
That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord

Arthur Gets reincarnated into the Earth of Overlord and then gets transmigrated but what's this? Instead of the New World he's in Tensura? 500 years back in the past! Thrust into the World of Tensura of the past, he will have to decide which route to take. The path of a World Conquerer? Or live a simple Carefree life with his NPCs? Note: The story Will loosely follow the OverLord Elements and Tensura's Power system to some extent. This Fanfic will be an AU meaning changes! yay!, but not much changes will be in the original plot. Characters may appear when they shouldn't but it's the effects of 'butterfly fluttering away' so relax and enjoy! Also Obviously I don't have any rights on Overlord Anime/LNs or Tensura/TTIGRAAS. OCs are ofcourse mine though.

_Raphiel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Chp-3 Status (*updated*) and World Info

Type : Player

In real life name : Arthur

Name in game : Bael Draconio Armenon

Nickname : The Cursed One .Lord of Abysss .Star Destroyer. World Enemy

Height: 2 meter

Weight : Irrelevant

Age : Existed Before the formation of Yggdrassil (in the lore)

Alignement : Neutral Evil

Karma : -250

Affiliation : Guild Urion

Residence : Castle Deudenia

Job : Guildmaster



The Undefeatable Ruler of Deudenia, Bael Draconio Armenon is The Dragon Lord of The Abyss. This title was given to him by the devs cause of his Chunni Roleplaying that attracted more players to Yggdrassil so to add a bit more flavour text they gave him this title.

Bael is an Ancient Dragon who lived since the birth of the World Tree.

He saw the destruction brought upon the tree by the World Enemy Nidhogg and went to deal with her all by himself, through these deeds he Gained the title of World Saviour.

But his goal was not to be hailed as a saviour. His true goal was the Essence of Yggdrassil that would grant him True Immortality, but his plans took a different path and by some chance of luck his soul is now connected to a celestial body, the sun, moon, earth, or others none know of. But everyone knows that unless someone destroys both him and the Celestial Body in one simultaneous Attack he is TrulyImmortal.


Cunning, manipulative, loves the look of despair of the victims. Often enjoys destroying things but knows when not to. Knowledgeable and wise.

He is a Chunni.


Levels: 150 (Boosted by World Items)

Total level : 200

Racial level : 100

Job level : 100


Heath : 100

Mana : 100

Physical Attack : 100

Physical defense : 100

Agility : 95

Magical Attack : 100

Magical Defense : 95

Resist :95

Special :95


1st tier to 4th tier

5th tier to 7 tier

8th tier

[Astral Smite]


[Dimensional Lock]

[Energy Drain]



9th tier

{Meteor Swarm}

{Mass Heal}

{Prismatic Sphere}



{True Death}

{True Resurrection}

{Grasp heart}

{Greater Rejection}


{Nuclear Blast}


10th tier:

<Armaggedon-Evil Good>

<Body of Effulgent Beryl>

<Create Fortress>

<Implosion >

<Mercy of Shorea Robusta>

<Mirror World>

<Meteorite Fall>

<Reality Slash>

<Entropy Burst>

<Time Stop>


Super tier :

[Star Destroyer]

[Black hole]

[Fallen down]


[Armaggedon- Judgement]

[Eternal Void]

[Absolute Annihilation]

[Dimensional Collapse]

[Soul Severance]


Special Skill:

<Celestial Harmony> : Allows Bael to seemlessly merge and cast multiple spells at the same time. Using this skill allows Bael to bypass the casting Restrictions, this allowing for instant casting. It also reduces the time limit for any spells that would normally require an Hour to a few minutes.

Can be used with <Harmonic Convergence> skill.

<Harmonic Convergence> : Amplifies the spells or any skill that requires mana. The output of that spell or skill will be several time more than normal intended use. This skill also enables the user to use 45% less mana than required. Though it acts as a type of Maximize Magic or Boost magic, it's effects is superior


Passive skills:

Aura of Malevolence, Despair Aura, Demonic Haki,etc

Weapons and Items

Star Sword [World Item]

Ring Of the sovereign [WI]

Gaunlet of Sovereign [Divine Grade]

Armour of Sovereign [D.G]



World Info:

Not Much has changed except for a few things..

Deudenia Will be on a new continent which the local people call the Death Land...(the barren lands on the left is seperated from the mainland where the castle will be)

No human has ever stepped on this continent since the fight between The Destroyer Milim Nava and Lord of darkness Guy Crimson.

Which was 50000 years ago.

And our MC has been transferred to the past of Tensura 500 years before the main plot started.

Right now the demonlords number in 20. Well we all know who the true demon lords are. Anyway, this group is Currently called the Council Of Demon Lords.

There will be slight changes to the number of western kingdoms we have.

Also the unnamed island between Eternal Ice and the Main Continent will be the base of Dagruel. If it is somehow occupied by anyone I am unaware of, then I have to inevitable make changes.

I have also removed the skill [The Goal Of all life is death] since it is a Class Skill from Class [Eclipse -5] which Bael won't have.

That's all. See ya in the next Chapter!!