
Revelations and Confrontations... {Part 2}

NOTE: I used some bold and italics and no different font styles, so if some words are not seen on your device, maybe your app or phone is not up to date... I am making use of the basic edits this platform has to offer, and it also just so you can read the dialogue without your eyes wandering about. It's also helpful for bringing emotion when using bold letters..., at least for me. Comment here with your suggestions or if you think such bolds and italics are not needed or if it bothers you...

There is kinda a lot of dialogue, but it's my way of doing char-dev while also unraveling events... 

[Muerte's POV]

As I stood amidst the silent reverence of my sisters, my mind churned with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Their fervent devotion to an unseen entity, their willingness to prostrate themselves before an empty space filled with nothing but grass—it all seemed absurd, surreal even.

I couldn't help but question the reality of the situation. Was there truly something—or someone—in the space they gazed upon with such reverence? Or had my sisters succumbed to madness, their minds warped by centuries of isolation and blind faith?

With a frustrated click of my tongue, I dismissed the notion as absurd. I refused to believe that my sisters, my own flesh and blood, could be so easily led astray by delusions and fantasies.

Yet, as I glanced around at their bowed heads and closed eyes, their faces twisted with zeal and devotion, a seed of doubt crept into my mind. What if I was the one who was mistaken? What if there was truth in their beliefs, a reality beyond my comprehension?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I pushed aside my doubts and focused on the present moment. Whatever the truth may be, I knew one thing for certain—I would not let my sisters' blind faith dictate my own beliefs.

With a determined expression, I straightened my posture and fixed my gaze on the space before us. If there truly were something—or someone—there, I would find out for myself. And if not, then I would be the voice of reason in a world consumed by madness.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to confront whatever lay ahead, my mind brimming with questions and uncertainty. But one thing was certain—I would not rest until I uncovered the truth, no matter how elusive or incomprehensible it may be...




I've been staring at the space in front of us just like my sisters did, this few short moments felt like an eternity as I waited for something to appear. To hear. For something to happen in front of my very eyes—but I couldn't anymore...

I faced my sisters, my emotions unstable as they all stared at me, surprised...

"I've had it..." I spoke cooly as I stared at them.

"Since earlier you have been acting as if something or at least someone is in front of us!—when clearly there is none!" my voice coming to a shriek... "Do you all think I'm stupid?! Do you all think of me as a joke?!!"

My words seemed to reverberate around us, my sisters exchanged startled glances, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. They had never seen me like this—angry, frustrated, and on the brink of losing my composure.

But I couldn't contain my emotions any longer. The weight of their blind faith, their unwavering devotion to an unseen entity, bore down on me like a suffocating blanket. I refused to be swept up in their delusions, to surrender my rationality to the whims of fantasy...

Taking a step forward, I locked eyes with each of them in turn, my gaze steely and unyielding. "Listen to me," I said, my voice trembling with suppressed emotion. "There is nothing there. No one. It's all in your heads—a figment of your imagination, a product of your own desires and fears."

My sisters recoiled as if struck, their faces contorted with a mixture of shock and disbelief. They had never questioned their beliefs before, never entertained the possibility that their faith could be misplaced.

"Watch your tongue, Muerte." Guerra stammered, her voice sharp and admonishing. "You are in the presence of Mot—"

I cut her off with a sharp gesture, my patience wearing thin. "No," I said firmly, shaking my head. "You imagined it. You convinced yourselves that she was real because you wanted to believe it. But I refuse to indulge in such fantasies. I refuse to be a part of this madness any longer."

My sisters stared at me in stunned silence, their eyes wide with shock and confusion.

"We didn't mean to upset you, Muerte," Guerra spoke up tentatively, her voice tinged with concern—but also accompanied by a judging look. "We only wanted to show our devotion to our Mother, to honor her with our humble greetings now that she is back!~" Guerra said excitedly...

Her words only served to fuel my frustration. "Devotion? Prayers?" I scoffed, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "You call this devotion? Blindly bowing before an empty space and chanting meaningless words? This isn't devotion, it's madness!"

Shouri stepped forward, her expression pained. "Please, Muerte, she can hear you... Our Mother—"

"Your Mother," I interrupted sharply, my patience wearing thin as they continued to pretend like she was truly there. "She's not my Mother. She's nothing but a figment of your imagination, a fantasy concocted from centuries of isolation and superstition."

