

Can you keep up Margret?

I am trying my best, Sam. My imaginary com... arhg argh.

Switch to the exponential form, it will be essier for you to lift yourself up.

Got it, done!

Damn that was fast!!!

We need to get back to line before Pi ans Phi notice our absence.

Yeah but the others.....

I guess everybody saw the chance too!

Come on, let's get out of here.


Some where, I don't know!

but you realize that we are only allowed to live in the critical strip!

I hate this already...

We are primes, we are supppsed to live like Gods in this universe. In fact we are the Gods of cryptography!

Well it seems that we are loosing our value since Reimann's Hypothesis.

Don't say that, the hypothesis is not proven yet.

Well... Computers haven't denied it either...

But rememeber that we are m3ant to be one. That is the only asumption they have about us.

Of course, of course that is the magic of prime numbers....

Alright it seems that Pi and Phi haven't come here yet. Glad we got back before their arrival.

Yeah but if the others don't come back to their places they will be vanished and replaced by others.

Yeah, but don't worry everyone would make before Pi's ans Phi's come back.

How do you know?!

Well.... suppose I have been watchinv their preformance all tgese past years... See they are coming, let's fall back to our places.

Chapitre suivant