Our MC dies and gets to meet ROB - ROB : blah blah blah so it was partially my fault you died, so blah blah blah to compensate I'll let you reincarnate in another world with some gifts. MC : Can't you just turn back time and give me back my previous life? ROB : Well...sure I can. [Warning! This is a fanfic I am writing for fun, I cannot promise to update regularly, some people may find some parts of the story morally or ethically wrong.] [The cover doesn't belong to me]
My life was simple and normal, in other words it was bland and boring, when I was 17 years old I was already bored with my life, I wanted something more out of it. I was an orphan and was in college with some sponsorship from a Tech company who saw some value in me. I had written a contract that I will work for them for 5 years after my graduation for the sponsorship.
It was already the best deal for an orphan like me with no backing, so I did not hesitate when signing the contract, only to realize it would be the worst decision in my entire life.
I graduated with good grades and not even a week passed as I got a call from the Tech company to join in as an intern. The first few months were bearable as I was mostly learning how to work and the norm in the office.
I was working for minimal salary as an intern, I rather learned fast about the work and my boss was impressed. I was assigned into a project directly without even promoting me as a regular employee. Furthermore, I was still under the internship with low salary.
My work load increased, and I was starting to feel tired more than usual under constant stress, they worked me like a slave. My boss stopped being nice to me after the 6th month mark when I asked him to shift me to a regular employee. He did shift me, but also increased the workload on me.
I had to bear it as there were still four and half years I had to work under the company, I was an orphan and an average looking guy. Girls rather stayed away from me, girls I had interest, that is. I was not an idiot to think that all girls were gold diggers or not so naive to think that true love like in fairy tales exists where the girl loves a guy unconditionally without expecting anything in return except for love.
I knew it was give and take in any kind of relationship in this modern world. You seek something in your partner, and she does the same, sometimes its financial support, other times its sexual needs, other times its other things.
I was rather tired with my routine life and somewhere in my second year at the Tech company 'Tech-tronics' I came across web novels, anime and Manhwas. I was rather attracted to these as I started living in an imaginary world of my creation. Not only that, but I started working out as I wanted to be like those Korean MCs who regressed and were perfect in every way, be it looks or talent they knew what to do and planned their future steps.
I started eating healthy and less, I started going to sleep early and waking up early to work out. I was still living in my imaginary world, but I was improving on the real world too. I started getting glances and smiles from girls from my office and at the parties which my company holds every end of the month.
I also lost my virginity in one of them, she was rather beautiful, and I knew she was everything a guy would want from a one-night stand and everything a guy would hate in a lifelong partner. I knew it was a bad idea to develop feelings for a girl who was riding me on the bed while moaning sensually talking dirty to me, but I could not help it, I fell into the rabbit hole.
She was my first, and no guy forgets his first time, no one gave me the feelings she did. I knew I would regret in the long term developing feelings for her, but I couldn't help it, she knew how to play with a man's heart rather well.
I did not commit to a relationship with her, but we remained as strangers who have sex like animals once in a while. Mia was her name, I was pretty sure she knew I held feelings for her, and she liked it. She would text me every time when she was on a date just to make me feel jealous and insecure, she would talk with me all night like a caring lover and fuck another guy the next night. She was playing with my feelings, and she liked it, I knew I couldn't blame her and my mentality was weak as I lacked affection from birth.
We met every once in a while for a year and one day she suddenly said she had feelings for me, and she would stop sleeping around, it was difficult for me to believe her knowing her character. Yet, she did not give up pursuing me, saying she changed and wanted nothing more than to be with me.
I knew I would regret, I knew I would cry, I knew I would blame myself again for this, but my defenses fell apart like a game of Jenga in front of her. We gradually entered into a relationship and decided to stay together.
Like I expected, a dog's tail will never be straight, Mia wasn't relationship material. She revealed her true colors after 4 months into our relationship. I caught her red-handed with her old friend, which broke my weak mentality and heart.
