
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

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Years Later...

" Well there goes the Kids... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as They just witnessed the Rainbow Gourds and Wang Dao Ming Ascend into a Higher world


" You're not worried? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec to Tec who watched everything without saying anything

" Why should I? I've send an Great Dao Sage to look over them unless some Supreme Great Dao Sage or an Dao Creator decided to disturb them they'll be fine... " Said Tec

" You're pretty confident huh... "

" I've send a Combat Mannequin that's about to breakthrough to Supreme Great Dao Sage Realm coupled with the Bloodline that I gave him he should have no Problem dealing with Dao Creator Realm Beings even if he can't defeat one he can still run... " Said Tec

" so Combat Mannequin Number One Huh! well that's good I guess but How are we going to tell this to Mother? she didn't even know that The kids are ascending today because she's been in her close door Cultivation for the last 12 Years... " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" If Mother asked about it then we'll just have to visit the kids Ourselves... " Said Tec

" Kay... Anyway I've found an interesting guy! want to see him? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec Changing their topic

" No, I still have work to do... " Said Tec as he walked away leaving Perfect Copy Tec alone...

And Just Like that 1,000 Years have passed... 1,000 Years is long enough for the world to completely change... Jiang Ming, Cao fei, and Han Ling Have Long ascended into a High Realm and Left the world Even Long Tian the guy who tried to learn from Perfect Copy Tec have gone and ascended Into the High Realm... The Only People that the two Tec know left are the old Elders, the Previous Sect Master who's now either enjoying their time leisurely or Doing some Close Door Cultivation! These Elders have already Achieved Great Ascension Realm so they have no problem living for 20-30 Thousand Years so they're really just enjoying their time as they all have Disciples that will do their work! as for Yu Feng The two Tec adopted Mother... She's still as Beautiful as the moment she found the two Tec she barely aged and have become even more beautiful! as for her Cultivation Realm she's a Peak Great Ascension Realm...

" Ready? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec as he held Yu Feng Hands

" Mmm! " Yu Feng Nodded as she look at her fellow Elders and friends

" We'll Fellow right after so don't worry about us! and beside Didn't Yu Tian already set up an Formation strong enough that even if the entire world explode we wouldn't even notice it? " Said Elder Han Jokingly

" Nephews! don't forget about us Okay? and remember to tell The Rainbow Kids and Jiang Ming and Others that we said hello! " Said the Previous Sect Master

" Got It!, we won't probably see each other for thousand of years so I made sure to stock up some wines that should last you guys for several Million Years! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he controlled the Farm Moutain and made it levitate!

"..." Seeing this The Elders just awkwardly smile as Perfect Copy Tec Just pulled an Entire Mountain out!

" Well then! we're Out! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as the entire Farm Mountain Vanished into thin air Leaving the World...

Somewhere in Space

" Welcome to Space! which people commonly call as Chaos it's a Place filled with Danger and opportunities! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Is this the place The Kids went to? " Asked Yu Feng

" they went into a place called Heavenly Dao Realm... it's a Place where Immortals Gather " Replied Tec

" Oh! how long would it take us to get there? " Asked Yu Feng

" depends on how fast you want to go there! " Replied Perfect Copy Tec

" Then Let's enjoy this scenery for now... this Place is very beautiful after all... " Said Yu Feng with a smile on her face

" Aye! we'll stay here for as much as you want, Mother! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he also smiled...

Several Months Later... the Floating Farm Moutain came contact with an Flat world that's look to spans for Infinity!

" We're here! this is the Heavenly Dao! a Massive Floating Flat Rock! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as Y Feng Glance at the beautiful flat Planet that seemingly spans for Infinity

" What a Beautiful place! it's truly deserving of the name of Immortals World! " Said Yu Feng

" You'll feel an slight rejection when entering the Heavenly Dao Realm but don't reject it as it's the Heavenly Dao's way of checking people... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as their Floating Farm Mountain island slowly Descended into the Heavenly Dao Realm...


As the Farm Mountain came in contact with the Heavenly Dao's Realm Defensive Natural barrier it instantly tried to Reject it but instantly changed its mind as it Effortlessly let the Farm Mountain in without any signs of rejection...


minutes Later the Farm Moutain Descend down Into the Heavenly Dao's Land!

