
Chapter 10: Training, Recovery, & Debuff!?

Disclaimer: Surprise! I didn't think I would have enough time on my hands to do this, but I do YAY! So, here's a chapter for you guys to enjoy!





- 23 Hours Later | 2:13 P.M | Dropship Crash Site | The Ground -

-Arthur Pendragon -

"Ugh... What the fuck happened?" I mutter with a raspy voice.

Sitting up from my makeshift bed, I recognize where I am in an instant. The dropship.


Turning my head to the left I spot Clarke sitting up against the wall asleep. 'She looks peaceful.' Before I could continue with my thoughts, I was interrupted by a quest notification.


[Quest Completed!]

[Quest Info:]

[Grounder Ambush!]

[Completed] Kill the Grounder Scout Group --- [6/6]

Rewards: +5 Stat Points, Random Loot Box, 1 B-Class weapon of your choosing

After Distributing my new stat points, I open my inventory and select my 2 Random Loot Box's.

In a flash of light, 2 purple and blue striped Christmas teleport into my hands.

[Item: Random Loot Box]

Type: Valuable


[Yes or No?]

[Item: Random Loot Box]

Type: Valuable


[Yes or No?]

Clicking yes, the first box begins to shake, and the lid begins to glow a multitude of colors, from white, green, blue, purple, and lastly gold.

[Item: Mental Simulation Training Skill Crystal]

Item Rarity: A

Type: Magic

Allows the user to create a combat scenario in one's mind where different characters from different universes will fight you in order for you to train and become stronger.


[Skill Gained:]

[Mental Simulation Training] (Active) - Lvl. 1/100 {Novice}

Allows the user to create a combat scenario in one's mind where different characters from different universes will fight you in order for you to train and become stronger. Higher Level allows for stronger opponents.


'Woah! That's like the Image Training ability they use in Dragon Ball!' I praise mentally. Shoving the crystal into my chest I diverted my attention back to the remaining loot box and selected 'Yes'.

The box erupts in a myriad of colors before stopping and opening on the color purple.

[Item: ODST Body Suit]

Item Rarity: B

Type: Armor

[Set Completion 16%] ---- [1/6]

Effects: Physical Damage Reduction +5%

The ODST Body suit is worn by the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers of the UNSC. The inner layer of the black-gray undersuit is made of Kevlar to aid in protecting the wearer from small arms fire. The inner layer contains a heating and cooling system which regulates temperatures to keep the user warm or cool depending on the weather conditions - the heating and cooling system can also match infrared signatures of the current weather as well to allow an ODST to go undetected in hostile locations.

'This shit just keeps getting better and better!'


'Another notification?'

[Please select a B-Class weapon of your choice]

A list of 20 B-Class weapons appears; 3 are bows, 2 are hammers, 2 are axes, 5 are spears, and 7 are swords with the better damage dealing weapons at the top of the list. One sword in particular drew my attention.

[Item: Fury's Song]

Item Rarity: B

Type: Sword

Attack: +80

Legendary 1-handed sword. Cleaves through foes with each swift swing.

'This is one of the swords that you could only obtain in supply crates in Black ops 3. This would certainly be a good weapon; I don't really need it since I already have my light magic. This would be a good weapon for Octavia besides it resembles her sword in the show.' After mentally deliberating which weapon to choose, I chose Fury's song.

[New Update Required. Please wait while it is installed!]

After waiting a few minutes my status opens back up just as normal, and I can't help but have a mental breakdown while going over my skills.

[Light Magic] (Active) - Lvl. 16/100 {Novice}

Allows the user to create and use light constructs at will. Higher Levels improve construct creation size and capability.

- Light Weapon Attack is maxed at 250 therefore any weapon with Higher attack will have to be made, found, or gained differently. Armor and other item creation's will be maxed out at C-Class.

Skill Rarity will be changed accordingly.

[Skill: Light Magic]

Item Rarity: B

Type: Magic



After calming down slightly at my mental breakdown and placing the weapon into my inventory, I place my feet off the side of the bed and attempt to get up. Standing up onto wiggly and shaky legs forces me back onto the bed before I can take a single step. 'Damn. I could tell that I was weak after waking up, but I'm not even able to walk!? Wait, this could be perfect! Since I can't walk, I can lay back down and use my new MST (Mental Simulation Training) skill.'

Laying back down onto the bed, I close my eyes and activate my new skill.

[Mental Simulation Training... Activation... Complete.]

With that I black out and return to the land of unconsciousness.


- Mental Simulation Training Field -

Feeling me shift from laying down to standing up straight causes me to open my eyes and survey where I am. An empty white void is the answer.

"Where am I?"

[You are in the Mental Simulation Training Field.]

[Here you will choose what arena you will train in and what universe your trainer will be from.]

[Arena Options:]



Rocky Mountains


Urban City


'Hmmm... Since most of my battles will be in forests, I will choose woodlands.'

[Arena: Woodlands has been chosen.]

[Please select what universe you would like your trainer to be from.]



The Originals

'What the fuck is with these choices?! I want some anime like Dragon ball so I can learn Ki not... not this! Huuuu.... If I had to choose 1 though... I have to go with Arrow and pray that my trainer is Ra's al Ghul.'

