
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Time to strike (3)

The day arrived, the day that we are going to strike against the 2 lords.

"So, Hikaru, what are we going to do at today's meeting?"- Fumiko is eating with me and Hana at a table.

"Well, we will see what your dad says today. I expect the meeting to go well"- Hana tried to reassure them.

"I don't think so, Fumiko. These kinds of discussions can go wrong as well. We tried to help but what they do is up to them"- I don't want to tell her too much about what will happen today.

"What do you mean by this? Will something bad happen today?"- She looked a little uneasy.

"I say that there is potential for something bad to happen. There is still a lot that can go wrong in the meeting. You need to think like an adult, no matter how harsh the truth might seem about what will happen, you will have to accept it. Most of the time, these types of meetings go wrong. I am just warning you"

"Ok, thank you, Hikaru, I hope that nothing bad happens"

"She is too optimistic for her good."- I spoke to Hana over the telepathic network.

"Or maybe you are trying to make yourself feel better as to what you are about to do today."- Hana retorted.

"That as well, but we need to prepare Fumiko, today will be the day that her father is put down. I hope you can take care of her while I am doing it, Hana"

"Sure. I will be the one taking care of Fumiko. It's better to leave the hard stuff for you"- I ended the telepathic conversation with Hana.

Fumiko is looking at me, she is ready to go in for a new day of living, only if I were that excited about living another day in this crappy world.

"Hey, Fumiko, what do you want to do today, there is still some time before we go to the meeting, what would you like to do today?"- Fumiko is snacking on some candies that Hana made for her.

"Well, I would like to take a stroll with the 2 of you to Welcia Academy, where the heroes are. I know your situation, so it's best to hide. But I want to go there"


The 3 of us agreed and have gone to the Welcia Academy, we are around the entrance.

*Use skill: Lord of Deceit and Lies, Lucifer*- We used this to change our looks to that of a regular student here.

"Hey there, haven't seen you 3. Wait, you are Lord Welcia's daughter, have you come to visit, then please go right it"- The guards bowed and let us through.

"Where do you want to go, Fumiko?"- We whispered to her.

"I want to see how the classes are going, I want to go and see the hero's classroom!"

We headed towards the Heroes classroom, well, by the name I expect all of my classmates to be there as well, I hope no one will recognize us.

"Fumiko, don't use our real names ok?"- We leaned down to whisper to her.


We entered the Heroes classroom, where they are taught magic and combat. It seems like this time they are doing both at the same time, going on against adventurers stronger than them.

The teacher came up to us, she recognized Fumiko and let her in.

"Who are they?"- Pointing at us in disgust.

"They are my advisors, my dad hired them for me. I wanted to see what this academy is like since I will be enrolling soon"- She took a defensive stance in front of us.

"Well, I hope they are strong, they won't be given time off. Now, if you want to experience this class head I suggest you do some training here, along with the 2 of them of course, I want to see what they are made of."- The teacher looked at us for 3 more minutes.

"Excuse me, can we go outside, somewhere where we can destroy things freely?"- Some students heard me saying this and looked at me. They don't seem to recognize who I am.

"Fin, I doubt you will ever do that. Commoners don't have many skills and magic power like noble"- Maybe, but monsters do. I smiled at her and nodded.

"The strongest 3 in the class come outside with me. You will have a mock battle!"- Is this how newcomers are treated?

!No, it's because you look like commoners, they want to humiliate you in front of the heroes and make the heroes go on the same road as them!

"Huh, that's a scummy tactic."

We reached the training grounds, it was in the same place where we saved our classmates from the Alpha Magi wolf.

"Now, you can begin the battle!"- The 3 strongest students in our class are the gym rats, these guys always have gone to the gym and were the first in any sports class.

"Sia, tell me their levels"

!All of them are level 10!

"Level 10, can't they be over-leveled a little?"

!Yes, and their stats, are half of yours. I told you that heroes gain levels slower but their stats increase way faster than yours. All of them have been blessed with the Legendary skill: Exponential growth and another random skill that they chose!

"Well, I want to have a worthy fight with the 2 of you. I see that she can only provide help with potions since your little lady there is a pioneer. Let's see how you deal against us!"- They charged at us, their movements are so slow and sloppy I can almost see them in slow motion.