I was devastated, the four months I had spent with her were one of my finest days, the happiest I've ever been. But depression was my old friend, I welcomed it with a sad smile.
Another three years passed in the blink of an eye, this was my last day in the company, and I was offered another contract with better conditions, but I respectfully declined. I wanted to be shackle-less and free, I decided to take a long break after working for five years constantly in the company. I turned into a guy who was looking average into a guy who was looking ok with great body and skin. After my depression arc, I did not rest but dived more deeply into web-novels, mahnwas and anime. I was exercising regularly as well.
I have turned from an ugly looking weak teenager to an ok looking man with a lean muscular body. I had so many one-night stands these past three years that my body count managed to hit triple digits. Leaving this depressing job was like a push I needed to finally step out of my depression and hang-over over Mia. Finally changing my weak self-esteem and pathetic mentality.
I was happy as I was approaching my apartment, I arrived earlier than usual to prepare for my vacation. I was riding a Harley-Davidson Iron 883 remodeled into a cafe-racer style. It was not cheap to remodel it, but it was worth it, as half the girls I picked up were impressed by this beauty. With Cream color body and brown leather seat, it was the best color combo for this body style I could have chosen.
I picked up my bags and was ready to go to the airport, today was the day I was finally over the heartbreak, and I was pretty happy to start a new chapter in my life. As I was starting my bike, I heard a loud horn and a truck was coming towards me. It moved at minimum 100kmph and was surprisingly avoiding all the traffic coming against it.
The last memory I had was my Harley getting crushed by the truck.
I opened my eyes to see a white hall with a throne, it looked majestic. I was visibly confused as I just died but here I could see and hear, I was pretty sure this wasn't heaven, that means.....
"MASAKA!!THIS IS A CHANCE FOR REINCARNATION!!" I shouted out my thoughts.
"HAHA, you are right. I am ROB and you died too soon due to truck-kun's mistake. He had to reincarnate another person who would wish to be reborn in tensura world, but he mistakenly smashed you"
"What? Truck-kun was real??" It sounded unbelievable.
"Of course, but rather than that are you not sad about dying?"
"Huh? Oh right, I was going on a trip I was happy to finally get over my ex! Surprisingly, I do not feel as sad as I just died."
"Hmm..that is because you stayed here for some time before waking up, your body absorbed some energy in my dimension making your mental facilities sturdier than before"
"Oh I see... WAIT! you said you killed me mistakenly? Isn't this too cliché?"
"Ahem yes it was our no rather truck-kun's mistake, as for compensation I will grant you a chance to reincarnate into any world you like and some gifts with three wishes!"
"Any world?"
"Ahem E-Even hentai ones?" I asked with some expectations.
"Then I want to go back into my original world"
"huh?" ROB was visibly shocked.
"Why though, don't you want to experience a fantasy world or something like that?"
"No, I wish to enjoy my holiday for now that I have been waiting for five years. Don't tell me I cannot go back to my world?"
"Hmm, you most definitely can, I was just surprised"
"And can you turn back time for 10 years please?"
"That would take one wish, are you sure?"
"If it's like that, then turn it back for 20 years"
"Sure, next"
"I want a template system where I get templates of different characters and also a chance to go to their world, I also want an option to stay in their world and re-enter anytime I like."
"Hmm....so you want to travel to different worlds with that, HAHAHA should've just said so. But it won't be smooth and there will be some conditions you need to satisfy. Other than that, your wish will be satisfied, next" well that went smoothly.
"Hmm...ok. I want my comprehensive and learning ability to be instant, and my IQ to be improved. All in all I want to be a super genius for me to have no limit in my brain power, no side effects by the way"
"Sure sure, that was rather simple. So then mortal, I hope to not see you again in the same situation. Goodbye!"
Just like that I lost consciousness but not before hearing
"Shit! Truck-kun made a mistake again! was he drinking alcohol again rather than diesel? This is so much work!" the ROB was shouting as my consciousness drifted away.