
Flashback (33)

Dream start

Aaron open his eyes before he seemed to be surrounded by an intense fire around him.

The body we're seen lying left in right, the whole place seems decorated.

Strange beings were seen dead all over the floor, they seemed all to look human but they didn't feel like humans.

Their technology seemed to be pretty advanced and the figure of what seemed to be a 15-year-old Aaron was seen looking around the scene looking bloody.

"I did it...I beat them"Aaron's voice said upon looking at the dead body of the giant figure on the floor.

He had done it.

Aaron then limped toward one of the bases where he hoped he would receive help but instead of getting the care he needed or being praised for what he had done.

All he saw in their eyes was hatred...they hated him even though he did all of this for them.

"Leave it alone you freak"

"Where is my family you monster"

"Why didn't you do it sooner"

"I knew letting an outsider on our planet was a bad idea"

"Mom why are people mad at him"A child's voice said looking at him.

"He is a monster so stay away from him, "The mother said looking scared as its eyes landed on Aaron.

Stone, dirt, sticks, and even fire were thrown in his direction, and the people's hatred for him was visible in their eyes.

They didn't like him at all, the small body of the 15-year-old child just froze.

He had saved them....why...

His eyes landed on a girl with white and black hair.

(not my art)

"Nady thank Abi You alright," Aaron said taking a step toward her but she stepped back and cowered in fear, hiding behind someone's.

Once Aaron's eyes landed on who it was his expression dropped...so this was what was happening....he risked his life to save this planet that was guaranteed to die just for those people to throw him to the side when he was done...

When will this stop?.this isn't even the first time?..when will someone actually look at him like a person and stop treating him like a monster...

He thought she loved him but she indeed did not...he didn't even care about anyone and didn't spend a bunch of time looking at them before saying.

"Let's skip all the monologue and all the she is now my girl talk Spencer and just end this already...I have shit to do"

Spencer smiled before alllying everyone currently in the mod before they all sent weird energy toward him.

It hurt like crazy...his body felt like it was on fire its soul felt like it was being destroyed. Flame swallowed him and all he felt was pain...

Dream end

Aaron opened his eyes in a cold sweat, he just had a bad dream...

Why the hell was he reminded of all those bad memories...

His hands were visibly shaking and his body seemed to have tensed up a bit.

He was shaking, he could feel the pain in his body and it was the worst thing he has experience yet.

As that thought flooded his mind, someone announced that there was an area affected by Jamato.

Guess the game continues, his mental health may not be all there but who cares about that...certainly not him.

Aaron listened to the robotic voice before saying yes and as soon as those words left his mouth a powder appeared in his hands.

Now he had to do was to test it.

Time skip.

As Aaron entered the Area his hands still shaking a bit he suddenly realize something.

His clothes had changed, and he now looked like a samurai.

"Dam I look nice," He said starting at his new dress he sure looked nice in it.

Suddenly a bunch of Jamato appeared surrounding him, they all sought to be wearing what seemed to be ninja costumes.

Aaron shook his head, his tone mocking, "Ninja costumes, really? If you think dressing like that makes you sneaky, you've got some serious brain damage. Whoever came up with this plan clearly didn't think it through. You're just making yourselves look suspicious!"

Somewhere else Beroba was seen looking rather pissed at what Aaron was saying how dare he say she has brain damage.

Meanwhile on the field

As Aaron fought the Jamato, he couldn't resist making fun of their lack of skills. Between his strikes and dodges, he taunted them, "Is this the best you've got? I've seen toddlers with more coordination! You must be the C-team, huh? Or did they just grab you guys from a daycare center?"

His words seemed to infuriate the Jamato, making them lose focus as they swung their weapons haphazardly, allowing Aaron to easily dodge and counter their attacks.

"Dam y'all truly are babies out here throwing temper tantrums like this" Aaron said smiling.

A/N early chapter as I wrote like 10 chapter over night yesterday

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