
Tf? Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Infinite Flow: ML… Where TF are You?! [BL]

    AUTHOR NOTE 14.05.2024: Hello all! Sorry for the long wait, I wrote myself into a literal corner and realised I have to retcon a few things in arc 4 before I can move on with the story. Will try to get this fixed in the soonest! Really sorry for the wait TT o TT **** Infinite/Unlimited Flow horror BL novel Might be a parody. And MC might be a villain.... 1v1 Introducing: A suicidal and bored MC and… wait, where the f&?! is the ML?! *** Lam Thanh Van believes it’s about time someone ended his miserable life. But being an immortal has hindered his path to Hell. Scratch that, Hell is off limits with the terrifying speed his body stitches itself back together, no matter how much someone might hack him to pieces. With such a long and torturous life of trying to finish himself and failing miserably, he imagines that his death would be grand, like slaying a dragon - or a very persistent cockroach. Now, the only problem was finding a hero worthy of such a cause. *** [The last player has arrived. Players, prepare for briefing.] [Welcome to the annual 2023rd survival championship.] The grand doors to the dome slowly pulled close, drawing everyone’s gazes over to the lone figure standing by himself, like a rabbit frozen in the headlights. In front of the sea of players, fawn eyes dilated with fright. Fresh tears still clung to the lashes that framed the eyes so green they reminded the people of ocean waves crashing to the white sandy shore. Long limbs were clad in a simple T-shirt with a pair of washed-out jeans hugging his slim waist. Messy lavender hair and snow-white skin tinted with faint pink seemed ethereal in the scene. Like a magnolia tree growing in the desert… or a white lotus sprouting from a pile of bullshit. One brave individual broke away from the herd, cold eyes set on the last player. ”Stay with us if you want to live.” Lam Thanh Van raised his gaze up to the looming man, green eyes drenched with tears, his lips trembling as he could only muster a nod. [All players, scenario one will commence now. Good luck and try not to die.] —— When nothing is as it seems - who can you trust? ML: Not the author, that’s for sure. The synopsis is just one huge clickbait- *Author smacks this insolent child with a hardcover edition of the Bible*: Quiet, you! Or I won’t let you appear even after the halfway mark! MC: … You evil bish!! —- T/W: This is mature content. A sprinkle of horror, a teaspoon of gore, topped with a handful of clownery. Some papapa is added as a garnish at the end. Consume at your own digression. A/N: This is an original work by LinShui. The cover is not mine, as I have negative skills in any illustrative art. Will commission for a cover when I’m no longer a broke bish. Do let me know if this is your art and you want to take it down, thanks! #unrequitedlove

    LinShui · LGBT+
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  • The Foolhardies

    Dean Dapper leads two lives. By day, he’s your average teenager enduring the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the mundane human world. By night, however, he’s the reluctant commander of the Foolhardies, a group of troublemakers fighting in a war of succession that’s been ongoing for nearly five hundred years! A Fifteen-year-old battling mythical fairy-tale beings may sound foolhardy, but Dean isn’t in this for himself. His younger brother Luca faces a life of slavery in the fairy realm, and only Dean’s fight to become the clan hero might rescue Luca from his grim fate. Luckily, Dean finds a valuable ally in Aurana, a princess of the clan with her own political ambitions of her family claiming the empty throne. Strategic battles, magic sword fights, the underbelly of fairy politics, and raging teen hormones—it’s all in a night’s work for Dean, Luca, Aurana, and the rest of the Foolhardies. [UPDATE] Pausing on daily chapter releases this June 2020 on account of spending part of my writing time editing the work from the beginning. Please expect even better prose and tighter pacing from chapters 1 to 220 soon. It all starts with 1. After I'm done with that, daily chapters will resume. But don't worry, chapters will still come out weekly. It just won't be daily for now. RELEASE SCHEDULE: 1 chapter daily at 10-11 PM Hong Kong time. want to read more of my works? check out GAME MASTER OF SOULS (ML-Fantasy/Game) only on Webnovel. Want to buy me a cup of coffee? A gift on the novel page will do the trick. :D Follow me on Twitter "@WhoisGDCruz" for all the Foolhardies news that doesn't fit in the Author's note of each chapter. :p Want to chat about the Foolhardies? I'm on Discord: GD_Cruz#3598

