
In A Universe Far Far Away

So, for the record that was a terrible idea. I got so wrapped up in training skills that I fell asleep on the non-safe ground instead of the semi-safe tree limb. But that's a problem for later cause what woke me up was the sound of something large moving through the forest and it was coming straight for me. The hill I was on wasn't that tall but after a while, I could make out what looked like people coming. That was good and bad because I could probably chase an animal off but people would be a crap shoot. I looked around to make sure that the fruits of last night or I should say this morning's labor was still there. I had made sure to make a good amount of rocks shaped like bullets, some crude throwing blades, and a couple of cannonball size rocks for ammo. I didn't get far with TK armor but I think I can make a decent shield, who knows if it will actually work though. I was ready as could be which was good because my guest were here.

When I could finally make them out to say I was shocked was an understatement. "No way!" "No Fracking Way!!!" Coming towards me where the fracking X-Men!!! Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Colossus. I wanted to do a happy dance but was able to control myself at the last min. The Marvel universe is #2 on my Isekai list right behind DBZ. It's so easy to become OP in the DBZ universe it's not even funny, at least in Marvel you had to actually work at it. As they got closer, I started to notice some strange things (lol) about them. They all looked like different versions of themselves. This Cyclops looked like James Marsden but only about my age. Same for Jean Grey except she looked like Sophie Turner, not Famke Janssen. Wolverine looked like his comic book version. Guess this universe couldn't afford Hugh Jackman. Storm looked like the actress Meagan Good but she wore her classic white costume for the 90's cartoon. Nightcrawler looked like he did in X-Men: Evolution. Big man Colossus looked like he did in the Deadpool movies. So, there I am with my gaping open trying to put my brain back together when Cyclops introduces them. "Good morning we're the X-Men and we're wondering if you know anything about that big crater of there?" Once brain restarted and I got my act together my first thought was Cerebro!! It must have lit up like a Christmas tree yesterday and if that's the case the professor is probably monitoring us right now. This is all kinds of bad I have zero mental shields. With all that I know about Marvel, it would be bad for anyone else to know what I know regardless of the timeline or whatever universe this actually is. Here's hoping the ROB is still looking out for me. I looked over at Jean. "Good Morning all, Miss Grey I have to ask is the good professor monitoring us right now? If he is would ask that you and he not actively try reading me please." Now it was their turn with WTF face. Jean recovered first but it looked like she was in deep conversation with the professor but an elbow to Scott brought him back to earth. "How…How do you know us?" I chuckled. "I actually know all of yo-" "Great another time traveler." Wolverine grunted. "Ah no. I'm not from this universe actually. Which is why I asked that the Professor and miss Grey not try to read me. In my universe…. You could say we have a type of technology that lets us see multiple universes and I have extensive knowledge of many versions of X-Men. Which could cause disasters if they saw something out of context. Besides even if they did, just because an event happened one way in a universe doesn't mean it will happen the same way in another." Jean nodded and then asked. "Mr.? . . . " I grinned. "My apologies. Please call me Nico." "Well, Nico the professor agrees with you and would like to know how you got here and what your plans are?"

Now so far, my lying with the truth has been working but I had no clue how to explain how I got here, mainly because I didn't know for sure myself, but as for my plans, that was easy. See sometimes when I couldn't sleep, I would think of what I would do if I was the main character in my favorite novels or if some ROB every transmigrated me to my favorite universes. Huh come to think of it that's probably why this is happening to me in the first place. Well here goes nothing. "I'm not sure exactly how I got here, one min I was on my world then the next I was free diving without a parachute. I was sure I was a goner til my TK kicked in." That got their attention. "You have TK?" Jean asked excitedly. "I didn't before I got here, and no I don't know how I got it either. Which brings me to my plans. I was hoping that miss Grey could train with me or at least give me some pointers until I can get some decent control of my powers?" I wasn't for sure but guessing by her age I'm pretty sure I know more about our powers then this Jean does but that wasn't my goal for going home with them. I need the X-men for 2 very important reasons. 1st The Danger room and free room & board. 2nd Forge. I use to dream to myself that if I ever got sent to the DC or Marvel universes I would definitely find some way to become a superhero. So, the Danger room was for training and Forge to help build me a suit. "Nico, call me Jean and the professors says that you would be more than welcome to stay with us while you get on feet and although I'm not an expert I can definitely teach you what I know." Jean said with a smile. "Thanks that helps a lot. One more thing though. I was wondering if you guys could help me narrow down what universe I'm actually in?" Scott gave a nod. "What do you need?" "How bout this. I'm going to call out some names or places and if you have heard of them raise your hand, and oh Jean give yours a wave for the professor." Everyone gave a round of nods. Ok, this is definitely not the Main MCU since we have X-Men and different versions of them at that but with most of them look like movie stars I need to be sure. "Ok first name Tony Stark." Everybody's hand went up for that one along with a wave from Jean. "Ironman?" Same results. "How long has Ironman been a thing?" "Mr. Stark announced him being Ironman bout 7 months ago after some sort of battle at Stark Industries." Storm answered that one. Well, that's pretty much what happened in the MCU so maybe I'm in a modified MCU? Let's try the rest of the Avengers. "The Hulk?" No hands this time so the battle in Harlem hasn't happened yet. "Dr. Bruce Banner?" This time I got a wave from Jean which at least proves the possibility of a Hulk. "Thor?" That one got me funny looks then Nightcrawler said. "Like the Norse God Thor?" "Yeah actually Gods are kinda real and if I'm where I think I am you may even get to meet one soon." All the guys except for Nightcrawler look at me like I was crazy he just looked thoughtful. "Anyway, moving on. Captain America?" All hands went up. "Is he MIA since WWII?" Wolverine looked downed but answered. "His plane went down in the artic and was never found." I had to do a double take. "Wait, Logan do you have your memories?" 'Snick' Seeing Wolverine's claws pop out on the big screen is cool seeing it in real life is terrifying, especially when he's coming right at you. Thankfully Colossus was able to grab him at the last second. "What do you know about me bub? TELL ME!!!!" "Friend Logan he cannot help you if you kill him." Colossus was starting to struggle with keeping Logan down until Scott joined in to help. "Gees man calm down. I'll tell you what I know." 'Snick' That got him to put away his claws but he was still worked up. Oh, boy is this gonna suck. "You sir have one messed up history. In just about all of the various universe out there you always have memory issues. Sometimes in your early life, in others later in life and sometimes both. Although I can't be 100% sure for this universe, I can tell you the stuff that holds true for the majority for the universes. Your name is James "Logan" Howlett. You severed with Captain America in WWII as part of his "Howling Commandos". Sometime after the war, you got captured and ended up in the Weapon X program where they did a number on your memories along with some brainwashing just to be sure you'd be a loyal psychopath. So, imagine their surprise when you still broke free." Thinking about the Commandos got me to thinking about Fury which got me to thinking about S.H.E.I.L.D./Hydra. If Cerebro was able to pick up my entry then I know S.H.E.I.L.D. did. Jean was the first to notice my mini freak-out. "Nico, what's wrong?" "Quickly ask the professor if knows a spy by the name of Nick Fury." She shrugged her shoulders but did as I asked. "He says yes." "FRACK!!! We have to go! Now!!"

Sorry Image result for sick emoji but I'll be going to the regular posting schedule from now on.

Dashmancreators' thoughts
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