

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantaisie
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132 Chs

Increased Strength

"Brother Asura, your speed of cultivation is not under me. Why was your speed only average before?" Kallu asked with astonishment.

"How do I know?" Asura replied. He then added, "Maybe it's due to my hidden strength awakening at that time, which increased my cultivation talent."

"That sounds reasonable," Kallu said. They both had become initial rank five spiritual realm masters. It had been a little over a month since they defeated the Crimson Cobra Syndicate. Their growth was truly remarkable.

"How about me?" they heard a voice. However, they weren't surprised because they recognized the voice, that gentle voice belonged to Su Lin. As Su Lin approached and released her aura, they were dumbfounded. She was now at the sixth stage of the spiritual realm, but what was even more important was that her cultivation level was stable. This meant she hadn't recently broken through like them.

Although they had broken through yesterday, judging from Su Lin's aura, she must have broken through five days from now. When Su Lin noticed their shocked expressions, she felt satisfied and said, "You guys don't have to guess, I broke through four days ago."

Hearing this, they relaxed a bit. They had also guessed that she had broken through a few days ago, but it still surprised them because her speed was even faster than theirs.

Kallu's eyes lit up and he asked Su Lin, "Do you want to spar?". Su Lin agreed.

Asura watched the sparring match between Kallu and Su Lin, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed their movements. Despite his own recent breakthrough and impressive cultivation speed, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy towards Su Lin's continuous progress. He knew that envy was a negative emotion, one that could hinder his own growth, so he pushed it aside and focused on the fight.

Su Lin's movements were fluid and precise, a testament to her newfound strength and stability after her recent breakthrough. Kallu, though skilled, was clearly struggling to keep up. As the spar continued, Asura could see Kallu's determination intensify, his competitive spirit driving him to give his all.

The clash between their energies created a small whirlwind, leaves and dust swirling around them. Su Lin's attacks were a mix of grace and power, while Kallu's style was more aggressive and unpredictable. Despite Kallu's best efforts, Su Lin's experience and enhanced abilities allowed her to anticipate his moves and respond with counterattacks that left him no room to breathe.

Eventually, Kallu conceded defeat, panting and sweaty, but a determined glint in his eyes. Su Lin extended a hand to help him up, a warm smile on her face. "You're getting better, Kallu," she said, her tone encouraging. "Keep pushing yourself, and you'll catch up in no time."

Their matches ended within five minutes, and Kallu lost the spar. He had thought that after breaking through so quickly, Su Lin's battle power might have decreased. However, her battle power remained the same, if not increased. This indicated that her breakthrough was natural and not forced. This saddened Kallu. There was a time when their talents were on par, but recently, Su Lin's talent had been increasing dramatically, while he was also trying his best but still falling a bit behind her.

Asura could see the mixed emotions on Kallu's face — a mixture of frustration, admiration, and the desire to improve. It was a complex cocktail of feelings that often accompanied the journey of self-discovery and growth.

Asura approached them, clapping Kallu on the shoulder. "Don't let this get you down," he said, his voice earnest. "Remember, we're all on our own paths. Su Lin's progress is her own, and so is yours."

Kallu nodded, a determined look replacing the momentary disappointment on his face. "You're right, Asura. I won't give up. I'll work harder and reach new heights."

Su Lin smiled, her eyes sparkling with camaraderie. "That's the spirit, Kallu! We're a team, and we're here to support each other." Then she turned her gaze to Asura and asked, "Do you want to spar too?"

Asura replied, "No, thanks. When you two are sparring, I analyze my chances against you and they're pretty much zero percent. So, I don't spar with you. Maybe if I reach your level or manage to tap into my hidden strength again, I might have a shot."

Su Lin felt a twinge of disappointment upon hearing this, but she didn't let it show on her face. She had been eager to spar with Asura. It had been a while since they had sparred, especially after meeting Princess Moon. Su Lin had been spending more time with the princess, and she hadn't had many opportunities to spend time alone with Asura.

Despite her disappointment, Su Lin understood Asura's perspective. She knew he was being realistic about their current differences in strength. With a smile, she said, "Well, I'll be waiting for that day then, Asura. Until then, we'll keep pushing each other to become even stronger."

Kallu chimed in, his determination was evident. "And one day, I'll give you both a run for your money too!"

The trio shared a laugh, the camaraderie among them stronger than ever. As they stood there, looking towards the horizon, they knew that their individual journeys were unique but intertwined. Each step they took was a step toward their goals, and every challenge they faced was an opportunity to grow, both individually and as a team.

Then, Su Lin interrupted their laughter, her tone turning serious. "You both, listen. I have something important to inform you."

They both grew serious, waiting for Su Lin to continue. She began by asking "You know Lina, right?"

They replied in unison, "We know. She's your new good friend, if not your best friend."

Su Lin nodded and then said with a serious tone, "Yes, that Lina. She's not a normal cultivator." After a brief pause, she finally revealed, "Actually, she is Princess Moon."

Both Asura and Kallu were taken aback, their surprise evident. Kallu exclaimed, "Are you kidding? She's nowhere near comparable to Fairy Princess Moon."

Su Lin's expression remained serious as she replied, "Believe it or not, that's her true identity. You couldn't guess her real identity because her disguise was perfect. If she hadn't told me herself, I wouldn't have been able to uncover it until now."

Observing Kallu's expression, Su Lin could tell that Kallu had a crush on Princess Moon, just like Asura had. The difference was that Asura's crush on Princess Moon had ignited when she saved him, while Kallu's crush seemed more like a fan's infatuation with their idol.

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