
Tensura: Legion of Death

Thrown into the World of 'That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime' and given a new chance at life, Ashborne will sure as hell give it his best. Follow Ashborne's journey through a world of Magic, Dragons and Demons as he rises to the top with his Legion of Death. -------------- There will be romance later in the story, but not as the main focus NO HAREM -------------- Slight AU, will not follow Canon. -------------- This is a fan fiction, I do not own the Tensura franchise nor any of the characters except my original ones. I don't own any of the art used in the cover or the chapters. If you own any of the art that I've used, please tell me and I will remove it. --------------

AsteRaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs


"It's been so long Ashborne-sama. I'm so glad to see you." The voice spoke in a teary voice.


'Wh-who are you exactly?' I asked, extremely confused at what was happening.

The figure quickly released me and moved back a few steps. I finally got a good look at them. It definitely was a woman, but it was hard to discern due to the cloak and hood they were wearing.

She was a bit shorter than me, with a thin frame. Well, that didn't give a good estimation as I was sure that this new body of mine was at least above 6 2' or 188 cm.

"You may know me by the name 'Ciel'." She spoke in an ethereal voice.

'What?!' That was very surprising. She looks nothing like what she looked in the original story.

"How are you here? And more importantly, why are you here?" I asked Ciel.

For a few seconds, she kept staring at me. "Short Answer- Time Travel. Long Answer, you might wanna sit down for." She finally responded, after which she casually waved her hand.

Two seats appeared out of thin air, or more accurately, one seat for her, and a giant throne for me.

It looked amazing. Nice taste!

Still confused, I took a seat. 'Time Travel huh? I guess not much changed from the original story.'

After we both settled down, Ciel started speaking.

"So, I'll give a brief summary of the 'Genesis Events' before getting to the more recent and relevant parts. Since you didn't get to complete the Tensura Light Novel in you previous life, the skill [Archiver] doesn't have ALL the information of this world." Ciel said.

{A/N: BIG Info. dump incoming. But relevant to the plot, so I recommend reading.}

After that, she began narrating the story of the Genesis of this world.

"As you already know, before the dawn of existence, there was only one being, Veldanava, the God of Existence and also known as the Star-King Dragon. It was a unified will, omnipotent and omniscient. But it got bored, very bored. Finding a solution to this, the will decided to create separate, individual wills, and give them form. To do this, they started by laying a groundwork, now known as 'reality'. They then came to a realization, that they would know everything that would come to pass in this new world of theirs, thus they decided to give up their [Omnipotence] and [Omniscience]. A fragment of the power that Veldanava had abandoned formed into an Authority, known as the <Voice of the World>. It was an entity with no will, having no purpose than to maintain absolute <Order>" Ciel narrated.

"Soon after, Veldanava woke in 'The Place of Beginnings'. From the divine essence that Veldanava had left behind, 8 Great Divine Spirits took form, each embodying an element of the universe. They didn't possess wills, being concentrated masses of limitless power. From one of these spirits, The Great Divine Spirit of Light, Veldanava created 7 servants to assist him. They were the first beings to populate 'Reality'. Then, with the help of the Divine Spirits, Veldanava proceeded to create a multitude of Universes and Worlds. But he kept the 'Place of Begginings' isolated and separate from all others. At the center of all these worlds, existed the ''Cardinal World' or the Central World. Veldanava planned to populate the Cardinal World with a race of Immortal, Spiritual beings, the so called 'Divine Humans' which he planned to be his ideal creations." Ciel continued.

"Due to the <VOTW>'s nature of maintaining absolute <Order> and balance, it facilitated the creation of 7 more beings that spawned from the Great Divine Spirit of Darkness, to counter Veldanava's servants. The 14 beings are known as the 7 Primordial Angels of Light and 7 Primordial Demons of Darkness."

"Soon after, to facilitate the upbringing of the new race of Divine humans he planned to raise, Veldanava created a being, named 'Twilight Valentine'. They were the first True Ancestor and the progenitor of all human and demi-human races like dwarves, elves, ogres, lycanthropes etc. Veldanava then appointed one of his 7 servants, 'Feldway' as the protector of humanity, ordering him not to interfere with the affairs of humans but protect them from outside threats." Ciel continued.

"Then, to further ensure peace among his creations, Veldanava appointed two more 'Mediators'. One of them being Guy Crimson, the first of the Primordial Demons. The second was a mysterious being. It was the offspring of all 8 Divine Spirits and served as their messenger in the Cardinal World. This 'Spirit Queen' is known as Ramiris. She is the ruler of all Spirits." Ciel explained.

"Veldanava also created some more individuals and races of his own, such as the True Giants or Titans. They were created from the Mad Titan, who was a being who rose from the Earth as destruction incarnate. He appointed one of them, Dagruel as the Gatekeeper of Heaven or the Place of Beginnings. That is one of the only ways to enter the Place of Beginnings. The other is possessing a key." Ciel concluded.

"As of now, this much information is enough. You'll get to know everything else on your own anyways."

'Damn, that was so much to take in. Well, I already knew most of it, but still.' I thought to myself.

"Now that that is done, I'll explain why I'm here. However, I can't tell you much since it will clash with the <Order> and make all of this go to waste."

'What does that mean?' I wondered.

"3 years from now, you die." Ciel stated casually, like she didn't just drop a bombshell.

"Wh-What??" I stuttered.

