
54 -=Grass mower=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Rimuru reached the first stop of his journey in no time at all, Kusagakure the not-so-famous village hidden in... grass...

such a stupid name, isn't it?

'Who is the idiot who names these villages?' Rimuru asked himself


Their founders>



'No shit, seriously?'

Walking through the entrance of the village, Rimuru was stopped by the guards, who were two gennins



not every village has enough ninjas to be able to spare chunnins to guard their gates>

'Well, that makes sense'

"State your business and from where you are from" The ninja who was seemingly the leader said

"I am Rimuru, on a tourism trip

I came from the village of Furious"

"Furious?" the guard asked, not familiar with the name

"yeah, the village were we spank whoever is curious" Rimuru replied with a smirk

"Oh, I see, I thought you were from Harigakure" the guard answered

"There is a village hidden in crystals?" Confused Rimuru asked

"No no, the other meaning" the guard explained

"Village of glass?" Rimuru asked

"That fucks your ass" the guard replied with a smirk of his own

"Aha, I see

you are a funny guy, remembers me of Natto..." Rimuru said, as if remembering someone

"Natto? like in nut?" the guard asked, it was a funny name after all

"No no, like in your mom, that sl#t" Rimuru replied

"A ha ha, you are so very funny

state your business, I have things to do" the guard laughed in a sarcastic way and proceeded with his job

"Yeah, that

I am here to read the mind of a curious idiot" Rimuru said in a fast way

"What?" The guard asked, instantly falling prey to both the joke and a genjutsu

"Hey! What did you do-" the other guard asked as he jumped towards Rimuru, big mistake


he fell down instantly, but Rimuru didn't even bother to extract his weak shadow

"Tell me everything you know about someone named Uzumaki" Rimuru told the genjutsu influenced guard

"...yes..." The guard nodded absent mindedly, as he begun to tell what he knew, which wasn't much because of his low ranking

But even that little information made Rimuru angry


keep your calm>

'Isis... didn't you also hear that?' he asked back in anger


it is no use to be angry over something that has already happened>

'You say that but... I think Naruto's stupidness passed to me over the time

how could I forget how rotten this world is?'

<Notice- >

'Not now, Isis...

they did that to a kid, so they should be prepared for retribution, no?' Rimuru asked as he begun to raise to the sky


Your anger is irrational, why are you so mad?> Isis asked, as much as she 'talks normally' she isn't a manas yet, she can't understand feelings

'... she was the age of my late sisters, that is why' Rimuru stopped rising as soon as he hit the clouds

The people from Kusa didn't even notice him, they were completely oblivious to their imminent death

<Processing...> Isis begun to try to process the information on Rimuru's anger and his memories, a valuable lesson on ager, one of the most prominent emotions

"People from this village saw that happening and did nothing, they are as guilty as the perpetrators, so I won't spare them"

Rimuru raised his hand in front of his face, palm upwards

A ball of chakra begun to condense above his hand slowly, a rasengan, a very compressed one as well

"Infusing the power of [Bijuudama] as well as [God slayer inferno]" as soon as he did that, the rasengan turned black, and a ring of purple flames and white chakra started to rotate around it

Unfortunately, the stability of the attack suffered greatly because of that as well

"[Degenerate]" Rimuru used yet another skill to keep the jutsu stable a bit longer

In a deep voice, he said

"For the sins that you have committed

receive thy punishment

Dai Rasenringu"

Using his [Loki] skill to amplify his voice with a sound based genjutsu, Everyone heard Rimuru's words, they looked at his direction, only to see him dropping a black sphere with a purple and white ring around it at the middle of the village

"What is that?" Someone pointed at the falling jutsu


the expected loud sound when the jutsu hit the ground didn't happen, as the jutsu just expanded at an insane speed, not one sound made

'Maybe I went overboard a bit... why didn't it explode?'


The [God slayer inferno] is burning the sound>

'Ah, I see-

Wait, burning SOUND? how is that possible?'


the process behind the combustion of soundwaves is based on->

'STOP STOP STOP! I don't want to know how that works at all, ok?'



'Sigh... let's just... go

I have already done enough here, maybe even more than I should but whatever'


next location is at 1 week away, by normal walking speed>

'Haah, I would just go by the shadows to get away from here but... I need to cool down a bit, so lets run till there, it will help'

Rimuri thought as he dropped from the sky, as soon as his feet hit the ground he started dashing away from the crime scene

<common skill [Running] acquired>

'Isn't that kind of pointless to have when you can fly?'

<... I didn't choose to give you the skill, it was the V.O.W.>

Rimuru then dashed towards Takigakure, his mind in turmoil about what he just did, but at the same time still angry and trying to justify himself


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