


Vergil suddenly became aware and doubted his eyes as he looked at the scenery spread out before him.

The floor resembled a chessboard, with a black-and-white checkered pattern stretching out, and the space seemed vast with no walls or ceiling in sight. He had somehow been transported from the grand hall where he had fought Dante to this dimly lit place.

'At that time, I definitely died. But...'

He lowered his gaze and checked his body. Familiar gloves, a blue coat over a black inner shirt. It was still the attire he wore before being controlled by the Demon Emperor. The only difference from back then was the absence of the amulet he always wore close to him and the sword he called his companion.

Moments ago, he had lost to Dante in battle, and his physical form had vanished. The sensation of becoming a soul and fading away was still fresh in his memory. He had undoubtedly died at that time. So, the place he was in now—

"The afterlife, huh?"

The destination of a soul whose life had been severed, the underworld. Those who had done good deeds in life went to heaven. Those who hadn't went to hell. But in reality, heaven and hell didn't exist; souls either returned to nothingness or were reborn as new souls. There were various interpretations of the afterlife in literature. Where would he end up? It was while gazing up at the pitch-black sky that Vergil pondered.

"Hey, you over there."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him. Thinking it was directed at him, Vergil turned around casually. There stood a young woman with short, tousled black hair that only reached her neck, translucent white skin, wearing a black dress with a white cloak, sitting cross-legged on a black chair.

"For now, could you sit in the chair next to you?"

She pointed to Vergil's right. Vergil glanced over and saw a brown wooden chair that had appeared out of nowhere. He silently sat in the offered chair.

Facing Vergil, the woman cleared her throat and spoke.

"Nice to meet you, Vergil. I'm Tanaris, the goddess who guides souls of the dead. Unfortunately, your short life has come to an end."

"I see."

"Oh, not surprised? Most people are shocked and surprised here."

"I understood that I died. And I had a vague idea that this was the afterlife."

"Hmm... well, that makes things easier for me, but..."

The goddess Tanaris remained seated cross-legged as she reached out to the desk placed to her right. On the desk was a single sheet of paper and a bundle of papers stapled together. She picked up the paper with her right hand, moved it in front of her face, and continued speaking while looking at the paper.

"Do you know what happens to people when they die, where their souls go?"

"Heaven or hell. Or nothing. Reincarnation..."

"Mm, the first and third are correct. Those who have lived good lives go to heaven, where they spend leisurely times like sitting on the porch with their grandpas or have their memories reset and are reborn into the same world. The bad ones go to hell, endure a time without freedom in penance, then are purified and reincarnated. Unfortunately for you, it's hell."

"That's quite a straightforward judgment."

"If you were aware that this is the afterlife, then you probably knew you were going to hell, right? Or perhaps you're feeling nervous?"

"No, I'm relieved you decided quickly."

Ever since he began living as a demon, Vergil knew he wasn't the kind to go to heaven. There was no nervousness or excitement. Vergil answered expressionlessly, and Tanaris showed a dissatisfied expression.

"You're so cold... oh well. Since the judgment has been made, you'll be sent to hell by me, and for a long time that will seem endless, you'll have to atone for the sins you committed in your lifetime."

She continued her explanation calmly. Vergil, while thinking it would be better to get straight to hell already, kept silent and listened to her talk.

"However, there's another option prepared for you."

"What do you mean?"

Just when Vergil thought he was about to board the express train to hell, he was presented with a second choice, and he couldn't believe his ears. Seeing his slight change in expression, Tanaris, who had successfully played a prank, laughed like a mischievous child, then continued after a short pause.

"You can go to a completely different place from the world you knew, an alternate world, and there, you'll embark on an adventure to defeat the Demon King as an adventurer."

"An alternate world... and a Demon King?"

"That world has seen a decrease in population due to the Demon King's invasion. Apparently, the decline has been ongoing... Anyway, the big shots in the heavenly realm, unable to ignore the current situation, decided to reincarnate and immigrate young souls from other worlds, while also recruiting adventurers to defeat the Demon King."

"Reincarnation... does that mean memories will be erased?"

"That's right. But many people hated the idea of a complete wipeout. Even when offered the opportunity of reincarnation in another world, many refused. So, special permission was granted for reincarnation into another world while retaining memories, abilities, and appearance, along with a translation function to understand the language of that world. Humans can be so greedy."

"I see."

Listening to Tanaris's explanation, Vergil nodded in understanding. A new life with memories reset, or a new life with memories and body intact. Given the choice, most people would opt for the latter.

"So, what will you do? Spend your days repenting in hell, or become an adventurer and go to another world... which do you prefer?"

After finishing her explanation, Tanaris immediately asked Vergil. Vergil closed his eyes and thought.

Until a moment ago, he had thought it didn't matter if he went to hell, but hearing her proposal made him waver. A world completely different from the one he knew. Perhaps a world where even Sparda, let alone the Demon Emperor, was unknown. If that's the case—

"Taking on the Demon King in another world doesn't sound bad."

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that."

Opening his eyes, Vergil answered with a confident smile. Seeing him decide to go to another world, Tanaris smiled happily.

"Then, let's not waste any time. Vergil, could you look at this?"

"What's this?"

Tanaris placed the paper she had been holding back on the desk and then picked up a bundle of papers, floating them over to Vergil. To an ordinary person, the sight of papers floating would be surprising, but Vergil, accustomed to magic, took the bundle of papers without reaction.

"To you, who have decided to go to another world, a present from me. You can choose anything to take to the other world. Whether it's the strongest sword that can slay enemies in a single blow, the strongest armor that can withstand any attack, a cannon, or anything else. That paper is a reference list."

While listening to Tanaris's explanation, Vergil glanced over the paper. The list included items such as the strongest sword and armor Tanaris had mentioned earlier, a gun capable of firing a massive charged shot, a red headband that makes you the strongest fighter, a cat that can do everything from hunting to taking care of its master, and various other items from simple to special.

Though all of them seemed intriguing, Vergil looked away from the list and addressed Tanaris, who was impatiently waiting, swaying her body left and right in anticipation.

"Hey, woman—"

"It's Tanaris. When you call someone, call them by their name properly."

"...Tanaris, is it possible to choose something other than what's on this list?"

"Didn't anything catch your interest? Like I said earlier, you can choose anything as long as it's just one thing. If you know the shape or name of it, close your eyes and try to imagine it in your head. It should appear in front of you."

"I see."

Upon hearing that, Vergil bluntly dropped the list he was holding and let it fall to the floor. Though Tanaris scolded him for his lack of manners, Vergil, unperturbed, closed his eyes.

'Anything, huh... then what I'll summon is already decided.'

What he imagined was the sword bestowed upon him by his father, one he never parted with since he began living as a demon. The sword of exorcism that had sliced through countless demons. Its name is...

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