
2- 6 months earlier

Eric was headed off to college out in Oregon in the fall. Sasha had assumed that they would date throughout the summer and then go their own ways after the last lazy days had drifted away. But yet here it was a few weeks before senior year let out and if she didn't know any better she would think he was trying to break up with her.

"Sasha, are you listening?" He reached out his hand and laid it on top of hers.

Sasha stuck out her bottom lip and half but it. She continued her pout. "I don't think I understand."

Eric sighed deeply. This was going to be harder than he had imagined.

"Sasha. You are sweet, really you are. But I need this to be over."

Tears filled up her brown eyes. Over? She had never really expected this relationship to last but this seemed really sudden. She had an entire summer of sneaking beers around fire pits and watching for shooting stars under the wide sky planned.

"Why?" Sasha asked.

Eric looked at her with pity. "Honestly, I haven't been able to look at you the same since Paris".

Sasha felt like she had been hit in the face with a cold fish.

"What?!?" Her normally calm voice began to increase in pitch and volume." You are breaking up with me because I'm afraid of heights?!?"

"No I'm breaking it off because that was always the plan. I'm just moving up the timeline a bit." Eric stood from the table and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Look, like I said, you were sweet and this was fun. But I think there is something wrong with you and frankly- It's too much for me."

The air seemed to snap with electricity. She was furious but unable to speak. "I'll see you around. Good luck." And with that Eric walked away.