

The world is burning as people stand divided. Warlords fight for power, merchants seek gold by any means, and more and more people believe their element is superior to any other. After the death of Avatar Wan, the world grows darker as people who lived in fear of his power see opportunity with the Avatar's death. People pray as their homes and fields burn, the hope as their loved ones die and dream of a day when Wan's promise that the Avatar will return comes true as the powerful take everything from them. The people of the world cry out for the Avatar to return, but their pleas have gone unanswered so far.


9,760 BG

A long trail of people crosses the mountains into the Ma Gu Empire. Unlike most people, they don't travel with animals pulling wagons. Instead, everyone walks on foot carrying bags on their backs, with some working in pairs to carry the largest items. Still despite the heat, despite the sweat dripping from their foreheads and the dirt browning their bare feet, not one of the group complains. Instead, they hope that this land will be better. Or at least better than where they came from.

At the group's rear, people carried on stretches wrapped in bloody bandages. A pair of girls walk next to a woman whose face is badly burned, robbing her of her ability to see. One of the girls being carried on her sister's back holds onto the woman's hand, pleading with her to not leave her. The older o the too keeps her head low, watching her feet while only occasionally looking at the woman and her sister's banged leg.

"Things… well… get… better…." The woman struggles to get out every word. Blood seeps from her lips, but she smiles. "Remember… remember… the… story… I… would… tell… you… every… every… night… the… world… would… be… balanced…."

The girls watch the woman's face soften, unaware their mother has breathed her last breath. Ahead of them, a massive wall spans the horizon forcing everyone to pass through a single large gate. Heavily armoured soldiers aim giant stone wheels and fists of fire at them while others point bows at them. More soldiers march forward as the group comes to a halt just before the giant metal gates. Armed with spears and swords, axes and various forms of bending, observing as the leaders of both sides as they meet.

"Hala, look, the gates are opening," Hala looks up from her place on her sister's back. Ahead of her, Hala can see fields of wheat, rows of trees whose branches are weighed down with fruit. "We are finally here."

"It's food! Ra! Look at all the food!" Hala excitedly replied, nearly knocking her sister over as she leaned forward. "I have never seen so much food. We are never going to be hungry again."

The scene in front of her looks like something out of a dream. After living five years of her life in a burned barren land where food was hard to come by, and most water sources were poisonous, Hala can't help but smile. Already Hala can feel her mouth watering as she imagines her next meal. Her sister Ra could only shake her head at her sister's excitement.

"If we live here, we will never have aching bellies again!" Hala cheers pumping her fist in the air.

Authors Note:

Thank you for reading the prologue, and I hope you will continue to read and enjoy this story as it continues. But I should warn you this Avatar story will be dark with slavery, discrimination and exploitation coming in this world filled with countless warlords battling for power. I plan to add a section for the history or lore of the world at the end of each chapter. It will help you understand my view of the world in this period, and I will try not to break the cannon of the Avatar world.


After Avatar Wan

9,765 BG – Present time for the story

In the year 9,765, BG Avatar Wan died after putting an end to the battle of Southen Plains the world fell apart. Warlord rose, seeing an opportunity to expand their territory with the powerful man gone. Merchants began openly to use more monstrous to increase their profits and exploited everyone they could.

Rumours began to spread that Wan would return to save them. People spread word spoken by one of the Avatar's friends that he will be reborn. In some places, people would openly speak of this. In others, they would be killed for speaking Wan's name. There are even people seeking out the reborn Wan. Some to kill him, some to capture him so their warlord could use his powers and others to protect him. True believers in Wan who wish to see the work he started come to completion.