
The adventures of Bluefire: Sisters: Tazlin and Tigress story 4

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Bluefire Captured?

Two hours later, they were getting Zorin ready to go. Chloe was there and saw Zorin. She was hesitant to approach him. Zorin looked at Chloe and said, Its ok Chloe. I am leaving to get help. I know you are. Get better soon cousin. I will Chloe. He weakly smiled and they left.

Once they got there, Mr. J. said, Did you call Sapph? No not yet. Oh don't worry about it. I will. Mr. J got on the phone and said, Hey Sapph its Mr. J. Oh hey. Whats up? Zorin is here. He got worse, so he is at the school lab and we will be able to help him. OK I will be there in an hour. Do anything you can help him. Thank you for letting us know. Yeah sure. Said Mr. J. Then he hung up and looked at Zorin. Oh man. He looks horrible. Dr. Sanchez. What do you want us to do? Said Mr. J. Here is what I am going to do. Zorin. I am going to give you a shot to relax you. Ok? Mr. J. will go inside your head and see your thoughts where it looks bad and heal it ok? He won't literally go in that's impossible. He will mindfully do it. Ready Zorin? Zorin said, Yes I am. He closed his eyes, and Dr. Sanchez gave Zorin the shot.

Zorin was asleep now. Mr. J. put his hands on each side of Zorin's head, then closed his eyes. OK I'm in. Wow. It's really bad in here. I will try my best. He did his best to do what he could and healed the parts of the brain he needed too. The rest will have to heal itself. OK. I did what I could. The rest will have to heal itself. Sapph showed up and said, Hey. Is it ok to come in now? Yes just finished. Chloe was with Sapph. Hey. How is my idiotic cousin? Oh hi Chloe. Said Sanchez. He is ok. For now, we will need to send him home with some medication. Before we do, we will have to keep him here for 2 days. Ok good. Said Sapph. I will make sure he takes it. Sapph, Chloe, you are welcome to stay here until he wakes up. OK thanks. Zorin got most of his color back.

2 hours later Zorin was waking up. Uhh. What was that? Said Zorin. Good. Your awake. Said Mr. J. How do you feel? I feel a lot better. Thanks. Dr. Sanchez came back in and said, Hey, how are you feeling Zorin? I am fine. What's going on? We will have to keep you here 2 days for observation. You will be going home with some medication to help your head. Thanks. Before we give you any medications, we want to track your sleeping patterns. Then we will give you a shot the next day. We will give you the pills to see if they work. Then the next day you can go home if there is no complications. OK sounds good. Zorin sat up slowly and said, Where do you want me to lay? Just hold on. Don't you want to visit your wife and Chloe? I just want to get this over with, so I can go home. Sorry Sapph, and Chloe. Maybe you guys should go and come back tomorrow or so. OK Zorin. Feel better Ok. Said Sapph. Chloe said, How rude Zorin! Fine! I will leave! When you get home! Don't be so rude! Zorin chuckled then coughed. Cough Cough. They left back for home to tell the others.

OK Zorin. Lay right here and get some rest. Zorin laid down and went to sleep. He slept for an hour which was enough to see a sleep pattern. Zorin woke up. How were the results? They could be better, but not too bad. That's good. We are going to give you a shot to calm your mind and see how long it lasts. This is just in case the pills don't work. Thanks. Zorin said, Can I eat something? No. Not yet. You have to stay in these iv's until you go home and then a liquid diet.

2 days later Zorin was able to go home. Sapph went to visit him the next day after being rude. Sapph and Chloe showed up. Ok. Here is the medication he will have to rest for at least 2 days. If someone can watch the kids while he rests, that would be good. Yeah. Have the kids over at our house. We will watch them. Said Chloe. I would ask your Dad first. Said Zorin. Chloe used her phone and told her Dad what was going on. Yes we will. OK bye Dad. He said we could. Oh good. Also. Said Dr. Sanchez. I want you Zorin to eat a lot of porridge and liquids. So some broth and a lot of juices. Especially water for a month. Then slowly go back to a regular diet. Thank you. Both of you. Chloe and Sapph helped Zorin to the car. I can walk myself guys. We will walk beside you.

Ok we are home. They walked Zorin to the bed and went to the living room. OK kids. Said Sapph. You are going to stay at cousin Chloe's house for 2 days, while Daddy has a rest. Ok Mommy. Said Zuri. Yeah sure. Said Slade. James will be here soon. OH here he is. Bye babies. She gave them each a hug and went outside with Chloe.

Let's make some porridge for Zorin. Hey Zorin? You awake? Yeah I am. I made some porridge for you. Thanks Sapph. I'm sorry for being rude to you and Chloe. I know honey. You are just out of it right now. But you should apologize to Chloe as well. I know. I will. Zorin ate his porridge. Thanks Sapph. There was a knock on the door. I'll be right back Zorin. Zorin closed his eyes to rest. Sapph opened the door, it was Zuki. Hey Zuki. You here to check on Zorin? He's in our room. I'll be out here so you boys can talk.

Hey Zorin. Feeling any better? Loads. I just wish I can eat real food. You have to be on an easy digestible diet for a while, and take your medicine. Yeah I know. Sapph keeps reminding me. After they talked for awhile, Zuki said, Ok. I will let you sleep. I will check on you soon. Yeah. Bye Zuki. See you later Zuki. Whenever Zania and Tenma show up, tell them I say hi too. I will.

