on bed, falling asleep a short time later. Commander Anso was happy about her victory with another beer. "Cesars!" She yelled in the air. After this beer she was full of drunk but exhausted. She also ran upstairs, but instead of going to her room, she confused her room that the room was after the room where Gabriel slept with whom he slept now. In his room she stood on the carpet. On the sides were clothes barriers. Most drawers were empty. Gabriel was on the left side to the window. The bustling commander took off her white trousers and black socks. She then crept into bed, then covered herself with the blanket with Gabriel's covering. She too lay on the left side to the window.

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