" Let's go outside, Mother and take a feel of this Immortal's World... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he Pulled Yu Feng out of the Farm Moutain Protective barrier while Tec followed behind...

" The Qi In this Place is much denser than our world thought it still lack compare to the Farm! " Said Yu Feng as the first thing that she noticed is the density of the connate Qi of the Heavenly Dao

" Our Farm is a Very Special place that we've built after all! so it's only natural that this Heavenly Dao won't be able to compare with it! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Oh! "

" Well that's Aside... Do you have something in mind Mother? like what do you want to do first? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec

" first I Planned on finding my Grandchildrens but seeing how Big this place is I don't we can find them anytime sooner! so why don't we just go whatever direction you guys want? " Said Yu Feng

" We won't have any problems finding the kids as we already located all of them even Jiang Ming and The Others... " Said Tec who's put the entire Farm Moutain inside his Spatial Ring...

" Ooh! where are they? are they okay? " Asked Yu Feng

" Some of them joined this Sect Called Hidden Sect while the other also joined some organizations they're doing just fine... we could visit them anytime you want just say the word " Said Tec

" It's good to hear that they're okay! those kids haven't contacted us for thousand of years! they probably already forgotten about us! " Said Yu Feng

" That's possible But that's just how life works! they're already adults that can have their own opinions but let's hope that they still remember us " Said Perfect Copy Tec

*Nods* Yu Feng Nodded as she smiles


" Hm..? " As the Mother and sons are talking to each Other Perfect Copy Tec Suddenly noticed something as he looked over the horizon

" I found one of the kids! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" who is it? " Asked Yu Feng

" It's The blue one! Lan'er " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Let's go meet her! I'm curious how much they have changed! " Said Yu Feng

" Alright! let's go see her! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he waved his hand Tearing an Opening into the Void!

meanwhile On Yu Lan side who's Currently enjoy her time drinking some Tea and Teaching her two disciples how to paint suddenly Felt a gaze landed on her

"!!!" Sensing the Gaze Yu Lan Istantly Perked up and looked around


" What's wrong, Master..? " Asked Yu Lan's Disciple

" someone's peeking at us... " Said Yu Lan

" .?!" Hearing their master words Yu Lan Disciples raise their brows as Peeking at Them is simply impossible as their sect put some barrier capable enough that not even Quasi Sage Realm Experts won't be able to peek at them! so someone peeking at them only means the other party is A Sage or something similar!

" Did Master offended some mighty Beings Qgain? " Asked Yu Lan Other

" I haven't left our sect for the past 200 Years it's impossible for me to offended someone! " Said Yu Lan

" Then why this happening? " Asked Yu Lan disciple when suddenly a Crack on the Void Appeared in front of them!

"!!!" Seeing the Void Crack Yu Lan and her Disciples instantly got into their defensive position!

" Hoh! is 1,000 Years enough for my daughter to completely forget and even raise her hands against me? I'm very sad to see that... " Said Perfect Copy Tec who Stepped out of the Void Crack while Yu Feng and Tec followed behind!

" F-Father! " Called Yu Lan as she instantly dropped her Guards as she jump through and Hugged Perfect Copy Tec

" O-Oof! You've grown Big! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he caught Yu Lan with his chest

"" M-Master's father?! "" Said Yu Lan two disciples

" Hm? these kids are? " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" They're my Disciples! Yang Ling and Zhou Fei! " Replied Yu Lan as she stopped Hugging Perfect Copy Tec

" Disciples? Let's see... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as his locked into Yu Lan two disciples


" 700 Years old true Immortals huh! That's Good I guess... " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he took a peek through Yu Lan Cultivation Realm

" And you... an Rank 2 Immortal Emperor Realm! it only took you 1,000 Years to become an Immortal Emperor from Great Ascension Realm huh! did you manage to get some Inheritance or some sort? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec

" I didn't got any inheritance... i manage to Cultivate to this stage thanks to some lucky encounter but it's mainly thanks to the Sect I'm currently on... It's one of the Leading sect of the Heavenly Dao! The Holy Mother Sect! it's a subsidiary sect of The hidden Sect! the number one sect of the Heavenly Dao! even Sage Sects can't compare to it! " Said Yu Lan as she proudly introduced her Sect and it's background

" Oh? then they must be treating you well! I should thank them! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" About that... I don't it's a Good Idea! The Holy Mother is an All Female Sect so Father's appearance here might cause some trouble so why don't we get out lf here before it's too late? " Said Yu Lan

" Is that so? then let's take this outside " Said Perfect Copy Tec as They found themselves out of the Holy Mother Sect as Perfect Copy Tec finished speaking

"!!!" Seeing how they got transported outside without even knowing how Yu Lan and her Disciples are shocked and in awe!