I won't be using my shadow tentacles here.

"You 2, drink up, it's a special buff potion made by me!"- Fumiko threw us 2 potion vials.

!This potion will multiply your current status 4 times. Sounds overkill but the potion will work!

We kept the potion, I signaled Hana to do the same.

"Don't worry, we can beat them without it!"- The first 1 charged at me, I grabbed him by the next with my left hand and smashed him into the earth, a few bones can be heard breaking.

The other one was charging at Hana, she kicked him in the stomach and poke him in the eyes. She finished him off with a kick to the head.

!The 3rd one is of the assassin class and wants to attack you from behind. Cast wind magic at the tree behind you!

I blew the leaves off of the tree behind me, and true to what Sia said, he was there. Being caught by surprise I made the first move, climbed the tree, and punched him in the face, falling he hit his head and fainted.

"This can't be it. You are cheating, just look at you, you are commoners, nothing more, how can the 2 of you beat heroes that are way stronger than you.?!"- The teacher looked at us angrily.

"Give them a break, they are stronger ok? Now, I will take my leave, I have a meeting to attend"

"Fine miss, take care of these 2 disgusting commoners, keep them on a leash not to destroy anything"- Man, I want to punch her face so bad!

!Solution, use your shadow tendrils to trip her or your shadow hand to do too!

Covertly I used my shadow tendril to make her trip and place my shadow hand right where her face was with land and at the last moment formed a punch.

"She got what she deserved"- Fumiko turned around to look at her and smile.

At the meeting between Lord Ikrel and Lord Welcia:

"So, tell me. You want to soothe relations with us right?"- Lord Ikrel looked at me holding a bottle of wine.

"Yes, why not toast to our new reunion? Please butler, put some wine in the glass"

I grabbed the glass and poured 1 glass of wine for Lord Ikrel, it's not time to use my skill set.

"Well, we will need your butler and maid out of this room if we want to talk business"

"Ok, but can they pour us 1 last glass of wine before they go?"- Lord Welcia gave me the glass, and Lord Ikrel did the same"

"Wait, I will bring another sort of wine from the cellar, wait a little bit"- I went to the cellar and searched for a new bottle of wine.

*Use skill: Predator*- I infused the wine with all the poison I had from Lord Welcia.

Going back to their room, I poured them 1 glass of wine, me and Hana are now outside with Fumiko waiting to see what will happen.

"So what do you think will happen?"- Fumiko sat on a chair, I had to lower myself to talk to her.

"I don't know, I hope it goes ok. But there is a chance for things to fail ad lead to further conflict. We will see"

"I expect only the best!"- Fumiko is so optimistic.

After a few minutes, I can hear a thud coming from the room.

"What was that?"- Fumiko wanted to enter but Hana stopped her. Hana's eyes started to tear up.

"Don't worry I will go and check! Hana, it's too dangerous for Fumiko, keep her here"

"Yes"- Hana turned Fumiko backward to the door.

Looking around the large room I can see the corpses of Lord Welcia and Lord Ikrel, mission done. Using my shadow tendrils I silently dragged their corpses into a separate part of the room.

*Use skill: Predator*- I devoured the skills of both Lord, they didn't have many useful skills, well I already had this basic skill.

#Skill gained: Dimension Home#- Huh, what is this skill?

!It allows you to create a dimension where you can store living things!- Sia responded somewhat excited.

"No time to ponder this new skill"

Using the shadow tendril already out I placed the corpses in the following manner: Lord Welcia defended himself from Lord Ikrel that was trying to stab him, he got his throat slashed by the knife and couldn't scream, and then Lord Ikrel took his own life.

"Hana, Fumiko, bad news!"- The 2 of them came in and saw the corpse.

Hana looked sad, Fumiko fell to her knees and started to cry.

"Look, I am sorry that this happened"- I walked near Fumiko, she extended her arm and gripped my waist tightly.

She didn't let go of me for like 30 minutes. Man, I feel like crap for what I did to Fumiko, but it was needed for us to survive, we couldn't have done it otherwise.

We evacuated the mansion since royal guards will likely come.

I am at my house with Hana and Fumiko, she finally calmed down but she looks like a shell of herself, looks like I need to cheer her up the best way that I can.

I must do something to make her feel happy, but what? It doesn't matter, I will think about it later.