
The Alpha's Revenge

The Black Wolf was now standing so close to me. I let out a whimper and started to cry so loud. “Pl…please do… don’t eat me” I hiccupped. It looked at me with amusement and fury clear in its golden orbs. Which was surrounded by a blue ring. “Why…? Why did you eat him?” I asked Mr. Wolf with a hoarse voice, due to crying. It tilted its head to the side and made some strange noise. Its fur started to vanish and was replaced by tan skin. The wolf started to shift into a human, more like Alexander. I was speechless and he was... whoa! Naked, like butt naked. He had well-defined abs, muscular chest, he was slender but looks stronger. I could see his V line which leads to his… I diverted my eyes to his face. I tried not to focus on his junk. So I looked into his blue eyes, which hold the entire ocean, captive. I gaped at him like a fish, unable to form a sentence. Was he even real? “Missed me so much?” he asked me with a teasing smile. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him so tight. He stiffened under my arms, not expecting my little outburst. He started to relax under my arms and heaved a sigh of relief. I could feel every ridge, pecks, and hard muscle of his body press into my soft one. I didn’t care about his nakedness because I thought he was eaten by a wolf. I started to cry once again. He held me close to his chest and rocked me back and forth to calm me. “I… I thought you were e… eaten by that w… wolf” I sobbed into his chest. He just rubbed my back. “Catherine how can I eat myself?” he asked me and it made me stiffen with realization. Oh my god!

Nightingale2909 · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 12 – My Best friend is Nuts

I thought she was a nice girl. If the reason for their break up was, her cheating on him, I was going to hunt her down.

Hey, don't think I was being judgmental. It was just; he had been through a lot in the relationship department. I was just looking out for him. Since I couldn't cheer him up during those awful days in his life.

My mind started to overthink again for all the possibilities for the causes of his downtrodden mood.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him worriedly, he sniffled and big fat tears made their way down his cheeks. I rubbed his shoulder and gave him a side hug. He wrapped his one arm around me.

"Paul you are scaring me, what the hell happened?" I urged him gently and tried to make him spill the beans that were bothering him. He hugged me completely and began crying like a kid, I started to panic.

"It's postponed," he mumbled against my hair.

"What?" I asked him with a puzzled expression.

"UEFA European championship was postponed," he cried his eyes out. I pulled him out of my hair and narrowed my eyes on him and gave him a 'Are you kidding me?' expression.

"All this time you were talking about football?" I asked him with a baffled look. Was he being serious right now?

"What else do you think?" he sniffed on my handkerchief that was rested on the tea table. I made a disgusted face.

"Ew! That is my favorite hand key," I yelled at him, all this time he made me worried because of a damn football. We should definitely examine his head. I reminded myself.

"I'm sorry, here have your favorite thing" he sniffed and handed me my now dirty hand key.

"Hmm, no thanks, you can have it," I scrunched my face in revulsion. Seriously, I couldn't understand boys and their obsession with sports. Maybe because you were not a sports person, my inner voice reminded me. I internally rolled my eyes at her

"By the way, your hair smells good." He came near my head and sniffed it.

"Mmm, thanks." I blinked at him and slightly pushed him away from my head. Could he get any weirder than this? He shrugged at me and chose a movie from Netflix.

He kept on munching and we both watched 'she is a man'. I gave him a disapproving look and watched the movie with him.


Who didn't love this movie?

It was freaking hilarious and such a stress buster.

I gazed at my ice cream that he was ravishing currently and tried to take a bite from it. He glared at me and moved it to his other side away from my reach.

"You know, my granny told me sharing is caring." I gave him an innocent smile.

"Then why don't you prepare dinner for us. You are not taking care of me properly." He pointed a finger at himself with big shiny eyes.

"You are insufferable!" I threw my arms at my sides with cessation.

I couldn't believe my statement backfired on me.

"I know, I'm cool," he air-kissed and winked at me with a smirk. That little punk, I paused the movie and dragged him to the kitchen by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey!! The movie just started, where are you dragging me?" He protested and pouted like a naughty toddler dragged by his mommy.

"Taking care of you, of course," I replied casually as if, it was normal of me to drag him like a kid. But to my rationalization, he was behaving like one.

