
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Fumiko's Lordship (3)

At Fumiko's declaration of Lordship.

Me and Hana are the declaration of Lordship that Fumiko has to go through to become Lord of both Welcia and Ikrel. We are at the royal palace, again. The first time we got kicked out. We are disguised using my skill but I have a bad feeling about this.

"Hey, Hikaru, what are you thinking about?"- Hana started a conversation over the telepathic network

"Well, we are at the royal palace, it feels like a trap, for me at least."- I looked around the room we are in, the guest room of the royal palace. Fumiko is sitting near me, she is sleeping. Fumiko is exhausted, she prepared the whole night for this.

"Ohhhh, you 2 must be Fumiko's guards, or so I heard. I am Princess Alma Wieka"- A girl shorter than I presented herself, she wears everything a princess would wear, and she looks beautiful.

"Sia, analyze her"

!It will take some minutes. Discuss with her until then!

"So, princess, why are you here? Why should you bother with a small Lord like Fumiko? I mean, don't you have more important things to attend to? Plus I have a bad feeling about today, I suggest that you be on your guards, we already are."- She was a little taken back by this

"How do you know something bad will happen?"- She looked a little bit scared.

"Well, I have the Legendary skill named Premonition that lets me anticipate a bad event, but the catch is I don't know to whom it will happen and how damaging that event is"- Come on Sia, analyze faster, please!!!!!!!!!!!

!Analysis complete. The individual Alma Wieka isn't human. She is a crossbreed between an ice demon and a human. Her dad keeps her locked away from the world. Her long hair covers her small horns. She still hasn't evolved from a lesser demon like you did. She might be useful if you know what I mean!

"I do know what you mean Sia. I will do that after Fumiko is declared Lord"

"Is everything ok? You seem to space out"- Alma is up in my face and smiling.

"Oh, nothing, I was just using Premonition again to see if the feeling is coming again"- I smiled at her.

"Ok, now, I will get going"- She didn't get even halfway through the door and King Wieka appeared.

"What are you doing here? I told you to stay in your room!!"- King Wieka tried to drag her by tightly gripping her arm. I extended one of my shadow hands, I almost crushed his hand.

"What the hell was that sharp pain in my arm just now?"- He looked around the room

"It may be from old age if I may suggest your highness"- I bowed down to the king with my face down.

"Well, maybe you are right kid. You, just go to your room!"- King Wieka left. Good or disguise hasn't been blown out

!King Wieka doesn't like his daughter. He has the Legendary skill Lust, he can charm anyone with it. Alma's mother was an ice demon that he later executed, there was no reason behind the execution other than that she was a demon. He can't execute Princess Alma because that will stir up a conflict in the kingdom. People of the kingdom like Princess Alma more than her father and he knows that. You might convince him of something if you have that reasoning!

"Guys, my ceremony is about to begin. Thanks for keeping me safe you 2"- Fumiko patted the 2 of us on the back.

"Fumiko, I have one request from you. If the king wants you to choose a retainer to do your job for you choose Princess Alma, you will be saving her from a life of nightmare. Please do that"- Fumiko looked at me confused.

"Ok, will try my best"

The ceremony:

Everyone is gathered in the ballroom of the castle. All the nobles of the kingdom are gathered there. I can hear whispers among them.

"What a lucky brat. Just because those 2 were idiots and killed each other now that little wench is having it all for herself."- One of the nobles closest to me commented.

"The death of Rei seems fishy to me. He was an accomplice but why did he hang himself, it looked like someone set him up. Maybe it was that little bitch"- Now, I have another target to eliminate. A noble with silver hair, dressed in a red cloak

"What is up with those 2 guards? They seem powerful, more powerful than us. Don't you think that will be a problem?"- Another noble commented

"Everyone quiet down!"- King Wieka commanded

"We are gathered here now to declare a new Lord of the land in Welcia and Ikrel. We all know the tragedy that happened a week ago. It may be rushed but we need someone to lead over both lands. I, King Wieka, declare Fumiko Welcia Lord over the lands of Welcia and Ikrel. That patch of land will be known as the united lands of Welcia and Ikrel."

"Thank you, my king"- Fumiko kneeled. The 2 of us are on our guard.

"Why aren't the 2 guards kneeling!"- A noble shouted at us.

"Hmmmm?"- King Wieka looked at us.

"We are sorry but we are on duty, can't kneel, it will be harder to draw my sword and fight and threats. Our duty is to protect Fumiko, so if we kneel and get attacked we will be easy pickings for the attackers"- Hana was the first to talk, and I couldn't think what to say.

"That makes sense. Everyone, the guards stay up and guard. From now on don't kneel on duty, even in front of me. I want maximum security here"- The other guards got up and remained vigilant.

"Is there any request that you have of me? I am willing to give almost anything"- King Wieka is standing near the stairs that lead to his throne.

"Well, I want a retainer that has no malice towards me. Someone from the nobility will be a mistake to ask for. If I may ask for your daughter to be my retainer. I can teach her everything about etiquette, make her a woman in the true sense of the word, you will be a proud father after that"-There was a stir in the crowd, and King Wieka thought for a bit.

"Well, if you can transform her then yes. Make her a candidate for marriage, and maybe then the prince of a neighboring country will want to marry her. Yes, that's an excellent idea. I will raise your rank, you directly helping the kingdom with this. And make sure to pay those guards well. They seem pretty strong. And you 2, protect your lady at all cost"- King Wieka clapped his hands and tried to return to the thrown, I decided to trip him with my shadow Tendril. He fell hitting his jaw on the wooden part of the throne. Some of the nobles laughed, this happened when we exited from the throne room.