" H-How did you do that, Father?! " Asked Yu Lan

" I simply desire for it thus the Universe moved for me " Replied Perfect Copy Tec

"..?" Confused Yu Lan Looked at His other father Tec

" He used some space Technique to transfer all of us out... " Said Tec

" Oh! The Dao of Space! such thing is impossible even for me! just how strong have you become father! " Said Yu Lan

" I just slightly stronger then before but not by much since We've barely Cultivated! anyway enough about us and tell me more about you! we've haven't seen each other for 1000 of years I'm sure Your Grandmother would like to know your adventures! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as Yu Feng Walked towards Yu Lan

" Grandmother " Called Yu Lan

" You've grown so big Lan'er You've become even beautiful than before! I'm sure you have lots of men wanting to marry you! " Said Yu Feng as she hugs Yu Lan

" Ahahah there's haven't been one that caught my eyes and beside I'm still quite young!, Grandmother! " Replied Yu Lan

" 1,000 Years old is already considered Ancient in our world! but since this is an Immortal world 1,000 years old can be considered as young " Said Yu Feng

" Let's move to an proper place so you can converse peacefully " Said Tec as His Brought the Farm Mountain out from his Spatial Ring and moved every one inside...

"!!!" Upon Entering the Farm Mountain Yu Lan and her Disciples are once again shocked!

" This place have gone Into a Massive change! it's only been a thousand years and yet everything looks like they been here for billions of Years! " Said Yu Lan as she couldn't help but get emotional since she haven't seen the Farm for a thousand of years

" it's only been several Trillion years for the plants and other things so that's probably why and we haven't really been tending the farm that often so it looked overgrown " Said Perfect Copy Tec as a beautiful woman with pointy ears Materializes infront of them!


" Masters! is this Lan'er? " Said the Woman as she approached Yu Lan and checked her

" She became little matured and beautiful didn't she? " Said Yu Feng

" Oh! so the little cry Baby have grown Big and beautiful! Lan'er used to cry beside me because of not being able to Eat Candy Covered Apples you know? " Said the Beautiful Woman as she Teased Yu Lan about her childhood memories

" W-Who is this lady? " Asked the confused Yu Lan as she don't remember this woman

" That's Sil " Replied Tec

" Sil? "

" Sil, Yes! she's the Big tree you used to sleep under it " Replied Perfect Copy Tec

" E-Eh? You mean that Tree is her?! she finally turned Humaniod?! " Said Yu Lan as she finally remembered the World Tree Sil

" Lan'er Finally remeber me huh! " Said Sil

" I couldn't believe that this beautiful woman is That Big Tree! and speaking of Big Tree! where is that big tree? how come I can't see it? " Said Yu Lan

" Oh! you can't see it? just look carefully she's Big enough that you wouldn't miss her " Said Perfect Copy Tec

"..?" Hearing Perfect Copy Tec Yu Lan just decided to look over closely her Disciples did the same


" I don't see it... " Said Yu Lan

" Really? you're so young yet your eye sight is already terrible! here let me help you! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he Flicked an Qi Towards Yu Lan which instantly Empowered her Eye Sight!

"!!!" As soon as Yu Lan Eyes got Empowered she saw a silhouette of an Massive Leaf! this single Leaf is enough to host Billions of Galaxies thats how Massive that Leaf is!

" W-W-What is that! I-Is that what I think is it?! " Said Yu Lan with fear in her voice

" That's one of her Leaves it's big enough to hold Several Billions Galaxies she's grown too big for to stay near the Actual Farm so we moved her far away from anything so she won't need to worry about trampling other plants we even have to upgrade the Dao Field into something that can infinitely expand so that she can grow even bigger! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" a single Leaf is bigger than the entire Heavenly Dao! T-This! is this even possible?! " Said Yu Lan Shocking her Disciples

" Sil is still young so she'll get even bigger even more But enough about that and let talk about your experiences! I'm actually quite interested! " Said Perfect Copy Tec completely changing their Topic...

