
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

Getting a head start.

Marcus no longer looked like a street kid.

His long hair was wrapped neatly in a bun.

His face was clear and his clothes were sharp, making him look like a young noble, however, Marcus being this clean, made him look even more like a girl.

This guy.

Alexander shifted his gaze towards Elise, who no longer wore her Pathfinder uniform, as she was now dressed in her usual servant outfit.

Elise bowed her head, "Lady Erica."

Alexander's mother nodded.

Elise then shifted her gaze to meet Alexander.

"Lord Alexander, I have come to present Sir Marcus, he has been cleaned, and your radio has been placed in your room."

I completely forgot about that….

"Uhm, thank you, Elise, I'll be out in a moment, can you take Marcus to my room to wait for me?"

Elise nodded, as she and Marcus turned to leave the room.

Guess we better wrap this up.

Alexander turned back to his mother, who had an unreadable experience on her face.

She then looked down at the book on her desk, staring at it for a moment before finally shifting her gaze towards Alexander, "You are one peculiar child."

She then smiled at him as she closed the book on her desk.

I guess I've gotten too comfortable….

His mother then stood up, "Anyway, we can continue this lesson another day."

His mother helped him off the desk, "your new friend is waiting for you…"

Hold up, I'm still curious about a few things.

"Mother, can I take that book with me?" Alexander asked, pointing at the book, but his mother only chuckled.

She traced her finger on the cover of the book, "This book, is far too advanced, but I'll find something more suitable for you."

She then looked at him with a smile, "Now unless you wish to spend more quality time with your dear mother…."

Alright, alright, I get the message.

Alexander smirked and headed towards the door, "Mother, thank you…"

He turned around just as he reached the doorway, "I'll be back."

His mother smiled in response.

As he walked into the hallway, he couldn't help but look down at his hand again.

He closed and opened it over and over again.

It was strange to him that he had this ability.

How convenient.

When he finally reached his room, he could hear the sounds of music and laughter.

Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Alexander slowly pushed the door open, where he was greeted by the sight of Marcus and Elise dancing.

Neither of them had any rhythm, looking like two headless chickens running around.

When they noticed Alexander standing at the doorway, they gestured for me to join, he took a step back and shook his head.

I don't don't mean to be a party pooper, but I'd rather not embarrass myself.

Elise chuckled as she shook her head, walking towards Alexander with her hands outstretched, "Come on, don't be like that, my lord…"

Elise's tone was playful, and her grin was mischievous.

Alex sighed.

Oh, what the hell, let's get this party started!

He grabbed Elise's hands and she quickly pulled him into the room.

They moved to the music, shaking their bodies and hair, moving without rhythm, but enjoying every second.

It was the most fun Alex had had in a while, and he felt that applied to both lives.

When the music finally stopped, they all collapsed onto the ground and began to breathe heavily.

"We should do this again!" Marcus exclaimed.

"Agreed." Elise and Alex said in unison.

— — —

Two years had passed since that day.

Alexander was currently on the front lawn, watching Marcus and Elise spare.

They'd been sparring since this morning.

Marcus was drenched in sweat, his movements becoming more sluggish as his exhaustion became increasingly evident.

Elise was slowly increasing her speed, each clash of their swords sent sparks flying, and Marcus reeling.

The past two years have been relatively mundane for Alexander, he thought that after learning about world energy and essence, he'd have been running around and blasting every single tree in sight.

But no, when his mother said he has limited ether, she meant it.

He has managed to learn a few tricks though, like staving off hunger for long periods. He can also process things faster, allowing him to see things in a sort of slow motion.

There was also the healing, but that's something he didn't plan on testing out for a while….

For Marcus's side of things, he's mostly been training with Elise.

She's been teaching him sword styles and enhanced essence techniques.

Marcus had been surpassing every single test Elise had set up, so she decided to jump right into the actual combat.

And finally, the radio, as promised the Ambur kingdom has been constructing radio stations and transmitters throughout the Fallen Kingdom.

Radio repair shops have also been popping up everywhere, so Alex has been able to keep his radio maintained.

"Done already?" Elise asked, standing over the collapsed Marcus, she had her hands on her hips and was breathing heavily.

Marcus had a large grin on his face, his body was spread out and his breathing was just as heavy as Elise's, "it's…. For the best." He said with a smile.

Alexander, sensing the opportunity for mischief, got off the porch and jogged over.

He stood over Marcus with Elise and grinned, "Look at you, all beat up, I wouldn't let that happen to me, but I guess not everyone can be as good as I am."

Did he run over just to taunt him?

Yes, yes I did.

Marcus shifted his gaze to meet Alexander's, he smirked and reached his hands up.

Alexander raised an eyebrow, watching curiously as Marcus wrapped his hands around his collar, before yanking him down.


Alexander landed on the ground with a thud, Marcus quickly shifted over, and pinned Alexander down, his hands holding Alexander's as he sat on his back.

"What was that? I can't hear you!" Marcus cackled as he held Alexander down.

"Get off me, you smell like garlic and grass!" Alexander shouted as he tried to struggle out of Marcus's grasp. Given that Marcus was bigger and older, it proved to be rather difficult.

Marcus eventually released his grasp, but he continued to sit on Alexander's back.

"To war!" Marcus exclaimed as he slapped Alexander's butt, riding him like a horse.

"I will bite your damn legs off!" Alexander shouted, squirming to free himself.

"Language." Elise chuckled.

The language my ass!

"Something is wrong with this horse, perhaps he needs a bath…" Elise laughed at her Joke.

"Alright, I guess we do stink a little…." Marcus chuckled as he got off Alexander's back.

He then reached his hand out to help Alexander up.

"We?" Alexander asked in frustration, as he smacked Marcus' hand away, "I was clean just seconds ago!" Alexander shouted as he stumbled to his feet, before quickly falling again.

