
Chapter One

"So, where are we going, anyway?"

I couldn't help but be curious since I preferred to know what I was doing and where I was going at all times.

"I figured we could drive over to the new territory and look around town. You know that's what we always do Kendra."

She's right, it is what we always do.

"Can we go shopping for dresses while we're in town?"

While I had to wear smaller clothes, I didn't have to sacrifice style. Tiara was always willing to shrink clothes down to my size so I could wear them. It was much better than wearing clothes that were originally made to be for elfin people and, as such, Tiara and I tended to have nicer clothes and shopped a lot.

"That sounds fine, but remember we have to go shopping for groceries as well. The alpha has a house set up and a mini-fridge set nearby, but we have to take care of the food since they don't know what we want."

I nod and then sit back, playing plants vs. zombies on my iPod.

It's a good hour before we finally arrive in the new territory. We were in Darkshire territory and the place was fairly dark looking. There were so many trees that most of the sunlight was blocked out and the dirt and grass seemed richer and darker in color. There was barely any color to brighten up the forest with the scarcity of flowers, berries, or any other naturally colorful plants.

It's a good thing I wasn't going to be outside much. It's actually kind of funny how much I usually love being outside and yet I don't get to travel outside very much. If I had to be around such murky, dark forest that has no color, though, then you can count me out. I love color and cherish having brightly colored things. Plus, since I was a princess, I was able to have a ton of colorful items to decorate my room with and a variation of vibrantly colored clothes.

"We're here! North-point Mall, the perfect place to shop for dresses. Get out your credit card Kendra and get ready to shop until you drop!"

As dramatic as the saying was we did tend to shop for hours on end and wound up exhausted by the end of it all. I grabbed my purse and ran after Tiara who was already making her way towards the mall. That girl loved to shop so she was obviously as excited to check out the new mall as I was.

We decided to go to Victoria Secret first. Maybe neither of us have met our mates yet, but lingerie was still nice and who knows when we'll need it. Plus, who doesn't need more fancy perfumes and lotions? We easily spend the next hour sorting through lingerie and then another hour searching through the bath things.

We bought tons of lingerie and undergarments as well as bath products. One of them was strawberry scented and the other was hazelnut scented. All of them were mini-sized and everything but the perfume either had pumps or I bought pumps for them. I needed to be able to use them and pumps were the easiest to use.

Since we left at one in the morning and arrived at three in the morning, it was only five in the morning. It might seem odd that the mall is open so late, but that's because Darkshire is full of werewolves and only the supernatural lived here. Since werewolves were often awake and up and about at odd hours, and often times at night since their wolves enjoy basking in the moonlight, some stores were open at night. Some were at normal daylight hours, but about half were open late at night. The food court and movie theater was open at normal times since most of the people were still only awake in the daytime.

Of course, this limited where Tiara and I could shop, but that wasn't good enough to stop us. Most of the shoe stores were closed, but we finally found a Payless that was open. Since my shoes would have to be magically refitted, anyhow, I just worked my way from the left to the right, picking the shoes that sparked my interest and putting them into a basket. We spent an hour looking for shoes and then decided we were good. I ended up with quite a bit more shoes than Tiara.

Since we already had so much stuff we went back to the car and deposited it all before heading to our next stop. Next, we hit a store called Debbie's, which has quite a few dresses and some other clothes that looked fit for clubbing. A lot of it looked rather slutty, but after the magical alterations the dress would be longer and I won't have that problem. We spent another two hours at this store searching through clothes. So, it was eight in the morning by the time we finished.

We then had to carry everything back to the car, where we collapsed in exhaustion.

"Okay, I think we have enough clothes. So, how about we go to Bob Evans for breakfast and then Walmart for groceries, followed by the chocolate store?"

I nod my head in agreement and then relax into the seat.

It's already been a long morning and there's still a whole day to go. I might have had a six-hour nap before waking up at midnight, but twenty-four hours of being awake is definitely going to be exhausting.

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