
The Alpha's Revenge

The Black Wolf was now standing so close to me. I let out a whimper and started to cry so loud. “Pl…please do… don’t eat me” I hiccupped. It looked at me with amusement and fury clear in its golden orbs. Which was surrounded by a blue ring. “Why…? Why did you eat him?” I asked Mr. Wolf with a hoarse voice, due to crying. It tilted its head to the side and made some strange noise. Its fur started to vanish and was replaced by tan skin. The wolf started to shift into a human, more like Alexander. I was speechless and he was... whoa! Naked, like butt naked. He had well-defined abs, muscular chest, he was slender but looks stronger. I could see his V line which leads to his… I diverted my eyes to his face. I tried not to focus on his junk. So I looked into his blue eyes, which hold the entire ocean, captive. I gaped at him like a fish, unable to form a sentence. Was he even real? “Missed me so much?” he asked me with a teasing smile. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him so tight. He stiffened under my arms, not expecting my little outburst. He started to relax under my arms and heaved a sigh of relief. I could feel every ridge, pecks, and hard muscle of his body press into my soft one. I didn’t care about his nakedness because I thought he was eaten by a wolf. I started to cry once again. He held me close to his chest and rocked me back and forth to calm me. “I… I thought you were e… eaten by that w… wolf” I sobbed into his chest. He just rubbed my back. “Catherine how can I eat myself?” he asked me and it made me stiffen with realization. Oh my god!

Nightingale2909 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 13 - Shopping and Cute Guys

I was going through the blouse section while a little hand tucked at the bottom of my shirt. I looked down and Eric was holding a yellow shirt in his hand.

"Hmm…, Aunt, Cathie, will you…wear this?" he asked me shyly holding the t-shirt to me. I took that shirt from him. It was a yellow t-shirt with SpongeBob and Patrick Star.

"Sure, it looks cute." I gave him an encouraging smile which made him squeal with delight.

"Yay! I know you will love it." He told me with a toothy grin.

Though I was too old to wear these kinds of t-shirts, I decided to buy this, since Eric asked me with an adorable smile. After purchasing our things we decided to get a drink.


We were sitting and sipping our drink when someone from my behind tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hey!" I turned around to see a guy around my age standing there, with his hands tucked inside his denim. He was wearing a hood. He had brown eyes and brown hair with a lean muscular physique. He was also wearing glasses. He looked cute yet sexy. But I had no idea who he was.

"Hello…um do I know you?" I asked unsurely. He took a seat on the empty chair beside me and faced me with a breathtaking smile.

What was with this place and hot guys?

"No, you don't know me and I don't, either. I just noticed you across the table, you look cute." He confessed with a cheeky smirk. My eyes widened at his candor. I was not expecting this at all.

"Um…thanks?" it rather came out as a question, which made him laugh at me in amusement.

"Jake," he gave me his name and offered me his hand.

"Catherine," we both shook hands. His hand was very rough and masculine against mine. His eyes crinkled at the corners.

"I know I sound like a creep, just thought of giving you my number." He gave me a gentle smile. He had this confident and friendly aura around himself. And I liked the way he carries himself.

I was approached by few guys back in my high school, but his approach was different. He was carefree yet, he shows no vacillation in showing his interest towards me.

Most of the guys I knew, came off a little arrogant or shy when it comes to approaching a girl. Don't even get me started with their reaction once they were rejected. The arrogant ones treat the girl as if; she was worthless, once they were being rejected by her.

"Um…" I was unsure but there was no harm in getting someone's number right?

It was not like he was asking for mine. So with that thought in mind, I gave him my phone. He gave me a charming smile and typed in his number, handing it to me.

"Call me, if you feel like hanging out. No pressure." He gave me a lopsided grin and winked at me, which made my heart flutter.

"Err…okay?" he nodded at me and walked off from me with his smile still intact.


Yet fascinating, my inner voice reminded me which made me roll my eyes internally at her.

I had this feeling of someone watching me the entire time since we settle here for our drink. I shook my head and turned it to my friend.

I looked at Rachel to witness her jaw open with disbelief at what happened in front of her eyes. Eric was not bothered by the whole scenario. He was busy eating his ice cream, the innocence of a kid.