Marcus grabbed Alexander's wrist and pulled him back up, "Come on, I know you wanna take a bath together." He said with a smirk.

"Lies!" Alexander yelled.

"My lord, you should calm yourself, his remark was only in jest." Elise grew closer and helped me up, "is there something bothering you?"

I guess I am a little grumpy, I should probably calm down.

"No," Alexander shook his head, "I'm alright, I guess I just overreacted," he said sheepishly, dusting himself off.

"Elise! I was just about to get him riled up!" Marcus said with a smirk, crossing his arms triumphantly.

I knew he was doing it on purpose!

"You little shit!" Alexander shouted as he launched towards Marcus.

Marcus quickly sidestepped, catching Alexander in his arms.

"That's why you look like a girl, you goddamn tree!" Alexander shouted as he struggled to get out of Marcus' grasp.

"Man! He can swear like a sailor!" Marcus cackled.

Elise approached them, seemingly lost in deep thought.

"My lord, why are you so angry?" Elise asked as she removed him from Marcus's grasp.


"I'm not angry, he just really gets under my skin you know, like a creature of the night." Alexander shifted his gaze towards Marcus and grinned mischievously.

"Hey!" Marcus said angrily.

Elise smiled, clasping her hands together, "Alright you two, let's get a move on, Marcus we'll take your bath first, then I'll do you, my lord."

Alexander looked back at Elise with a confused expression.

"I thought we were going to bathe together?"

He asked Elise.

"I was just joking, you weirdo." Marcus smacked the back of Alexander's head and quickly joined up behind Elise.

I'm the weirdo?

"But it was your suggestion," Alex muttered under his breath as he walked behind them.

As they entered the mansion, Marcus and Elise headed towards the bathroom, while Alex headed towards his room.

As he entered, he was greeted by the sound of news playing on his radio.

"And this just in, the expansion into the demon continent has been successful. Our brave men and women have defeated the local emperor beast and Jafren tribes, so go on down and purchase some land rights, who knows, you may make it big!"

Interesting… I may have to talk to Father about getting some of that land. It'll be a great investment if I can convince him.

Alexander walked to the shelf on his back wall and grabbed a book.

This was no ordinary book, as it was full of all the letters Ava sent him.

Alexander kept every single one inside, and sometimes when he felt overwhelmed, he would read it.

He walked towards his bed and climbed up, after settling down he opened the book and began to review all the letters it contained.

Ava's letters were a mixture of stories and drawings.

It was all random, sometimes she'd go on and on about the smallest of details, and other times she spoke about her friendships or hardships.

However, she always ended every letter with three simple words, 'I love you.'

It always made Alexander feel giddy, like a dog with a bone.

Sometimes he'd just stare at the words for hours on end.

it's just something about how she writes it, or maybe how I read it.

Alexander began to roll around in his bed with the book close to his chest, he laughed while kicking his feet around.

Until his door opened abruptly.

He froze, and an awkward silence filled the room.

Elise eyed Alexander with an amused expression. "Should I come back… later?" She asked, her hand covered her mouth as she quivered, clearly holding back a laugh.

"N-No, I'll be out in a moment. Alexander managed to stammer out.

He placed the book down on his bed and slowly slid down, his face beat red and his eyes darting around the room.

"It's ok my lord, I know you miss your sister, and it's perfectly normal to feel that way," Elise said with a smile, calming herself as she approached Alexander.

Whatever, It wasn't you who was caught rolling around in the bed.

Alexander looked up to Elise, noticing she was completely dry.

Did she not bathe with Marcus?

"Elise, why didn't you take your bath with Marcus?" Alexander asked curiously as he stood up.

Elise smiled and reached her hand out, "Well, usually you're asleep when Marcus takes his bath, so I guess you wouldn't know this, but I only take baths with you, my lord." She explained, "I only help Marcus clean her–, himself." Elise coughed, before guiding Marcus out of his room.

Well shucks, making me feel all special and loved.

As they walked down the hallway, Alexander began to wonder about Marcus and his training.


"Yes, my lord?"

"You and Marcus have been spending a lot of time together," Alexander's voice was firm, yet it had a hit of curiosity in it, "… and I've been wondering…."

Elise expression grew grim as if Alexander was about to say something unpleasant.

"Y-Yes?" She asked, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead.

"My training, when will it begin?"

Elise breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at Alex with a wry smile, "Whenever you'd like my lord…. Heh, ha."

Elise fixed her vision back down the hallway.

Well, that's suspicious, but good to know…

When they finally reached the bathroom, Alexander began to mull over his start date.

He didn't want to start too early, but he didn't want to start too late either, it'll be a fine line to walk.

As they entered the bathroom, Elise closed the door behind them, "My lord, I'll need you to look that way and close your eyes ok?"

She pointed towards the wall with the sink.

Alexander sighed heavily while complying with her orders.

It's not like I haven't seen her naked before, but I guess it gets weirder the older I get.

As Alexander mulled over his thoughts, Elise had finally finished setting up the bath.

"It's ready my lord," Elise said, followed by the sounds of her dipping into the tub.


Alexander turned around and began to remove my clothes as he did so, Elise began to prepare a sponge and soap.

As Alexander entered the tub, Elise gently pulled him closer to herself and began to wash his back.

Her movements were swift but her touch was delicate.

"Elise, I want to start my training as soon as possible." Alexander's voice was soft but full of determination.

"Of course my lord, we can begin tomorrow," Elise replied, her voice full of warmth.

"I'd like to start with the hardest things first, that way everything else will seem easier in comparison, right?"

Elise chuckled softly, "Your mind truly is a wonderful place my lord, but perhaps we should begin your training with meditation."