    GD_Cruz · Fantasy
  • Daftar Operasi TF Amethyst

    Seorang pria tua, seorang pemuda dan seorang anak perempuan, ketiganya berdiri di atas padang rumput nan luas, di bawah langit yang bersih dari awan. Sang anak perempuan memandang keadaan di sekelilingnya dengan mata berbinar. Sebelumnya ia harus melewati padang salju dan lorong kecil yang gelap, jadi wajar kalau benaknya kini dipenuhi pertanyaan. “Grandpa, tempat apa ini?” Sang pria tua berlutut di hadapan cucunya sebelum dengan lembut ia menjawab. “Penduduk lokal menyebut tempat ini Benua Amstell.” “. . . Benua Amstell?” Sang anak perempuan memiringkan kepala mungilnya sementara kakeknya melanjutkan. “Delapan tahun yang lalu Grandma menemukan tempat ini secara tidak sengaja, sayangnya di tempat ini pula Grandma meninggal. Jadi, maukah kau membantu Grandpa menjaga tempat peristirahatan terakhir Grandma ini?” Sang anak perempuan mengangguk mantap sebelum menjawab. “Tentu saja, Claire akan menjaga tempat ini dengan sekuat tenaga.” Sang pria tua lalu menoleh ke arah pemuda di sampingnya sebelum berkata. “O’Neil, kau tahu aku dan Samantha memperlakukanmu seperti anak kami sendiri, dan kami tahu kau memutuskan masuk militer karena tidak mau bersaing dengan Robert dalam mengelola korporasi yang akan kami tinggalkan, meski bakatmu dalam berbisnis jauh lebih baik.” “. . .” “Tapi setidaknya berjanjilah kau akan membantu Claire menjaga tempat ini, karena begitu keberadaan Nouel diketahui, seluruh dunia akan memperebutkan tempat ini.” “Anggap sudah terlaksana.” Jawab Sang Pemuda dengan kasual, namun Sang Pria Tua seketika tersenyum karena ia tahu anak angkatnya tersebut tidak pernah mengingkari kata-kata yang ia ucapkan. *****

    Tropic_Panda · War
  • call of duty with tf

    call of duty

    Sohel_Tanvir_9360 · Games
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  • tf s goindd. urs

    Vampire Eugene -- a sacrificial lamb slaughtered after half a year of running to fulfil the desires of a templar for fame. He was given a second chance at life after concluding his life with regrets. "I will never again die the same way. If I really did return to the past, no matter what it takes... I will never regret again."

    Zazu_Ff · Fantasy
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  • TFS(The Fallen Star)

    It's a love story which leads to war. Which begins in 1 realm(heaven). And ends up at 20th century.

    Shally_Queen · Fantasy
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  • RomCom: Sleepy Boy and Delinquent Girl

    Minamoto Kazuya is an ordinary 2nd year highschool boy who's always sleepy. He frequently sleep on the rooftop of his school. One day, an incident occured thus interrupting his peaceful moment. He saw a group of bullies were beaten up by a girl. She is his classmate. Who would've thought this occurrence will lead to a love blooming relationship between these two. (Note: I dont have experience in writing novel lmao and why tf am i using Japan setting. Am not even japanese duh. Okay just enjoy my shitty romcom.) (cover image not sponsored, stole it from google)

    ZeeqNutss · Realistic
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    Are you tired of the oppressive Government system? The rich remain wealthy, while the poor stay destitute. The law favors the powerful and influential, showing special treatment to those with status, while ignoring the plight of ordinary citizens. They proclaim "ignorance of the law excuses no one," yet those in power easily manipulate and control the law to their advantage, trampling anyone in their path as long as they have money and wealth. In this compelling novel, a seemingly foolish character emerges, not as a hero, but as the remedy to the unavoidable ills of society. Through his journey, He will challenge the status quo, confront the corruption, and offer hope to those who have been oppressed for far too long Shedding light by using his own blood on the injustices of the world and inspiring a call for change.

    MelvinDash · Urban
  • The Gender Bending System

    A young man named Daniel suddenly experiences a "magical adventure" one day and is cursed with a "Gender Bending System" of sorts. Every night he is to receive two random transformations that slowly make him a girl, all the while he must try to complete system quests to mitigate these transformations. This is my first smut work, though it isn't my first novel. I know that gender-bending is somewhat niche but realize that it's the threat of said feminization that drives things, not its actual occurrence. Most of the story will take place with him as a guy, though he will become a girl eventually. TF tags: MtF, Slow, Mental Changes R-18 tags: MF, FF, F-self Cover Artist: Karutamo

    glacialfire · Urban
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  • Trusted Fairytale

    "So suddenly now you want to know things now?" Mum asks this same question for the third time. "Mum, just answer the question you can't hide away from this forever," I tell her, still maintaining the stern and annoyed look on my face. "But why do you want to know about your brother that you don't already know about?" Mum answers. "Ugh... since I can't get a full answer on that, do you both mind explaining why my dads' death was staged?" I direct the question to both my mum and dad. *** Sometimes, you have to do things for just yourself regardless of what other people think because you might not get the chance to have a do-over. Andrew is a guy who had to be a doctor in order not to let his mother down and to pay his dead father respects. But deep down he wanted to be something else but he didn't have the courage to tell his mother no. His mother was someone he trusted, loved, respected and looked up to. Andrew had a perfect life, he lacked nothing. Later he finds out that his life isn't the fairytale he thought it was. All Rights Reserved

    Meg_Goodhope · Realistic

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