
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Celestial Chronicles

when an a god from outside of the tensura verse reincarnates in it with an unknown body and two unique skills watch the type of trouble he and Rimuru gets themselves into

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 6

Chapter: 6

It's been ten minutes since our conversation with the goblin village chief and Rimuru left with him to heal the wounded. While I stayed back to think of what to do. Though not long after Rimuru came bouncing back into the hut.

"Nova I've finished healing the wounded."

He said as he hopped onto the table in front of me I hummed in response before I looked at him.

"Hey Rimuru how do want this to end?" I asked.

"As peaceful as possible."

"In other words trying to minimize the amount of killing?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Sigh ok then by the way what was with all the noise from outside?"

"That was the goblins creating spiked walls."

"Ah, so defense."


I got up and stretched a bit.

"Alright let's go set some traps."

Rimuru nodded as we left the tent walking or bouncing in Rimuru's case to the entrance of the goblin village stepping out of the village Rimuru started setting up sticky and steel threads from where we were to a good distance outward. I activated the [Celestial Arts] skill I created multiple white orbs that I let float up into the air.

"What are those?" Rimuru asked.

"Those little brother are stars."

"Wait stars!"

"Yeah, have you already forgotten my [Celestial Arts] skill?"

"Oh yeah, that's what that meant."

"Hmm hm, consider them a contingency just in case your plan doesn't work."

"Huh huh, wait are you expediting it to fail?"

"No, but it's good to have precautions."

Rimuru nodded in agreement and we went back into the village to wait and prepare for the attack of the Dire Wolves.

A few hours later

It was now nighttime and around the time the Dire Wolves normally attack. Me, Rimuru, and the goblins were at the entrance to the village Rimuru and I were outside and the goblins were inside, and then there was a howl a telltale sign that the Dire Wolves were coming and it didn't take them long either. Not even five minutes after the howl the Dire wolves were already a few meters away from the village. There were indeed 100 of them each of them had silver-blue fur but three. They were at the front of the pack which indicated their rank in the pack from left to right. The one on the right had a star on its forehead. The one in the middle had a scar over its right eye. The one on the left had a completely different fur color instead of the typical sliver blue it was black.

"Stop where you are," Rimuru said

"That's him, Dad he's the one…" the dire wolf that had a star on its head said looking at Rimuru.

"The monster with the "incredible aura" you came across? Nonsense. It's just a simple slime!" the dire wolf with a scar over its left eye said.

Huh wait a minute haven't we seen these wolves before?

<<You did but they were scared off by Rimuru's aura before could see you.>>


"Listen up I'm only going to say this once. If you turn back now, you will not be harmed. Be smart and leave us in peace."

The Dire Wolves ignoring Rimuru's offer of turnback now rushed forward toward the village.


the wolf with the star shouted at the wolf with the scar who was seemingly the leader.

"Hmph! A fence like those at human villages. This slime fancies itself to be important!" the leader said

"You go first!" the leader shouted 

Three of the pack members rushed ahead of it. The second they got close they were cut down by something.

And there were the steel threads. [Wisdom] What's the percentage of which it would be necessary for me to intervene?

<< 0.5%>>

I see.

"What?! What just happened? Wh-what is this?!" the dire wolf leader shouted in surprise.

"Is that what those threads were for?! I just assumed you were strengthening the posts…" the goblin village chief said.

"I used sticky threads to strengthen the fence. But those were steel threads.

Goblins that were in the trees started firing at the still-charging wolves which hit some of them.

Not bad honestly between the arrows and the threads they are going to find it hard to charge even if they do well.

A wolf who was trapped under the fence had its head crushed by a spiked club.

The leader growled in anger and then rushed at Rimuru while bitting through the steel threads.

"Don't get cocky, measly slime!! I'll crush you flat!!"

He roared as he jumped at Rimuru.

Sigh he fell for it.

Before the leader could even get close it was bound by a set of sticky threads.

"Nice try. Too bad you fell into my sticky threads."

Rimuru then fired off a blade of water from his [water blade] skill severing the head of the leader wolf from its body. Rimuru then dropped the body to the floor.

"H-he did it!"


The wolf with the star on its forehead said in somberance while the black-furred one looked impassive.

"Listen up Dire Wolves! Your boss is now dead! Your choice is simple fealty or death!"

I stared at the wolves with an impassive gaze preparing to unleash my previously prepared attack. But my gaze was more aimed towards the black-furred one which from what I could sense is the strongest of them.

Rimuru noticed that they weren't moving and then devoured the leader's body via predator and then transformed into it.

"Heheheh! Very well! We shall overlook your actions this one time! If you will not follow my commands then I'll allow you to leave without quarrel!! Now go!!"

"We will follow you to the ends of the earth master!!"

I don't think he expected that now did he? I thought with a chuckle.

"This should be good."

The very next day Rimuru and I were sitting in the center of the village with the goblins and dire wolves sitting before us with the village elder to our left.

"By the way village elder, what's your name?" Rimuru asked.

Looking over to Rimuru with a raised eyebrow.

Did he already forget that monsters don't usually have names?

I didn't have to say it myself as the village leader explained it to him.

"Monsters don't usually have their own names. After all, we don't need names to make ourselves understood."

"Oh I see, still it makes it less convenient to call on you…. That's it! How about I just give you all names how about that?"

I turned to look at Rimuru once more before silently making myself scarce.

Yeah, I'm not helping with nope nada-hmm.

Looking ahead of me I saw the black dire wolf that just so happened to be the daughter of the ex-leader of the dire wolves.

<<Notice: that's not a Dire wolf but Black Fang Wolf magic orianted evolution of dire wolf.>>

Oh, I see no wonder she was stronger than the others.

I walked up to the wolf with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, what is it do you require aren't you supposed to be Rimuru and the others?"

"Are you the one who had the orbs of magicule in the air above us last night?"

"Oh, you sensed that I'm impressed."

"Why didn't you just annihilate us last night even though you could have?"

"Oh, that is simple Rimuru wanted it to end to end as peacefully as possible."

"I see I have heard what I wanted to hear."

She bowed and then said.

"I would like the honor to serve under you and to receive a name if you so wish."

I stared at her with a sigh.

Hmm [Wisdom] can you remind me why names are so important to monsters again?

<<When a monster receives name the person who bestowed them power that and they may even evolve.>>

I see.

"Listen I am not very good with names you know."

"It would not matter my lord."

"Very well can't say I didn't warn you. How about Selena?"

"I will accept the name with pride."


Whatever I was going to say was cut off when I heard a commotion behind me looking back I saw the dire wolves and goblins surrounding the area Rimuru was.

Hmm, what's happening over there?

<< Notice: Rimuru has used up nearly all of his magiclues and has entered hibernation state.>>

Oh ok, then I was worried for a moment there.

Walking over to the crowd with Selena in tow.

"Everyone calm down he is just unconscious he will be fine just move him inside."


Sigh [Wisdom how long will he be out for?

<<Three days.>>

Oh, joy.

Chapter 6: end