Several Hours of story telling Later...

" That's an Eventful 1,000 Years unlike ours! we basically just laze around doing nothing most of the thousand years " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Well the Heavenly Dao is filled with dangers so you couldn't really avoid troubles along the way " Said Yu Lan who's been stuffing her mouth with The Fruits that Yu Feng Prepared her two disciples did the same as the Fruit that they're eating isn't normal its even benefiting their Cultivation Realms...

" Eat Slowly Lan'er! we have a lot of fruits here! and you two don't Copy your Master and eat like a properly Woman! " Said Yu Feng as she scolded the Master and Discoles

" But these Fruits are simply amazing! I haven't eaten something like thus every since I've arrived here in The Heavenly Dao! and not only that it taste Good it can even improve my Cultivation! " Said Yu Lan as her two disciples Nodded their heads vigorously

" Eat Slowly so you won't explode " Said Tec immediately stopped Yu Lan and her Disciples

" E-Explode?! " Said Yu Lan.

" Yes, the Fruits your eating are equivalent to A Zenith Heaven Supreme Treasure a single one can Instantly make an Immortal Emperor like you Jump to Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal Realm so take it easy " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" H-Huh?! Am i going to explode?! I've eaten like 21 Of them! F-Father Help me! " Said Yu Lan as Fear cover her entire body


" Ahahahahahaha! This little Las is on the verge of Crying! Ahahahaha " Laughed Perfect Copy Tec

" Relax you won't be Exploding when I'm here! I'll deal with the excess Qi so it's best If you try to

cultivating now! Same with the two of you " Said Tec as Yu Lan and her Disciples Quickly Entered thr state of Cultivation while Perfect Copy Tec try to control his Laughter

" Ahahaha I haven't laughed this much in age! this Little girl is still as clueless as before! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Stop laughing Tian'er! " Said Yu Feng

" Okay Okay! I'll stop! " Replied Perfect Copy Tec still giggling

" Lan'er is quite slow isn't she? " Said Sil

" she's Still a kid after all " Replied Tec

Several Decades Later Yu Lan and her Disciples woke up from their Cultivation state and marveled at their new found Strengths! Yu Lan who's only an Rank 2 Immortal Emperor have become an Perfected Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal! Just a shy away from Achieving Quasi-Sage Realm! As for her Disciples they Achieved Rank 6 Divine Origin Ream! a step away from becoming Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals!

" Oh? Finally Awake I see! " Said Perfect Copy Tec who greeted them the moment they open their eyes

" Father! Thank you for the Opportunity! " Said Yu Lan as she Knelt down and Bow her head

"" These Little ones Thanks The Master's Fathers! "" Said Yu Lan's Two disciples

" Mm... It's good that you guys are finally Awake... it's already been The 40th Year since the last time you Guys moved! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" That long?! " Said Yu Lan in shock

" I could actually make it only Last for like a second or two but that would break you so I used the most efficient and shortest way to raise your Cultivation! same goes for your disciples... " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" T-Thanks for not breaking me, Father... " Said Yu Lan


" That sounded weird but your welcome!... for now try moving around and getting used with your new Strengths! Sil Will help you with that " Said Perfect Copy Tec as Sil The World Tree Materializes infront of them as she smiles and waved her hands


" Good Morning~" Said Sil

" Oh..."

" Now Then go do your thing I still have to manage the Farm it's finally time to harvest some Strawberries so once your done I'll give you some! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as he Teleported away...

A year Later Yu Lan and her Disciples have finished fully controlling their new found power with the help Sil who Guided Guided very quickly!

" So... how was it? feeling pretty powerful? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec

" It's unimaginably to think that people can reach this level of Strengths! I think that with just a wave of my hands I can split Stars! " Said Yu Lan as she marvels with her strength

" Good! well since everything is done here let's go out! Yu Di have already left a while back so we're the only people left here " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Oh! Where did he go? " Asked Yu Lan

" Probably playing somewhere " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Would Other father be alright? " Asked Yu Lan

" He could forcefully bring this entire Heavenly Dao without even using a percentage of his power so he'll be okay! Heck even if the entire Chaos Teamed up to fight Him they wouldn't stand a chance! he's strong enough to destroy this Universe with just a step! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Oh... Okay... "

" Anyway Let's go eat! Mother have cooked some Fried chicken! you favorite! " Said Perfect Copy Tec as they Teleported away...

meanwhile On Tec side...