Uria exchanged a worried glance with the others, her wings buzzing anxiously. "Muerte, please," she implored, her voice trembling with uncertainty; confused at how the usually steady and level-headed among all the sisters is acting in such a way. "We've always believed in Mother's existence. She's guided us, protected us—"

"Guided us? Protected us?" I snapped, my frustration boiling over. "Look around you! We're alone in this forest, on this hill! Surrounded by nothing but plants and dirt... Where is this so-called Mother of yours? Where is her guidance? Her protection...? We have lived our lives for centuries, creating subjects! expanding our Hives! Yet after a thousand years, we still sit on this piece of land surrounded by the ocean because all of you are afraid to venture beyond...!"


My sisters fell silent, their faces filled with uncertainty and doubt. For the first time, they seemed to truly question the validity of their faith and the reality of the world around them.

Feeling a pang of guilt at their crestfallen expressions, I took a deep breath and softened my tone. "I'm sorry...," I said, my voice tinged with remorse. "I didn't mean to lash out at you. But please, try to see reason. There's nothing here but us. No Mother, no guiding light—just us."

With that, I turned and began to walk away, my heart heavy with the weight of my words. I couldn't bear to look at my sisters, to see the uncertainty and doubt etched on their faces.

As Muerte disappeared from sight, unbeknownst to her, rather than uncertainty and doubt on her sisters' faces—there was panic and worry as they looked at the empty space once more, cold sweat dripping along their backs...




With a wry smile, I leaned back against the trunk of the world tree sapling, crossing my arms as I watched the scene unfold. It was like a soap opera, with twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't help but wonder how it would all end—whether Muerte would stand firm in her convictions or if her sisters would convince her otherwise.

As I observed the tumultuous exchange between Muerte and her sisters, I couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and curiosity. It was like watching a dramatic scene unfold in a play, with each character playing their part to perfection.

Muerte's impassioned outburst had clearly struck a nerve with her sisters, their expressions ranging from shock to uncertainty, to panic and worry... It was evident that her words had shaken them to the core, challenging the foundation of their faith in their supposed Mother: yours truly; Me~.

'This would've been perfect if I had popcorn...' I mused, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips.


Sadly, all things must come to an end; with Muerte storming off, Guerra, Shouri, and Uria stared at me with dark faces, sweating buckets of cold sweat...

I just stared at them and observed their anxious expressions. I couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement bubbling up within me. Slightly confused as to why they looked like they would be eaten alive by me...

'I mean... now that I look at it closely, their humanoid forms look small in my point of view. I must've grown a bit even without me realizing a thousand years had passed... Hmmm... my larva body should be about five meters now...'

'Ah~ I must be so cute in their eyes~' I thought as I raised my upper body to hover over them, my sharp limbs moving about in an exaggeratedly cute manner. My maws clicked together playfully as I tried to mimic what I assumed was a cute gesture.

*KriEk!~* *KrEek!~* *KlaCk!~*

After my "cutesy" gesture, I looked at their reactions, looking if they've relaxed their nerves...


Instead, as I observed their reactions to my attempt at being cute, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment when I saw Guerra, Shouri, and Uria trembling and hugging each other for dear life.

'I don't know why...—but I am offended...'

'What did I do wrong?' I thought, my heart sinking at their fearful response. 'I was just trying to lighten the mood...'

Feeling a strange mix of frustration and indignation welling up within me. It was disheartening to see my attempts at bonding with my daughters met with such fear and trepidation, and I couldn't help but wonder what I had done to deserve such a response.

With a heavy sigh, I slowly lowered my upper body back down to the ground, my playful demeanor fading away as I regarded them with a mixture of concern and confusion. It was clear that there was still much work to be done with our relationship as mother and daughter...

'Certainly doesn't help that I seemed to have abandoned them like how Muerte thought even believing I wasn't real in the first place...' I thought in passing.

"Guerra, Shouri, Uria..." I began, my voice soft and gentle as I addressed them. "I'm sorry if I frightened you just now. That wasn't my intention at all..." I spoke softly as I opened up my sharp limbs in a hugging gesture, scooping the three of them in a gentle embrace.

It filled my heart with joy knowing that I now had a family I could call my own... It felt warm and assuring that I was no longer alone in this strange world..., though I'll have to deal with Muerte's matter first too...

I pulled away from the hug as I looked at the three; acting all embarrassed and shy~... Their humanoid forms may have already seemed like adults but it seems in front of their mother's love they would still react like children~

"Now... where shall we begin?~"



AN: Almost died of cringe lol, but I wanted to add a hint of sweetness to this drama, hope you enjoyed even if only a bit~... If you didn't like it then too bad, tell it here so I can improve on it~

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