[Universe: Arrow has been chosen.]

[Transforming Arena and spawning Trainer.]

The white void began to change right before my eyes the white floor grew into grass, mud, and rocks. Giant pine and fir trees began rising from the ground and bushes began manifesting from the newly grown grass.

"System is there a time difference here, or no?"

[For every 1 minute inside the Mental Simulation Training field is 15 seconds out in the real world.]

[However, there is a time limit of how long you can train per day.]

'What is the time limit then? Also, can I complete the daily quest inside of here?'

[The time limit currently is 4 hours. However, if you raise your intelligent stat to 100 the time limit will increase to 6 hours. And yes, you can complete the daily inside the Mental Simulation Training however all other quests you receive must be completed in the real world.]

'Hmmm... that's good, but I wonder who my trainer is going to be?'

A green orb bursts into existence in the middle of a clearing after that thought. Almost like it heard me. The green orb begins to spin and emit a greenish light before abruptly changing colors to black and exploding into light particles; causing me to look away.

Looking back at the clearing I am both surprised at who my teacher is as well as extremely happy. He may not be Ra's al Ghul, but he did train under him.

"I suppose I'm your teacher then?" the figure asks.

"Yes, you are... Malcolm Merlyn." I say equipping my new ODST body suit and Fury's song.

[Malcolm Merlyn]

Titles: The Dark Archer; The Magician; Head of the Demon

Race: Human

Level: 50

HP: 25,400


- 3 hours and 56 miuntes later | Mental Simulation Training Field -




"Haa.. Ha... You know that we're almost out of time right Malcolm?" I ask blocking one of his sword swings, and punching him in the face causing him to stumble back a few steps.

"Ha...Haa... Of course I know. I've just missed this!" He yells lunging at me.



Ducking underneath one of his swings; I swing my blade upward, but Malcolm's cybernetic arm grabs the blade and twists causing my grip to loosen and with a sudden sweep kick I'm knocked flat on my ass.

"Haaa... Haa... Ha.. What does that make.. Ha... it now?" I ask as I begin to sit up.

"0 wins; 52 losses. That was the 1st strike you've landed on me. Well done."

"Thanks... Ha... My swordsmanship skill has gone leaps and bounds with you training me, and don't even mention the other skills that I've recieved so far."

"The only way to forge steel is to temper it in fire. You've done well for your first day, but you have much to learn still and we are far from finished."

[Time Limit Reached. Please Leave the MST or be forcibly ejected.]

[Time Limit: 0:30 seconds]

"Thank you Malcolm. I will meet you agian tomorrow, farewell."

"Farewell, Arthur."

[Mental Simulation Training... Deactivation... Complete.]

I fall back towards the ground and upon contact everything goes black.


- 3:19 P.M | Dropship Crash Site | The Ground -

-Arthur Pendragon -

Opening my eyes; I look around to see if Clarke or anyone else is here but there's no one. I hear people outside, but upstairs is completely quiet. Silent.

'Weird. Taking in the time difference I have been asleep for around an hour now.'

Placing my feet off the side of the bed; I attempt to get up. Standing on slightly shaky feet, I decided to take a few test steps. Walking a few steps towards the ladder inspires me with the confidence to climb up it and figure out why it's silent.

Opening the hatch, I am immediately met with the smell of blood and sweat. Looking up I am met with the sight of a tied and bound Lincoln who coincidently seemingly just woke up as well. If his rapidly blinking eyes are anything to go from.

"Hei der." I say to him. (Hello there.)

His eyes go wide, and his mouth drops open in shock. "Y-You speak our language?" he whispers.

"A little, but not too much. My name is Arthur Pendragon, the leader of these people."

"M-My name is Lincoln." he says with a guttural and raspy voice.

"Oh! Hold on." I told him before beginning to search for a cup of water.

Finding one in the corner by a scrap knife who I presume was left by whoever was supposed to be on watch. I walked back over to Lincoln and offered him the water pouch.

"Have my people done anything to you?" I ask him after he is done drinking the water.

"No, they haven't."

"Good. Now why are you here?"

"A group of your hunters found my cave by accident. I forced them to flee, and I thought that was the end of it, but your hunters came back with twice the number and with the girl called Octavia, and her brother Bellamy. They were able to capture me and bring me back here." he explained.

'Speaking of Octavia, I need to keep training her. I haven't for a few days due to the whole Wells, werewolf, and Murphy situation.'

"Have you told them anything?"

"No, and I won't tell you anything either. Even if you do speak our language."

'It doesn't matter that much but... with the changes to this world it might.'

"How about this. I will let you go without harm, and I won't ask about anything regarding your clan and what they plan to do to us. I need information about the supernatural and I need a tutor in Trigedasleng. How about it?"

"Hmm... What about the supernatural?"


"About the factions, like are there any werewolf tribes or vampire clans?"

"I will tell you about the supernatural and I will teach you about our language, but you must make a pact with me. By blood."

"What is the pact?"

"I swear to strive for peace instead of war."

"No can do. Sorry. Here, how about this. I swear to strive for peace instead of war with Trikru."