Sapph went to check on Zorin, he was sound asleep. She rubbed his head for a little bit and kissed him on the head like he used to when she was sleeping. After she left the room, Zorin woke up to a commotion downtown. He put on his belt, and snuck out the window. He pushed on his belt and reverted to Bluefire. He was having trouble flying, but managed.

Ok. So who is making all this racket? Said Bluefire. Oh So the hero shows up. My name is Tigress! This ones name is Tazlin! We are sisters. Interesting name for a group. So what are two Girls doing this late at night? Before they could say anything, Jay Mcannon showed up and said, What are you girls doing out here? Bluefire cut in and said, Jay Mcannon! Oh Bluefire! Long time no fight huh? How is my sister doing? I heard she has a couple of kids now. 2 girls I believe. So what of it? Tazlin but in and said, We were about to fight Bluefire. As to the answer to your question. Also following him everyplace we go. I might end up fighting my father one day. Not today Tazlin! I don't think he is here. Aww come on Jay. Said Tazlin. I said no! You are not ready! Tigress! Fight Bluefire. Give me the signal when the others show up. Yes sir. She did as she was told.

Sapph went to check on Zorin again, and saw he wasn't there. She figured he went downtown to fight, so she called Zuki to let him know what was going on. Hey Zuki. Its Sapph. Zorin is downtown fighting. He is not at his full strength. Someone needs to help him, or he will die. Got it. Thanks Sapph. I will get everyone ready.

Zuki went to the speaker and said, Everyone who is usually at battle! Meet up now! Its an emergency! Oh look who finally decided to show up. Good to see you Tenma. Chloe showed up too. No Chloe. Said Zuki. Not this time. Oh come on. It will be my first battle. I will be fine. Did you talk to your Dad first? Yes I did. He said it will be a test to see how well I do. OK then. I hope you're ready. Everyone had their battle suits on and Zuki said, Everyone ready! Let's go!

Bluefire was having a hard time fighting Tigress, because he wasn't at full strength. Come on! I thought you were stronger than this! Said Tigress. Yeah. I usually am. I'm just getting over being sick. Well this should be simple then. Before she could do anything, Bluefire burned her suit and saw she too had a mark like him. I see you have the mark too. I have 3 friends that have it. So we aren't the only ones. My friend and I both have the mark. We don't quite have full control over them yet, but we will manage. I know what the mark can do if it gets too fully developed. We could pass out or die. There is a place that can help you. There is a dojo not too far from here. I don't care! She said while fighting through the pain. Until we find Tazlin's father, we won't stop doing whatever this is that Jay is planning. What is he planning? You will find out soon enough. He will contact you when the time comes.

Mizuki and the others finally showed up. Tigress gave the signal. Jay said Ok guys! Go! All of you! Yes sir! They all went out and fought the others. Zorin wasn't doing too well. Tigress noticed. She said, Sorry I have to do this. Tigress wrapped Bluefire up in her vines. He tried using his power, but was too weak. She dragged Bluefire over with her and into the hovering ship. No! Bluefire! Said Zuki. Chloe said, No! Dammit! She decided to fight like crazy and shoot every one of them with her balls of light. She was only able to get a few before she was starting to get tired out. She was out of breath. Guys! Let's retreat! We have Bluefire! Get in here! now! I will leave without you! Said Jay. Tigress got in, so did the others except the ones that were knocked out. Zuki made a shield, and placed the few they were knocked out on it and put a shield around them so they couldn't escape. Shield! Go to the Dojo! The shield flew off. He told the others he was flying off as well. He told Tsuna to make sure Chloe got home. Yes Sir!

Dammit! Said Tsuna. They got Bluefire! I hope he is ok over there. He looked weaker than usual. OK Chloe. Come on. Lets get you home. What about Bluefire?! We need to save him! We will. Trust us. We have to get you home to your Dad ok? Fine! Let's go then! The others ended up back at the dojo as well.

Zuki had put the henchmen into the cell. Hey Everyone. You finally showed up. Yeah we did. Said Tenma. Tsuna is taking Chloe home. Good. When he gets back, we need to talk about a rescue plan.

Tsuna showed up and said, Well that went well. What happened? Said Zuki. Apparently Chloe lied her parents. They didn't know where she was, but glad she was ok. I guess next time, I will have to double check. Tenma we are going to need Zania for this mission. Can you get James to watch Zayden. Yeah I will give her a call.

Hey Zania. Said Tenma. We need you. Can you call James to have him watch Zayden? Bluefire has been captured. Yes. I will call him. When he comes to pick Zayden up, I will be there. OK see you soon.

Jason finally showed up and whispered in Zuki's ear. Did you call Sapph? No. Would you mind? Sure. I will do it right now. Ok everyone. Lets start. Zania is making a phone call.

Ok everyone here's the plan. First we need to go to the Red Falcon hideout. We will have Tsuna at the look out. Tenma, you will distract Jay. I'm here. Said Zania. What did I miss? Oh good. You didn't miss much. Tsuna is going to be the lookout, and Tenma is going to distract Jay and the others, while you suck up anyone's power who uses it. I will rescue Bluefire. That's the plan. If needed everyone fight. Got it?