20 Chapter 20: An Encounter From The Past

Hazuki testing his new sword and new magic items to try to learn new abilities and use it against villager knight which he defeated later

Hazuki: These items are quite amazing. Using this magic with Fast Switch. I can form all sorts of attack patterns.

Hazuki: This Magic Wand will be an efficient substitute for the teleportation skill since it costs a lot of mana. It be wise to only use teleportation as a last resort. I haven't seen a single Chatterer (Chatterer: A Monster that can use Curse magic and also has good loot if killed ) since those ones with that witch. I guess Chatterer have been becoming more rare now.

Hazuki: As their drops are becoming even more valuable. I'm guessing they are hiding at The End dimension. This world is changing.

Hazuki: Everything is changing so fast. It's hard to keep my head around it. All the mobs seem to be evolving, adapting their behavior to higher levels of intelligence.

Hazuki: From what those players told me. The villagers seem to be evolving even more quickly than the Demons. And the appearance of these new items and theses so called players with unique abilities. I don't know what to think anymore. Also The regular magic hook made from the magic craft bench can only pull things slightly toward you. But looks exactly the same as the one I got from that villager knight. So this so called villager trading system, can create completely new magic item with unheard of abilities. Now nothing can be taken lightly anymore. There are too many unknown variables. Meaning danger can arise from anything and anywhere. Best thing I can do right now. I think is to figure out the situation and get more informed. I have to conform what those players told me with my own eyes. I can't trust them... entirely Even though most of their explanations made sense. They may be operating under false data. I hope the advice I gave them was sufficient.

Hazuki is thinking about the things that have changed (Azieb vs Players vs Villagers) and just before he continued his journey he spots a lemonade stand.

Hazuki: I can't waste anymore time. I need to get more information. I need to find Notch

Hazuki: Huh?

A Zombie: Lemonade! Lemonade! Get your freshly squeezed lemonade here! Hello sir! Care for a drink?

He goes to it really excited but then he realizes it's blue.

A Zombie: (hehehe. I pour bleach into the lemonade so it will kill him.)

Hazuki: Why is it blue?

A Zombie: Cause I want to poison and kill you. AH! I mean. I put blue berries in it. And blue berries make it blue!

Hazuki: You drink it first.

A Zombie: No I drank a lot already. I'm super full of blue berries.

Hazuki: I hate liars!

He had thoughts that the Zombie who owned the stand poured bleach into it. This angers Steve because he loves lemonade so he destroys the stand. A Villager Scout sees the sword that is owned by villager knights and he assumes that Steve is a resistance player. Steve spots the villager Scout spying on him so he chases the Scout to get information.

Villager Scout: What? Wasn't that the sword one of those villager knights were using? If I recall correctly. They were sent here to exterminate those pesky resistance players or whatever they're called.. And didn't that sword just come out of the villager trading system? They were already defeated? Is he part of the resistance tribe? I have to report this. I have to warn the others! He spotted me.

Hazuki: Wait Is he what those players called a villager scout? He must have a lot of information of situation. It be good idea to speak to him.

Sometime near the Villager Scout chase, Poop Girl and poop boy's dogs are chasing a zombie. They eventually kill him and then Grave comes. He gives them a chance to surrender but Poop Girl And Poop Boy thought differently. Grave and his team eventually kill Poop Girl And their Dogs and explains what the right move would have been. Hazuki comes getting the Scout but Steve and Grave see each other

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