"... That is reasonable."

I walk over and grab the scrap knife and cut both mine and Lincolns hands before cutting the ropes holding his hands in place. After stretching his sore muscles and hands we shake to confirm and solidify the pact.

"Now how many supernatural races exist and what are the most powerful ones?" I ask.

"The supernatural races that we know of are few, but we know of Shapeshifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Rugaru, and Changelings. The most harmful ones are the Vampires and Changelings, but the rest are violent and dangerous as well. Except shapeshifters of course."

"How prominent are they compared to the rest? Who has the most numbers and who are the most powerful?" I ask again.

"The Werewolves and Vampires are easily the strongest monsters right now. They have been since I was born. Currently there are 3 Wolf Kings that all maintain their own population of wolves. 1st there is the White Wolf King he is the weakest of the wolf kings. Then there is the Gray Wolf King who is in the middle, but the strongest Wolf King is easily the Black Wolf King. It was said he once took on a force of 500 Azgeda and won by himself."

'Damn. Good thing I obtained that MST skill otherwise I would have been fucked!'

"The next are the Vampires who follow the Vampire Queen, under the Vampire queen are 3 vampiric lords who are told to be hundreds if not thousands of years old even before Praimfaya."

"What do you mean Praimfaya?"

"It is a common children's tale that the world was once filled with tall buildings and lights one could only ever dream of seeing, but it was all snuffed out when Praimfaya happened."


Lincoln spits at me before saying in his native language something about an enjoyable conversation. I am not able to figure anything out before I am tackled on the floor in a tight bear hug.

"Arthur, you're awake!"



(Skills Gained With Malcolm)

[Skills Gained:]

[Martial Arts] (Passive) - Lvl. 1/100 {Novice}

The ability to fight with Martial Arts. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Archery] (Passive) - Lvl. 1/100 {Novice}

Increases combat proficiency with every type of ranged-class weapon. Higher levels improve fighting ability.



Name: Arthur Pendragon

Class: Knight

Title: Leader of the 100

Level: 9 (5%)

HP: 2,930

MP: 1,700

STR: 57 (+8)

AGI: 45 (+4)

VIT: 46 (+10) {Every +1 point from 20 stat points is +105 HP}

INT: 50 {Every +1 point from 20 stat points is +50 MP}


Stat Points: 10 ---> 10 VIT.




[Observe] (Active) - Lvl. 40---> 48/100 {Advanced}

Enables you to see information about a target.

[Pickpocketing] (Active) - Lvl. 2/100 {Novice}

The stealthy art of picking an unsuspecting target's pockets.

[Tracker] (Active) - Lvl. 24---> 28/100 {Adept}

Allows for user to track animal sounds and smell for up to 1 mile. (Every 10 Levels = 1 Mile)

[Light Magic] (Active) - Lvl. 16---> 25/100 {Adept}

Allows the user to create and use light constructs at will. Higher Levels improve construct creation size and capability.

[Mental Simulation Training] (Active) - Lvl. 1---> 17/100 {Novice}

Allows the user to create a combat scenario in one's mind where different characters from different universes will fight you in order for you to train and become stronger. Higher Level allows for stronger opponents.



[Swordsmanship] (Passive) - Lvl. 30---> 41/100 {Advanced}

The Ability to fight with a sword. Higher levels improve fighting capability.

[Spearmanship] (Passive) - Lvl. 25---> 32/100 {Adept}

The ability to fight with a spear. Higher levels improve fighting capability.

[Spear Throwing] (Passive) - Lvl. 17---> 24/100 {Adept}

The ability to throw spears with precision. Higher levels improve spear throwing capability.

[Martial Arts] (Passive) - Lvl. 1---> 15/100 {Novice}

The ability to fight with Martial Arts. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Marksman] (Passive) - Lvl. 1---> 11/100 {Novice}

Increases combat proficiency with every type of ranged-class weapon. Higher levels improve fighting ability.

[Sexual Experience] (Passive) - Lvl. 1/100 {Novice}

The ability to satisfy your partners sexually.

[Commander's Aura] (Passive) - Lvl. 2/100 {Novice}

Info: Boost's combat morale and stats of nearby subordinates by 5%. Higher levels improve combat morale percentage and amount of stats boosted and for how long.

Every 10 levels the amount is increased to 10% and adds a extra 1 hour of length.

Every 5%= 1 hour boost.

[Trigedasleng Launguage] (Passive) - Lvl. 2---> 3/100 {Novice}

Allows User to speak and understand Trigedasleng. Higher level improves fluency in speaking and understanding.

[Gamers Mind] (Passive) - Lvl. MAX

Protects the mind from being read or manipulated.



Active Quests: [Swish Swish Stab - Daily] - 21:41:11 Till Refresh




Race: Dire Wolf

Sex: Male

Level: 5

HP: 520

MP: 250



[Slot 1:] x24 Black Snake Scales

[Slot 2:] x2 Gray Wolf Pelt's

[Slot 3:] x1 Panther Pelt

[Slot 4:] ODST Body Suit

[Slot 5:] Fury's Song

[Slot 6-100:] Empty


Chapitre suivant