"Who was he?" she looked shocked, her eyes were still wide in disbelief.

"I don't know, I just met him, he was weird." I shrugged. She masked her emotions and gave me a teasing smile.

"But he was cool, you should definitely give him a chance." She encouraged me with a wink, which made me chuckle.

"I'll think about it."

After finishing my drink I had the urge to pee.

"I'll be right back," I excused myself and made my way to the restroom. I did my business and I was washing my hands when someone entered.

"What a surprise!" I turned at the sound and it was Tyra. What the hell was she doing here? To use the restroom, my inner voice suggested. I internally scowled at my sassy inner self and shut her off.

"Yeah, what a surprise," I muttered under my breath. I was happy for the past few hours, without any thought of Xander or anything related to him.

Now, Ms. Hooker decided to grace me with her irritating presence. How lucky I was? I thought sarcastically.

"What?" she glared at me.

"Nothing, I have to go." I ignored her completely and made my way out of the restroom. I saw her clench her fist in anger at my ignorance.

I was walking across the shops to reach my table when someone pulled me into a shop and dragged me into a changing room.

It was Alexander, my back was pressed against the wall and I was caged between his muscular arms. My eyes were wide in shock.

What the fuck was happening in my life?

Why do people that I tried to avoid, keep on popping out of nowhere, all I wanted was to enjoy my day?

Was that too much to ask?

He looked angry. His eyes were intensely focused on my face. He didn't say anything. I could feel the heat that radiates off him. My mind was mushy with his masculine scent that invades my nostrils.

I blinked thrice and snapped out of my daze, how dare he drag me as if, I was a rag doll?

I tried to move out of his caged arms which made him press his front to me.

"What are you doing? Let me go." I pressed my palms against his chest and tried to create as much space between us. But my attempt was futile.

The man was like hard rock, he didn't move an inch. I could feel his defined chest flexing under my palms. I focused my eyes on his neck which was protruding with veins. I didn't dare to look into his eyes, I feel intimidated by him all of a sudden.

"Look at me," his voice rough yet husky. It was not a request, rather a command. I didn't dare to look at him.

"Catherine…" his voice sounded strained as if he was controlling his anger. What the fuck was wrong with this dude? He brought his face closer to my face. I could feel his hot breath touching my tender skin, making it tingle. I stiffened at our proximity. His nose skimmed my left cheek seductively and I could feel his mouth closer to my ear. My knees felt weak.

"Are you scared, sweet cheeks?" he asked me huskily and his nose softly grazed my ear, making me shiver.

What was his question?

I blinked my eyes and looked up at his face. Our face was only a breath away from each other. Our noses were almost touching each other. He gave me a cocky smirk and that snapped me out of my trance.

"I am not scared of you," I replied boldly.

He pressed himself further into me. His forehead was pressed against mine. Our noses were smashed with each other. If I move an inch, my lips would be touching his. I opened my mouth and breathed through it. My heart was pounding painfully against my ribcage. My stomach flutters with his proximity. If he was not pressed against me, I would be on the floor as a puddle of goo.

"Oh, yeah?" his movement caused his lips to slightly caress my lips. He was challenging me with a smirk but my heart fluttered with need. I wanted him to kiss me. Where the hell that thought did come from? I knew he could hear my irregular heartbeat, from the way his eyes took a glance at my chest.

"Y…Yes," I stuttered with apprehension.

"Very well, then." He brought his face closer to my left cheek and pressed his lips against it. He whispered against it and inhaled my neck, making me stop breathing. I could feel my skin broke out with goosebumps.

After few minutes, he took few steps back, releasing me. My knees were weak, making me tumble, but he caught my shoulders and steadied me before I fell on my ass like a sack of potatoes. After making sure that could stand on my feet, he released my shoulders and tucked his hands in his pocket.

I released the breath that I was holding in and put as much gap between us, which made him raise his eyebrows.

"Who was he?" he asked all of sudden. His face was void of emotions but his eyes were furious. His defined jaw was clenched and his knuckles turned pale. I could see his arms protruding with veins due to his anger.