

The world was ugly, foul and harsh.

Forget innovation, technology, and self-development. There was no time to think of careers or self- actualization, no time to build families when there were much bigger issues to be dealt with.

It all started with scarce resources, lack of crops and food due to the harsh weather conditions that prompted countries to ration their own stock. Soon enough, war broke out between nations and prompted countries to shut borders and prohibit entry to outsiders. Others tried dealing with such atrocities by going back to traditional ways of life, harvesting their own rice and ensuring that their vegetation was growing as best as they could. Others resorted to going underground, societies built in darkness and communities hidden away in the depths of the earth, not to be heard of once they went below ground.

One of the world's continents going by the name of Kum Pas, decided to split its regions into four sectors according to location: North, South, East and West. Establishing responsible leaders in each sector that came together periodically to build trust among nations and share what was left of the resources.

But with separation came power, and power was an active agent that drove desire.

While each sector had freedom to rule their respective nations as they deemed fit, the North did nothing to shy away from violence to ensure its authority. Their thirst for power caused them to invade the sectors and snatch up children from their families, shoving them in campsites that was practically inaccessible for any mere human. Rumours flew about as families were torn apart, grieving for their losses as they speculated what had happened to their young ones.

Unknown to them all, the North was rallying up their warriors by forcing children into army-base camps, using their youth and innocence to their advantage since their bodies were still developing and still growing. This mere factor made children easier to handle and easier to be tricked. They trained them until their legs gave out beneath them, where the only way out was to fight your way up the training system. Weakness meant death and there was no place for justice, only power.

But that soon proved futile when the children started rebelling, causing havoc in the Northern Terminal — the place where they were being kept — and demanding for their rights as humans, wanting to return home

to their loved ones and unable to live in such harsh conditions. So the North had no other choice but to start using various means to keep them in line.


Emotions were the reason why people sympathized, why people understood each other and supported each other.

And that was exactly what they did not need in this society. Which was how the project Entity came to life.

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