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What is Testingdheiejenn

Lisez le roman Testingdheiejenn écrit par l'auteur Amal_Binu_8330 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Signos zodiacales ¿Qué pasaría si se volvieran la nueva ley del mundo? ¿Cuáles serían los signos poderosos que lo gobernarían? Y ¿Cuáles serían las consecuencias? La hipótesis se volvió realidad, el mundo fue gobernado por la ley no escrita de los signos zodiacales. En medio de todo este alboroto surgió una jerarquía donde los líderes fueron bautizados como lo ´Reyes´ sin mucho esfuerzo estos signos se convirtierón en las personas más influyentes en la sociedad y su poder era absoluto. Pero donde hay poder ilimitado la arrogancia se hace presente y esta vez no fue la excepción, así mismo la codicia les jugó una mala pasada a quienes se aprovecharón de la compatibilidad con los Reyes logrando una obsesión que no tuvo limites en ningún sentido. Fue tanta la necesidad de tener al producto de su obsesión bajo su poder que los descontroló hasta el punto que lograrón su casi extinción de forma masiva. Como consecuencia una cacería sin fin había comenzado, donde los principales ejecutores serian sus verdugos los llamados ´´Cazadores´´. Capturarlos con vida brindaba a sus opresores grandes recompensas inimaginables, sin embargo, encontrarlos se convirtió en algo sumamente complicado. El motivo, cada persona en este nuevo mundo portaba un emblema inusual que demostraba a que signo zodiacal pertenecía, pero en el caso de los ahora cazados su emblema se encontraba en un lugar imposible de ver a simple vista. Es exactamente por esto que Dalia Kaminari tuvo que enfrentar grandes adversidades a una corta edad y tener como principal objetivo sobrevivir al nuevo mundo gobernado por los Reyes del signo del zodiaco.

M_Yess · Urbain
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29 Chs

The billionaire's pursuit

"In the heart of bustling New York City, where power and wealth rule, two souls from entirely different worlds cross paths, setting the stage for a captivating love story. Alexander Hawthorne, a billionaire by birthright, is a powerful and enigmatic figure accustomed to the privileges of high society. Mila, on the other hand, is a fiercely independent bookshop owner, struggling to make ends meet. Their initial encounter at a charity gala is a fateful meeting that leaves Alexander captivated by Mila's authenticity. As their relationship unfolds, they find themselves confronted with obstacles such as societal expectations, personal insecurities, and misunderstandings. Society questions the authenticity of their love, and Alexander's family, deeply rooted in high society, harbors reservations about the match. Mila, with her guard up due to past experiences, wrestles with doubts about whether a billionaire's advances can be sincere. Their journey is one marked by vulnerability and growth. Alexander's relentless pursuit of Mila reveals his vulnerability and authenticity beneath the facade of power and wealth. Mila, in turn, learns to trust, love, and let go of her skepticism. The story is a testament to the enduring power of love that knows no boundaries. As Alexander and Mila navigate the complex web of high society, heartache, and personal growth, they prove that when two hearts are meant to be together, no obstacle is insurmountable. 'The Billionaire's Pursuit' is a captivating tale of love, resilience, and the beauty of two hearts coming together against all odds."

jewel_tetteh · Urbain
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4 Chs

The Emperor of Hollywood [Abandoned]

In a parallel universe, our story unfolds, and at its center stands our protagonist—a Film School graduate with dreams of becoming a renowned director. The ordinary quickly transformed into the extraordinary as he inexplicably found himself thrust into a world vastly different from our own. In this strange and mystifying realm, the entertainment industry as we know it, along with the familiar faces that inhabit it, simply did not exist. Here, creativity and cinematic brilliance had taken an entirely new path, unburdened by the constraints of our reality. As days turned into weeks, the once bewildered filmmaker began to find his footing in this uncharted territory. However, just when he believed he was getting the hang of things, an unprecedented event unfolded that would forever alter the course of his life. Without warning, a luminous, translucent blue screen materialized right before his eyes, casting a surreal glow upon his bewildered face. The message that greeted him was nothing short of astonishing: [Congratulations on obtaining the Entertainment System! Direct, write, and act in movies, plays, books, animation, and shows from your world!] With the emergence of this enigmatic Entertainment System, the stage was set for an epic journey into the unknown. Our protagonist, armed with this newfound power, suddenly found himself at a crossroads, with a destiny to fulfill. His ambition soared to new heights, and he set his sights on a lofty goal: to ascend as the Emperor of Hollywood in this captivating, uncharted world where limitless possibilities awaited. As he embarked on this thrilling odyssey, he would discover that the lines between reality and fiction blurred, that creativity knew no bounds, and that the power of storytelling held the key to shaping not just his destiny, but the very essence of this fantastical realm itself. The path to Hollywood dominance had never been more intriguing or perilous, and the captivating journey that lay ahead would be filled with surprises, challenges, and breathtaking moments of artistic brilliance. ~~~ Note: I loved 'My Hollywood System', and wanted to write something using the same premise. Also, I'm not very creative or good at naming things.

Le_Meme_Man · Politique et sciences sociales
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43 Chs


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