"Gonna feed you, I can't let my best friend die of hunger, now do I?" I asked him smugly. You messed with the wrong person sweat heart.

"That's good but why are you dragging me to the kitchen?" he frowned at me.

"You are helping me. More like I'm helping you and you're cooking."I gave him a tantalizing smile.

"Bu…" he started to protest.

"Period!" I cut him off with my stern look. He shut his mouth instantly. I clapped my hands cheerfully but Paul grunted with annoyance.

Huh! The joy of annoying your best friend! I heaved a contented sigh at his displeasure.

Paul was an amazing cook but the same thing cannot be told about me. He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and put on his apron. I helped him with the ingredients and chopped the vegetables. We decided to make white sauce pasta.

"Butter," he stated

"Yes chef," I gave him a salute and handed him for what he asked.


"Right away,"

"Milk," We were preparing the white sauce, first. More like him preparing it. My journey to the counter and stove went on like this for a while.

The pasta was already boiled. After a couple of minutes, we were done with the dish. He made the plating for both of us. I looked at him in awe. It looked like some fancy dish from a fancy restaurant. I had to admit, the man was very talented.

"It looks delicious," I appreciated him with an accolade of praise.

"I know I'm the best," he wrapped one arm around my neck and squeezed me to his side.

"Let's eat." He ruffled my hair, which made me swat his arm with a frown. He laughed at my discomfort and made his way to the living room with his plate. I followed suit and we both started to watch the resumed movie while having our dinner.

My day didn't begin great but my best friend definitely made my day by being his annoying self. We both enjoyed the movie while laughing at most of the part.

Who knew, the most broken person was the one who makes everyone smile.

It was almost like a sleepover but Rachel was missing.

My poor Rachel was stuck with her five years old nephew, I feel bad for her. I grabbed a lays packet and enjoyed the evening with my nuts of a best friend.

The rest of the week was spent in a blur with my granny's constant drama and Paul's constant whining.

Today was Monday, Rachel and I were going shopping. We both didn't have a choice but to take her nephew with us, since everyone in her home was out of town.

I was sitting in the living room and suddenly I heard a horn from my driveway. It must be her. I took my bag and slipped on my sneakers, making my way out of my home.

I already informed my granny who was in the backyard, busy inspecting it. Our backyard was not maintained properly. We both bought some plants yesterday but we couldn't plant everything. I got in her passenger's seat with a smile.


"Hey! This is my cute little nephew, Eric. Eric say, 'hi' to Catherine." she introduced me to a little boy in her back seat. Eric was a five-year-old, little boy, who drains the energy out of everyone. I'm not complaining though, I was the same as him when I was a kid.

The little boy frowned disapprovingly at her aunt's introduction, pouting and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Aunt, Rachy. I am not cute, I…I am…" he thought for a moment and replied, "Handsome,"

This made us both laughing our guts out. We both were wheezing at this point, I could see tears shining at the corner of my best friend's eyes.

God! Kids nowadays are impossible,

Ugh! Oh! Eric looked mad; he scrutinized his gaze at us and gave us the stink eye. He looked downright adorable. His cheeks were naturally flushed and chubby. I wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"We are sorry," we both apologized. Rachel turned to me and reintroduced her nephew to me.

"Catherine, meet my very handsome nephew, Eric." The little boy looked satisfied and gave us a toothy grin.

"Hello," I waved at him in a soft voice. He replied to me with a 'hi' in his baby voice.

"Okay guys, let's get going." Rachel proclaimed suddenly and started driving us to the mall. The baby shark was playing in her car. We were chuckling and singing it with so much fun. It almost felt like we were going on a vacation.

We reached the mall in no time and decided to buy some clothes since our uni starts in a week. Eric was walking beside Rachel holding her hand with his tiny one. He looked adorable, little a little puppy.

We entered, Forever 21 and decided to shop for Rachel, first. I lifted Eric and placed him on my hip while Rachel went through the clothes in the rack.

I chose a white crop top for her that compliments her green eyes and tan skin. While she was changing, Eric played candy crush on my phone. She showed her clothes one by one to us.

"I love the black and white better on you,"

"Aunt, Rachy, I love the red one,"

She settled with two blouses and three crop tops. After that, she looked after Eric while I went through the clothes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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