
The almighty demon lord's summon as a mere highschool student

An organisation know as agency zero,founded to destroy demons years after a great war occurred between gods and demon kind is posing a threat to the demons who want to live in peace. A group of these demons decide to call up their lord from the underworld for help but it doesn't go quite as planned....

Lixurin · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The dinner at neighbour's place{R18}

Ding Dong!The door bell at Lyla's house rand.

"Come right in!"She called from inside.

The trio opened the door and casually walked in being met by a flavour filled aroma like none other.

A gold haired man met them as they walked in and led them towards the dining table.

"Hope you excuse me,I'm Lyla's brother,Taran,nice to meet you neighbours."

He was in khaki pants and a red t-shirt with a black blazer on top of it.The blazer had double blue striped on the arm.

'A zero agent huh,interesting, 'Iniko thought after noticing the blazer was similar from those worn by the agents who had taken out the demon the day before.Although he noticed this,he kept his calm and proceeded to the dining table.

Everyone ate happily in a rather eerie silence.Taran broke the silence with a rather interesting question, "So,I've heard you two two are siblings, "He gestured at Iniko and Alya,"Who are you?"He stared at Lilith as if threatening her.

"Oh,I'm just a friend of theirs,I lost my house and belongings to a demon attack so I had to move in with them,"she answered with a gentle smile.

Taran glared at her and proceeded,"And what happened to your parents?"

Lyla took a sip of her wine staring at them.Alya glared at Taran,"Did we come here for some sort of interrogation of a dinner?"She had anger embedded in her tone.

"What?Are you scared to answer?"Taran glared at her.

"I'm gonna need to use the washrooms,where are they?"Iniko requested.

"Third door to the right,"Lyla answered in a woozy tone refilling her wine.

Iniko walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom while Alya and Taran exchanged words.

As he walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later he was met by a drunk Lyla staggering down the hallway.

Iniko quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and took hers and placed it over his shoulder to support her.He helped her towards her room.

"Sober or drunk,you still are extremely beautiful,I am simply mesmerised by you,Lyla,"He spoke calmly as he walked her toward her room.

As they walked into her room,Lyla suddenly grabbed him by the collar and pinned him to the wall."Stop that already!You're messing with me head for no reason young man!You know the words you're blabbering are mere lies,"Her voice lowered as she finished,lowering her face.

Iniko slid his hand between her's and lift up her chin gazing directly into her eyes.She gazed up to him,her grip loosening releasing his collar.Her knees also weakened and she almost fell but Iniko wrapped his arm around her and helped her onto the bed.

While helping her onto the bed Lyla suddenly wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and pulled him lower.Iniko did not resist as he got pulled down to a kiss.

"I think we should be leaving now,"Lilith proposed seeing Alya and Taran were almost engaging in a fight.

"What about Iniko?"Alya asked.

"He can take care of himself,it's not even that far,it's just the neighbouring house,"Lilith said.

"Guess you're right,"Alya admitted as there found their way out of the house and headed to theirs.

"Why was he such a jerk?!Ugh!"Alya kicked stones on the way back to the house.

"Some people are just like that,I prefer to not get involved with them,and if I do,I don't react,they seem to get more annoying the more the attention you give them,"Lilith spoke calmly as she got to the house and opened the door.

The two entered the house with Alya heading straight to bed.Lilith took a glass of water and proceeded to her room to sleep.She left the door unlocked because of Iniko.

Back at Lyla's house,Taran walked out and got in a car parked right outside the house and lit a cigarette and smoked.

Inside the house,Iniko had already managed to get Lyla's clothes off alongside his.He was now directly over the nude Lyla.Their clothes were scattered all over the floor.He kissed her lips proceeding down to her neck and back to her pink lips while massaging one of her breasts thoroughly and rolling the nipple of the other breast between his fingers and stretching it out and pushing it back.

She suddenly pushed him back,"This isn't right,"she said looking away shamefully trying to evade eye to eye contact with Iniko.

Iniko slowly lowered back down and gave her a kiss,"Yes it is,my dear."He passed one hand slowly towards her lower half.She twitched as his hand ran over her sensitive body.His other hand grabbed her boob once more and massaged it roughly as he gave her a deep kiss.

She pressed her thighs close together as if pressing something in between.His hand slowly penetrated in between her thighs and rubbed against her clit.She juddenly twitched with a bit of a muffled moan under the kiss.

She caressed her body as it slowly arched up as Iniko finally penetrated two fingers inside and rubbed them around.Her body felt as if it was on flames!

Suddenly,Iniko stopped and pulled out his fingers and backed up.Lyla caressed her body writhing in pleasure and looked at Iniko in a desperate gaze,"W-what are you?Mhn!"She started rubbing her clit on her own.

Iniko suddenly grabbed her wrists and anchored them to the bed.She tried freeing herself but he overpowered her.Her body writhed on the bed in pleasure and desperity.

He gently rubbed his dick against the surface of her already wet clit as if to tease her.She bit her lip trying to contain herself but she eventually gave in,"Fuck me already!"

Iniko smirked and penetrated the tip of his dick slowly until it was fully inside.Lyla let out a moan as he penetrated her.He let go of her wrists and started caressing her boobs.She shut her eyes and grabbed tightly onto the sheets with her body subconsciously arching itself with every thrust.

"Ah!Ahn!I'm gonna!-I'm-Ahn!-I'm!"She moaned as she shut her eyes tightly and writhed on the bed.Iniko increased his force and speed and grip with the boobs and she let out even louder moans. Her clit slowly started to let out a fluid and as he got more aggressive the fluid flowed out even more.

He took out his dick and looked down upon Lyla who was panting with her mouth wide open and her eyes almost shut.He grabbed her by the waist and turned her around with her fat ass raised to him and her back arched,"No,don't, "She said in almost a whisper.He grinned and put his two fingers into her clit and slowly started pushing them in and out.Lyla gripped and bit the sheets as she moaned loudly as if crying.

Iniko suddenly gave her a spank with the free hand."Mh!"She let out a squek followed by moans.He then pulled out his fingers which were now covered in cum.Her knees went further apart while panting.Her ass lowered as she came to a bit of relaxation.

Iniko ran his hands down from her back and to her ass and even lower,giving her another spank making her squek again.He proceeded to slide his hands between her thighs and lifted her off the ground and widening her legs even more and arching her back even further.

He lowered her back down with his dick penetrating her pussy making her let out a moan with some tears flowing from her eyes while panting.

His legs wrapped themselves around her back with his dick continuously going in and out of her pussy.Her legs twitched with each thrust as she let out moans and held tighter onto the sheets and as saliva flowed from her mouth accompanied by tears sagging up the sheets.

In about another minute she had had another orgasm.Iniko turned her back around and pressed her legs against the bed in V-shape.She moaned as saliva flowed from her mouth while gasping for air.

He leaned forward and held one nipple between his teeth and played with it using his tongue.He proceeded to penetrate her clit using his dick once more hand slowly began pushing in and out as she moaned even more.

After a while he allowed her feet to get back to their normal positions as he fondled her fat buttcheeks and slowly pushing his dick in and out of her.

He released her butt cheeks and ran his hands on her from her waist up her sensitive skin and grabbed her boobs giving them squeezes as he gave her a deep kiss.

Due to the exhaustion she fell asleep there and then and Iniko lay beside the nude milf taking deep breaths.