
That time I got Isekai'd with my Discord friends (AUI the novel)

Anime Universe India... (AUI) was a discord server but one day, the people from the server died and was reincarnated in the world of Discord!! We see the story from Y2Gay's POV on how our Main Character (Hikigaya) and his mates lived in this weird world.

King_Dora_Chan · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

CTK Spies Vs DTI Mods

So after some very deep thinking our troopers decided to fight back against CTK'ers... So when another CTK member joined the server to steal members... Our troopers fought back by banning him and later strengthened their Defence by adding new rules such as no Server advertising and no @everyone pinging option for normal users... (That was the start of it)

And a private chat for mods were made....

somewhere around these incidents... Rajatava Kar became admin.... Believe me... We'll come to him later...

So the troopers decided to avoid public discussion of CTK and started to talk about CTK's Legendary work in the private chat only...

During this time period... CTK decided to send in some undercover agents to infiltrate the opposite side's base...

The plan didn't work obviously... Even 4 year old kids would make better spies than the ones sent by CTK (Tough luck... Yaboku-kun)

Normally these people will come to the server to ask whether they like DTI or CTK and when they get caught... They go down in style without leaking any intel on CTK (Well they were Loyal at least)... One of those guys said "I fuck Subhraneel" or something....(Dude... That's kinda gay)

Anyways... If I remember correctly... Icy was in the CTK server and he saw some weird shit such as when anyone typed "DTI" mee6 would reply with "DTI sucks... they copy" and when someone typed Subhraneel mee6 would delete that and warn the user saying "Don't use bad words" or something similar...

This is what real war is!!!

Anyways the war between Hitler and Stalin continued in the following few days...

Our troopers eventually found out about a loophole that was leaking intel.... The loophole being Jisan.... Look he wasn't a bad guy or anything.... He was the kind of guy who would reply honestly to whatever that was asked.... (He has matured now)

So our troopers warned Jisan to not leak information about DTI to CTK...

One day tho.... Killer boy (A Mod) found out the criminal behind all this... It was Batman!!!

He was the one copying DTI stuff and was uploading them on CTK....

This was such a letdown for the troopers... So much so... That they snapped and out of anger.... They did.... Absolutely nothing!!!

No one even tried to ask Batman about it which allowed him to copy several other shows such as Kiteretsu and Gravity Falls....

Anyways... The number of spies who were attacking our troopers suddenly increased and amongst them were CTK leaders such as Yaboku-kun and ProMaster (He was such a dick!)

This annoyed the likes of Subhraneel.... So much so that he left Discord and encoding for a few hours...

Our troopers couldn't see Subhraneel in such trouble... So they decided to make a move.....

This particular chapter brings back sooo many memories....


I miss those days when Subhraneel,Makise, Killer boy,Raja were all active

King_Dora_Chancreators' thoughts