
The African army

The African army.

Whose colour is black

Train to try defends his Father lands 

They live till die for Africa

The African army

Use his strength and never shout the pain out

Even when men are fallen down 

They fight day and night 

Even when po po po has no extra

But they never cry it out

And they never give up

The African army

This men who are caged by

Never say the African secret 

They still dream to live 

They fight for freedom 

They got 

The African army 

Need to be respect

By that good citizen 

Not for WHO they are 

But for the what they    

(1)Language style figurative device

Repitition : The African army is repeated in stanza 1,2,3,4.

(2) symbolysm : the poet symbolysm is 

In line 2 of stanza 1 

Whose colour is black 

He uses that to symbolys African citizens.

(3) Alliteration: is found in stanza 1  line4

Train to try.

(4) onomatopoeia : he uses popopo as gun sound which means the African army did not have any bullet anymore.



(1) survive: 

The African army suffered different humiliation but they never give up in other to meet up their demands for freedom.

The men who are caged

The poet telling us that the African army are caged but they still live and trying to complete their mission on how Africa will get freedom.

At the third stanza line 5 

They got means the African army have done their job well and Africa continent survive they got their independent.


The first time the word respect was mentioned in the last stanza of the poem

The poet address his readers to have respect to African army,such away their blood and lives that has gone while searching for freedom. 

He  advice the citizens of Africa to have respect for the African army



African army have suffered a long way in other to get independent of Africa.

They fight day and night 

For freedom those army did not have rest of my at that moment where many of them did not remembered to even take water to drink.

Because they want to complete their mission.

Some of them are impression by the colonisers but still dream for Freedom.