
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime et bandes dessinées
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267 Chs


People are confused about this sudden Tournament that their having and some are excited about it as they don't have to wait for the next one to arrive... After a while, The whole Population of the floating island is now seated on their seats in this huge ass Arena Built in a separated Realm that's only used once in 5 Years... seeing that all the preparation is done The sect Master Then Goes to Tec place to inform him...

" Senior The preparation is now done we can start the Tournament any time now... " Said The Sect Master

" Oh! That's quite fast! It only takes you 3 hours to complete it!... Well anyway let's go " Said Tec as he follows The Sect Master along with shelly and Little Jiao...

Immediately after arriving at the Arena Tec is Overwhelmed On how Many people watching... He then focuses on the arena platform where People are performing their Skills to entertain the crowd...

" Damn... That's a lot of people! Did you bring all the people on the island here? And why the fuck do you people need a Huge ass Arena in the first place? " Said, Tec

" Erm... Our Ancestors use this place for their sparring matches this place is once a barren land and our ancestors turned this place into what you see now and we use this place to make tournaments for our Disciples to Assess them... " Said The Sect Master...

" Your ancestors must be Strong and Rich then having a Dragon God Heart for an island and having this huge arena cost a lot you know? But look at your sect now it's the weakest sect out there... " Said Tec as The Sect Master Just Smiled but Tec knew That The Sect master is Embarrassed about the current conditions of their Once glorious Sect... After that, They then went to their Seats The Sect Master Then made a speech for the people to clear some Questions about the sudden Tournaments after that It's finally time for The Winner rewards to be known... Tec Then step forward to prepare for his speech...

" So... For the rewards... For the 7-10 Placer can get some Pills as for the 4-6 placer can get Pills with Skills Manuals for the 3rd placer similar to 4-6 players but much better 2nd placer can Stay with my Time chamber for 1 minute along with Pills and Skills for the 1st placer can also stay within my Time Chamber for 2 Minutes along with Better Pills and Skill manuals and if any of you is wondering what's this time chamber ill explain! Time Move Faster inside One day Outside is A billion years inside so basically, You can train all you want inside within the time limit which is basically million years inside so do your best because an opportunity like this won't happen again and if you're doubting me " As Tec Finished his speech he summoned a Meteor Bigger than The whole arena Above the It

" See that? I can do shit you can't even imagine so you better Believe me " Said Tec he Removes the Meteor making people Breath normally now... Even the Sect Master Cant Move his body properly seeing that happen and he's one of the strongest people in his sect and he just stares the meteor powerless...

" Now Let's change the rules for your Tittle tournament there will a battle royal for all of you people who want to join of course this doesn't conclude the Sect Teachers and Any other officials only Disciples and anyone who isn't in the Sect Upper Echelons So Civilians Visiting cultivators is good to go And only 20 people whilk be given the chance to fight for the Top 10 Spots aside for that Killing is prohibited You can only knock out your opponent unless they surrender and as for those who are trying to Join in but their already out of the game I'll Kill you myself!... Are we clear?! " Said Tec which The people Immediately replied Yes to him...

" Good!... let's change your battleground first! " Said Tec as he uses his power making the Arena Bigger and Better along with barrier so even if The contestant's skill Miss fire it wouldn't hurt the audience Tec also made a Hologram Screen that's big enough to let everyone watch even if their so far away that they can't see the people in the Stage...

" Okay Contestants You can Go to the stage now... " as Tec said That The Hopeful People starts rushing in civilians didn't join the Tournament only Disciples and some rouge Cultivators have joined of course 99% of the contestants are Black Dragon God Disciples... After a while, People finally settle Some have made a group for themselves while others remain to be alone...

" Now Get Ready! I don't want a tournament that will last for a couple of days because some people didn't want to fight so they just hide until the end so every 1 Hour The arena will Get smaller and smaller and if you got out of the arena your out LETS US BEING! IN 3...2...1!!! FIGHT! " Said Tec as The crowd let out a roar to Express their Excitement because they never saw their Disciples this fired Up in any tournament

10 Second, on the tournament people Starts Flying around like a kite People are knocking Everyone they see some Groups starts Protecting their self Stronger Disciples didn't join the fight Yet as they conserve their strength for the last moment while some people tried to attack stronger people than them they immediately got thrown out of the arena...

10 minutes have passed The people standing in the arena have significantly got lesser and lesser by the second... Almost 10% of the almost 100 thousand that joined have been eliminated as the time passes by only more people are bound to be eliminated...