
Damsel in distress.

Kelvin approached and studied the wolf closely. It was a young male, who seemed to be in pretty good shape considering that he was tied with chains and unable to move much.

Kelvin turned to his guards, "Untie him." He demanded.

The guards immediately obeyed, loosening the chain around the wolf's neck and pulling him out of the circle. The other two wolves also stepped aside to allow him to be free.

Kelvin frowned slightly at the wolf in front of him. . "Who are you, boy?" He questioned him, observing the wolf.

"My name is Aleksander." The wolf responded confidently.

Kelvin raised an eyebrow, "Why have you trespassed upon my territory?" He questioned.

The wolf swiftly morphed into a human and stood up straight and stared at him, his gaze piercing through the elder male. "For my mate. I have tracked her scent to your territory and found myself captured." Aleksander explains with a firm expression.


Alisha runs a few blocks away in the direction of the supermarket she frequents when her stepmother sends her to buy things. Her tears, which she has been holding back until now fall down her cheeks in waves. She couldn't stop herself. Her Blonde hair hung limply over her shoulders and she continued running and soon disappeared into an alley.

She sits there crying. How can a twenty-four-year-old woman be treated like this? Like she has no say in her own life? She feels so powerless, helpless! It was a feeling she has been familiar with since childhood.

The shame of being met like that by her father was too much to bear, so she decided to cry elsewhere in peace.

She didn't care if anyone saw her cry or not. She just wanted to forget the day she was born and drown herself in the ears. Her back was hurting like hell from the beating, as were her arms.

All the pain made the tears come harder. So she cried, she cried because of the pain, the sadness, and her suffering. she cried because no one listened and even though she tries to show kindness and understanding to her stepmother and her stepsisters, they ignore her. They treated her like trash. She didn't even bother trying to stop the flow of tears. Her heart felt as if someone had broken a window inside of her heart and poured glass everywhere, cutting every single piece of her apart from the inside out.

Her vision starts getting blurry from crying but before she could wipe her tears, another set of tears joined the ones already falling. Tears were flowing down her face as loud sobs ripped through her throat, and she felt her legs giving way underneath her as she sank to the ground, sobbing.

She doesn't even know when she started falling asleep, but a sudden presence woke her not up, a large hand placed itself on her shoulder and she jolted as her wet lashes fluttered open, and staring wide at the intruder in front of her.

A tall man stood in front of her. His dark brown skin contrasted with his blue eyes. His black hair was short and styled perfectly. The man wore a white shirt, a light gray vest, and black pants, matching his boots. It made him look strong, confident, and intimidating.

Alisha looked at him wide-eyed, "Who..who are you?" She whispered shakily.

He smiled gently at her, placing his hands on either side of her. "My name is Calvin. I'm sorry for scaring you, young lady." Calvin apologized softly.

"I'm sorry I scared you." He repeated, crouching to eye level with her.

Alisha took a deep breath, trying to steady her breathing, then pulled herself together. "Are you alright? What is a young woman like yourself doing out here?" The man whispered, his tone dropped as concern marred his features.

Alisha expected to see her mysterious helper from the other day, but it was someone else. He asks her what's wrong but she doesn't say a word.

Instead, she stands up to try and walk away, but her knees shake beneath her weight and she falls back to the pavement, landing on her butt.

Calvin helps her up to stand and he brushes the dirt off her clothes, "Are you hurt?" He asked concernedly.

Alisha was shaking badly, her eyes wide open and mouth slightly parted. Tears still stained her cheeks from earlier and she can barely breathe due to her panic. Calvin looks at her in concern. The man thinks she might be frightened of him. That would explain why she wouldn't tell him who she is.

"Hey... I just want to help you." Calvin said calmly, kneeling again to meet her gaze. "You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you." He reassured her.

Alisha takes a deep breath as her breathing returns to normal but still doesn't say a word to him.

Calvin stares at the beautiful young girl in front of him, a slight frown forming between his brows. "How did you get hurt?" He asks carefully, before letting out a sigh of disappointment. He was hoping for a conversation but instead, he gets silence.

He soon sees its fruitless trying to get her to talk to him, so grabs a piece of paper from the pocket of his shirt and writes his phone number on it. "Call me if you need anything, okay? Just text me your address and I'll have someone pick you up." He says standing up.

He walks up to the young girl and places the piece of paper in her hand. "Now please, go home and take a rest." He tells her, before walking off.

Alisha stares at the piece of paper in her hand, confusion was written all over her face. Why would someone give her his number? She didn't even know him.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" She asks herself, confused. She didn't have a cell phone. After a few minutes of hesitation, she kept the piece of paper inside her clothes, dusting her clothes to go home.

As she makes her way home she keeps thinking about the stranger and what he told her. A small smile crept onto her lips as she thinks of his warm hazel eyes and caring nature. She can't believe such a handsome man would be worried about her. She shakes her head before laughing quietly at having embarrassed herself before the stranger.

She must have looked like a damsel in distress, having crossed paths with two handsome men within a few days.

Her thoughts raced back to Kelvin, as her heart melted and her body tingled at the thought of him. She can't wait to see him again, she didn't know why. But she misses him a lot. She hoped he wasn't still angry at her, remembering how he walked away.