" what is this kids doing... " Said Tec as he watched the 4 out of the 7 Rainbow Gourd squad do some strange things...

" S-Shit! It seems like this is the end for us! " Said Yu Huang The Yellow Gourd

" I'm tired! I want to rest! " Said Yu Lu The green Gourd


" Both of you shut up and don't give up! this is still not our end! " Said Yu Cheng the Orange Gourd as he slapped both Yu Lu and Yu Huang

*Pak* *Pak*

" Cheng! stop! there's nothing we could do now... we're simply too weak " Said Yu Hong the Red Gourd as he flopped down

" Y-You! YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU ACT LIKE THIS?! STAND UP! I SAID FUCKING STAND UP!!! " Screamed Yu Cheng as Bloodlust burst from his body



" Cheng! Calm down! " Said Yu Huang a Punch Yu Cheng face


"!!!" Shocked Yu Cheng instantly calm down

" Calm down yet? " Asked Yu Huang

" Y-Yeah... !'m Sorry..." Replied Yu Cheng





" Cheng! if we die we die but just know that we already give everything we've got! I barely even have enough strength to keep talking! so If you want to kill us Go Ahead! I'm so tired of this shit! Fighting for 200 Years straight without any rest is simply impossible even for a Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals like us! it's not like we're fighting Immortal Emperor's! We're fucking fighting against Quasi-Sage and shit ton of Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals! If not for the Supreme Treasure that father Gave us we've been long Dead! So give us a Break and don't ask for the impossible! " Rant Yu Lu

" I'm Sorry! okay! I... I Just don't want things to end this way! if we're going to die at least Die Fighting! not like this cooped up in this damn Cave! " Said Yu Cheng






" If this is really the end for us... then Let's do it as Cheng Wanted! Let's die fighting! so that I won't be embarrassed about my Death! " Said Yu Hong as he forced Himself to get up

" Fine! I'm a foot deep away from Death anyway! " Said Yu lu as he also got up and prepared to fight again

" Get in formation! I'll lead this time! " Said Yu Huang

" I'll see you guys on the other side! " Said Yu Cheng and they all got into a formation getting ready to rush out of their cave back to the battle!

" LET'S GO! " Said Yu Huang as a powerful burst fo energy covered the four!

"""" CHARGE!!! """" Screamed the Four as they rushed out of their cave breaking through the Light barrier Several hundred times!


"!!!" Leaving the Cave the Brothers are prepared to fight to the death but before they could even fight to the death Shocked and Fear filled their body!

" W-Whats going on?! " Asked Yu lu as he looked over the Sea of Blood that spans as far as the eyes can see

" T-They are all dead! But how! " Said Yu Cheng

" I guess it's not our time yet! haha " Said Yu Huang as he Let out an laugh

"..?" Without Saying anything Yu Hong scanned thr battlefield only to see a lone Person in the Sky

" Look up! " Said Yu Hong making his siblings quickly focus their sights in the Sky

" Finally done with your Drama Huh? " Said Tec as he noticed the Gazes of the four brothers

"""" F-Father?! """" Said the Four brothers in Unison as they saw their father face!

" I Came and helped you disposing whatever this ocean of blood is... they all kinda died the moment I looked at them " Said Tec as he Descend down to the brothers

" F-Father! I've missed you! " Said Yu Lu who tried Hugging Tec with his bloodied wound filled body

" No Hugging you'll dirty the clothes that Mother made... " Said Tec as he stopped Yu lu from Hugging him using an invisible Barrier

" O-Oh! understandable... " Said Yu Lu

" It seems like you kids have gotten into something not fun no? fighting and almost dying for almost everyday? just how did you Four manage to get into this situation? but before you answer that let's go back, your sister might have already woken up " Said Tec as he Teleported Everyone back into the Farm Mountain...

