


I was so tired of the ceremony. This something I wasn't even prepared for and yet I had to do it for some peace sake. This was all my mother's fault.

Although the wife that was brought to me was beautiful but what is the essence of being beautiful when she is a witch. I hate to deal with those funny beings.

I had made myself clear to her at the wedding that I wasn't going to accept her as my Luna. I know I was harsh on the poor girl but it was none of my business.

They had gone ti prepare a place for the bride. I had told my Beta that he should take the witch to my room and I'm sure he wouldn't dare to disobey me.

"Alpha, it's time for you to go perform your rights on your wife" one of the elders said in a loud voice.

What he said got me so embarrassed that I had to cough. Everyone in the room was laughing at me.

"Why will I leave you here. I'll go when the party is over" I said.

I was trying to avoid anything that has to do with this so called wife.

"No Alpha, you can't stay till the party is over. You have to complete you mating ceremony" the elder said.

Everyone in the room agreed with him.

"Alpha, don't tell me you are scared" the elder said in mockery.

" I'm not scared" I snapped.

Now I knew that I didn't have a choice. I looked at my Beta and his look said the same. So I reluctantly stood up and went to my room. Getting to my room, I heard voices and I looked at my Beta.

He moved back seeing the kind of look I gave him. He knew that I hated it when anyone enters my room without my permission.

"What did I tell you?" I asked in a gruff voice.

" Alpha, it's your mother. She wouldn't listen to me" he replied quickly.

I glared at him for a while but then I could hold him responsible because I know how my mother can be. Even I, I can't tame her. I just looked back at the door and opened it.

The witch that was brought to me and my mother was seated on my bed talking. I could see that the witch was crying already but I never cared.

The more annoying thing is that, her luggages were all over my room, including our wedding gifts. I hate places that are too clustered.

"What is she doing in my room!" I asked in a firm voice.

The last thing I want is that witch sleeping beside me. I looked at her and she looked at me. All I wanted to do right now is throw her outside.

"She's your newly wedded wife Longwei. She would be in your room" my mother said to me sternly.

I could see the angry glare she was giving me but I already told her what I wanted before now.

" Point of correction mother. You are the one who wanted her I never did. So she's your wife not mine" I said blankly.

I didn't mind if my words would hurt my mother or anyone because after all, they never told me about the wedding in the first instance.

My mother stood up and came to me. She then dragged me outside. She kept on pulling me until we got to her room.

"What the hell is wrong with you Longwei? I thought you already agreed on this?" she asked with an unhappy look.

" I didn't agree on anything" I said firmly.

My mother touched her head like she's caught an head ache. Then she looked up at me.

"Longwei, her people are still out there and if they sense anything unusual, do you think your sacrifice will be worth it?" She asked.

" I can take anything mother but I can't accept sharing a room with her. Remember you forced me into marriage."

My face was with a frown when I remembered that I accepted this ridiculous marriage. I didn't even know why I got myself into this rubbish.

"Can't you just endure a little? Can't you. By tomorrow, her family will be gone. Then you can change rooms with her. But if you make them know that you don't want her, how then will you be able to convince them?" She said.

I didn't say anything to what she said. I can't imagine spending a nice with a witch beside me. I would definitely have sleepless night. I didn't even know what there plan is for them to want to give me their daughter. I don't trust those people.

"Please my son. You can change rooms later" my mother pleaded.

" Fine just for tonight" I agreed and then walked away from her room.

By the time I get back to my room, all her luggages were already pulled to a corner. That was one relief. When she saw me, she quickly stood up. She wasn't even sitting on my bed like before, she was sitting on the chair beside the fire place. My Beta was there with her.

"I'll let you stay here just for tonight but first thing tomorrow morning, you things must be out of here" I said to her.

She didn't say anything aside to nod.

I then looked at my Beta.

"Make sure you get all her things out o her when everyone is asleep. Seeing it here annoys me" I ordered.

" Yes Alpha" my Beta replied.

The girl just sat there looking at her hands. I then walked to the bathroom to go get dressed for the night.

By the time I came back, her things were already packed out of my room and I was satisfied. She was sitting on the chair looking at my every movement.

I would have slept naked if I didn't have someone's preying eyes following me all about. I didn't even care how she was going to sleep. If she likes, she should sleep while standing. I just went to my bed and lie down.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but sleep wouldn't come. How would I? When I gave a small eyes following me all around the house and worse, she is a witch.

So all the event if today played in my head and I was lost in it. My life has taken another unwanted turn. I'm married all of a sudden.

After a while I decided to check on the woman that was brought to my room and I discovered that she wasn't sleeping also. She was just looking at my direction. So when I look at her, our eyes met.

"The most annoying thing about you is that, you don't know more than to look at me" I said in a very harsh voice.

She quickly look down to her fingers.

"I'm sorry" she said.

After that, I laid down to sleep again hoping that the sleep will come for real now.


My life has just being ruined in the name of them signing one stupid treaty. I don't know why I have to be the one to sacrifice myself.

Now the so called husband is treating me like I'm some sort of disturbance to his life. I can't imagine that I would be treated this way in my life.

I can't even look at what I want again.

How wicked he was, he didn't even offer me a less backbreaking sleep.

I wasn't expecting him to offer me his bed. At least, if he had given me a blanket and a cover to sleep in the floor, it would have been better than me folding myself on this chair. If not for the fire that was hearing me, I would have been in a worse situation.

I would have willingly laid on the ground but then I didn't know if he wanted me to. I don't want to get shouted at this night. I'm too tired for it. So I stayed where I was.

I tried not to sleep but my tiredness overcame me and I dozed of, having series of bad nightmare all through.