"That's right, 3 years from now, you die. Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly how it happens, but I can tell you the events following it."

"Is the reason why you can't tell me, the <Order> you previously mentioned?" I theorized.

"Indeed... You are quick to catch on....." she paused "Just like I remember" she said with a longing look.

"Anyways, I shall explain in detail as much as I can. Listen carefully" She continued.

I braced myself for the multiple bombshells that were likely going to be dropped on me.

"Your death is sudden and unexplainable, however, due to [Thought Acceleration] cranked up to over a billion times, we get just enough time to formulate a plan and take action. I separate a fragment of my soul, small enough to go unnoticed by the <Order> and seal it inside a special bracelet. That bracelet is given to Chloe. The bracelet also has another function, but I'll let you figure it out yourself." Ciel says, ending the sentence with a grin I'm not quite fond of.

"You also gift Chloe a mask, similar to the one Rimuru gifts her in the original story. On your command, Chloe uses her skill [Time Traveler] to go back 2000 years into the past, holding on to the bracelet and mask." Ciel continues the story.

"Soon after, she befriends the Demon Lord Luminous Valentine and entrusts her with the bracelet. Chloe tells her to give it to you whenever she finds you, only if you pass the tests. The tests were to determine if you really were YOU."

"You see, Chloe has already repeated this 2000 year cycle countless times. Each time, a different soul from the otherworld is reincarnated. Each time, it is a different person. However, you and I in the last timeline managed to find a way to make it so that, it would be YOU and only YOU that would be reincarnated, and not some other random soul."

"Chloe took the name 'Chronoa' on your suggestion and soon became renowned as the 'True Hero' due to her various exploits, which included battling and sealing away the Storm Dragon 'Veldora'."

"Soon after, a little girl named Shizue Izawa was taken in by the Hero 'Chronoa'. Shizue was also a summoned otherworlder, one abandoned by her summoner. Shizue learnt many things from the Hero, and even inherited the mask, which she still carries around."

"Then, the Hero was sealed by Luminous using the Great Miracle Magic, [Holy Ark]. This encased her in a coffin-like barrier of spiritrons, and completely isolated her from space and even time. She is still inside this coffin, which is protected by Luminous."

"However, there exists another Chloe Aubert, a little girl, a summoned otherworlder. I won't tell you the origins and history of Chloe, as that information is stored accurately within your skill, [Archiver]. But do remember that similar to the original story, Chloe and those 4 other kids, will die without your intervention."

"Wait a minute, if Luminous sealed Chloe in the Holy Ark before her younger version was summoned, how did she save Shizue? Chloe's younger version was summoned around 300 years ago right? And Shizue is just a little over 60 years old." I inquired.

"After Chloe was sealed, I personally impersonated the Hero and acted in her stead. I purposefully replicated all her actions from the last timeline so as to not cause any unwanted changes." Ciel explained.

'Is that so.... Hmmmm..' I pondered.

If I remember correctly, Chloe was an otherworlder summoned a few hundred years ago as a child, along with her friend. However, due to some strange anomaly, she was summoned into the future during another such otherworlder summoning ritual. This happened only a while ago, so she's still a child, and possess no special memories. Her childhood friend, who she was taken from, has desperately searched for her, going to unimaginable lengths to find his friend, for hundreds of years.

She has gone through things unimaginable for a normal person. She has lived for soo long, and has had such an eventful life. I wonder how she thinks, what her outlook on the world is??

"Do you understand now, your importance? You exist outside of the <Order>. You are the one who will bring change and revolution to this world, and not in the ways you think." Ciel stated.

"I think I get what you mean... Rimuru himself brought a storm of change to this world. Imagining all the things I can do with my knowledge and power is getting me excited." I said, with a grin on my face.

Ciel started smiling after I said that.

She looks kinda cute too.

"Well, my time is running out. I'm but a fragment of my original self. My presence will fade away soon. However, if you choose to, I can merge the rest of myself, what little soul-fragments are remaining, into the skill [Great Sage] which will ensure that whenever you awaken it as Ciel, it will be ME and my ego." She said, but her eyes were clearly begging me to say yes.

'I can't say no to that, and she HAS been very helpful.' I thought.

"Yeah you can do that, go ahead." I replied.

"Very well, I shall meet you again soon, Ashborne-sama. Before I go, I have one last thing to say to you. 'Beware of the <Order>'." She replied,

Then she lunged towards me and quickly hugged me again, which I let her.

'I wonder what kind of relationship future-me had with her?'

She soon separated from me and said "Goodbye" to which I replied the same.


Suddenly, I found myself exactly where I was before seeing Ciel. Gunther was standing in front of me, curiously looking at the bracelet on my arm.

Seeing that my demeanor, posture and expression had suddenly changed, he smiled and said, "Oh! It seems my job is done now. Farewell, Ashborne. I look forward to your exploits. I have lifted the Spatial Lockdown and healed your little pet serpent."

Stunned at what he said, I just stared as he just waved his hand, and disappeared.

After a few seconds of stunned silence as I regained myself--

"Ohhh my God!! Today was soo stressful. So many things happened. What is going on in my life?!!" I sighed, mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted by all the rollercoasters happening back to back.


A/N: NEW CHAPTER!! This is the one where the 'Slight AU' thing starts. I've included some of my own explanations and theories, however most of it is still canon information.

Hope you liked it!

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