Back in the Farm Moutain 5 of the 7 Rainbow Named Gourds have gathered!

" What happened to you four?! it's haven't been 300 Years yet you all looked like you've gone through million Years of war! " Said Yu Lan

" Ahahah! I think we just did! We haven't been able to breath this deep since we've gone into some deep shit! " Said Yu Huang Jokingly

" just where did you Kids got into? " Asked Yu Feng

" the four of us got transported outside of the Heavenly Dao I don't know where but it's a Hellish place! the moment we arrive swarms of Enemies attacked us! and they're not your typical enemies! They're all strong with the Cultivation Realm of Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals and Pseudo Sage Realm! we only survived because of the Supreme Treasures that Father Gave us... " Said Yu Hong

" You got transported huh... did you do something that got you four transported? " Asked Perfect Copy Tec

" We've gone to this place and as soon as we entered we already got transported so I don't really remeber anything beside that " Said Yu Cheng

" Oh! well If you don't remeber then let's just forget about it! it's all fine since your all alive and safe! " Said Perfect Copy Tec


" Father I've got a question to ask! " Said Yu Lu as he looked over Tec

" What is it? " Asked Tec

" How did you found us? " Asked Yu Lu

" I used My eyes to find you " Replied Tec

" O-Oh... "


" Well anyway Let's hear stories about how you kids did for the last 1,000 years I'm very curious about everything! " Said Yu Feng changing their Topic

several Hours Later...

" The four of you have a completely different experience from Yu Lan huh... " Said Tec

" the four of you joined wars and travels all over the place to prove your Strengths and almost died several times! why can't you just Cultivate quietly like your fathers? " Said Yu Feng

" We can't just Quietly Cultivate like fathers because we're not them! It will probably take us Billions of years just to Cultivate at our current level if we just Quietly Cultivate! our talent is limited and we need opportunities and challenges to grow and sometimes those Opportunities and challenges can almost take our lives but it's necessary for us if we want to become stronger... " Said Yu Huang

" Your fathers can give you opportunities and challenges! Just look! Yu Lan breakthrough from an Immortal Emperor to Perfected Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal in just 4 decades with the help your father! meanwhile the four of you took 1,000 years of almost dying and doing it over and over again! " Said Yu Feng

" If we knew we could achieve this level of strength this easy we wouldn't have been trying to send ourselves to death for Years but I think I'll still take the Latter! Strength is one thing but experience is much more! " Said Yu Lu


" That aside it's pretty idiotic sending yourselves into a sure death situation... if not for us sending Number One to monitor you lot you've long been dead! I mean just think of all the near death situations that you four experience throughout the years! doesn't it seems weird that every time that you're about to die some random things came and save you from your apparent death? that was not you getting lucky that was someone actually saving you " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" H-Huh?! What do you mean? and who's this number One you're talking about, Father? " Asked Yu Cheng

" Number One Is the one responsible for saving your asses for the last 1,000! so you can stop doing reckless things and think how all of would already been dead if not for Number One! " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" U-Unbeliable! I Know that there was something wrong at the beginning! with how we didn't died encountering that Hellish Thunderbird that have he Cultivation Realm of Perfected Zenith Heaven Golden Immortal! that Guy just vanished into thin air as if something have Erased him out of existence! so it was this number One doing! " Said Yu Hong

" Does this means our experience isn't genuine?! " Said Yu Lu

" It's as genuine as it is... Number One Is just there to help you remove enemies far beyond your control but if not for the Dhrama Treasures that I gave you the four of you won't even last a year in this Heavenly Dao with how reckless you four do things... " Said Tec





"Well for now stay here and recuperate, I'll go get the remaining two " Said Tec as he vanished into thin air

" Is Father a Sage, Father? " Asked Yu Cheng to Perfect Copy Tec

" A Sage? No in terms of Cultivation Realm he's not a Sage I mean the two of us are still stuck Great Ascension Realm so it's impossible for him or me to be a Sage " Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Then how is it possible for Father to use Space Dao without any problems? moreover he killed countless Zenith Heaven Golden Immortals and some Pseudo-Sage without even sweating! " Said Yu Cheng

" Space Dao is quite easy to understand! If you want I'll Teach it to you as for how he killed those people I don't have a clue" Said Perfect Copy Tec

" Oh..."