
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Procreate - Chapter 16

--5 Years Ago--

Today was a Sunday, and usually, Koda, Raven, and Bakugou make snacks for everyone while they prepare for a late night movie.

Yes, class 2-A has movie nights every Sunday. It honestly shouldn't be very surprising, to say the least.

Raven figured that since she's making cookies, she could prank someone she has yet to prank this year.


It's gonna be a simple one, where she just puts raisins in one cookie instead of chocolate chips. But..

Momo.. hates raisins.

Ohh, Raven can't wait to see her reaction.

She already has all the cookies made, she just needs to give them out. How is she gonna do that? You'll see.

Koda already went back into the lobby of the dorms to hang out with his friends. Raven told him that she would handle handing them out to everyone, so she could get on with her plan.

Anyway, Raven picked up the tray of cookies, and walked out into the lobby. "Hey guys! Look what Koda and I made!" She said happily, stopping when she got in front of everyone sitting on the couches.

"Ooou! Cookies!" Mina said, and immediately got up to go get a couple.

Raven nodded, "Yupp! And everyone gets two!" She said as everyone made their way to go get a couple.

Only a few people stayed back and watched the interaction happen, waiting for their turn to go and get one when it wasn't as crowded. One of those people being Yaoyorozu. Just as planned.

Soon, they came up and got their own, leaving the tray of cookies empty. But then, timidly, Yaoyorozu spoke up, "Um, Raven?" She looked up at her, "I didn't get any.." A bright smile formed on Raven's face.


"Oh! That's okay, I can just give you the ones that I saved for myself!" Raven piped up, about to turn around and head back into the kitchen until Momo stopped her.

"No, it's alright, I don't need any anyway," Momo said as she began to head back to her seat.

Raven put her hands on her hips, "I insist! I'm sorry for not making enough! I thought for sure thirty eight would be enough, but I guess I did the maths wrong.." She put her finger to her lips, "Anyway, lemme go get those cookies! I had some cookie dough while Kota and I were making them, so I'll be fine!" Raven said, and then promptly turned around and left before Momo could say any more.

Well, the plan is going perfectly so far!

She quickly grabbed the plate of cookies and beelined it straight towards Momo, giving her the plate of two cookies. Raven had the thought of only making one cookie with raisins in it, so that she could give Momo the relief of actually having a good cookie after eating that disgusting one.

Raven also hates raisins too, if you couldn't tell.

Raven made sure to keep track of which one was the raisin cookie, so she could point it out to her. "Oh! You should eat this one first! Since I was originally going to eat it I put extra chocolate chips in it!" Raven said as she pointed to a specific cookie on the plate.

Momo smiled, "Thanks, Raven! You're the sweetest," She said as she grabbed up the cookie.

Raven grinned in response and sat down right next to her on the couch, only so she could get an up-close view of her reaction to the prank.

She watched as Momo lifted up the cookie to her mouth, and took a big bite. She chewed, and began to savor the flavor of the sweetness when-

"OOOUULEGH!" Momo gagged, spitting out the contents of the chewed up cookie onto the plate.

Raven looked with wide eyes and a surprised grin on her face. That was definitely not something she had expected the prim and proper Momo Yaoyorozu to do. "OOUUULEEGHHH!!!" Momo gagged once again, and Raven exploded out laughing as she got up to go get napkins for the poor girl.

Everyone that was currently eating cookies in the lobby were now staring in surprise as Momo took the napkins from the purple haired girl, quickly wiping her tongue of the gross residue.

Momo settled herself, glaring in disgust at the cookie she had taken a bite out of.

"Raisins," Was all she said, and the entire class started giggling, some full on wheezing.

Well, that's how Raven found out not to mess with Momo's food!


--Present Time--

Raven walked out of her apartment with Izuku in the skin tight black dress that she tried on earlier. She walked in black stiletto heels, which she has no idea where she got them from.

They stopped in front of a black limo, and Izuku decides now would be the time to tell her something very fucking important, "By the way, I invited our high school classmates," He said as he leaned down to her level, and Raven's eyes widened into saucers.

Izuku started walking towards the limo, but not without Raven beating the crap out of him. "You! Fucking! Bitch!" She said with every punch, "I thought it was just gonna be us!" She pulled his arm so he couldn't get into the limo. She wanted to talk it out right here, right now.

He kept dodging her fists as he replied, "I lied! I lied!" He giggled, thinking it was some game, when Raven's heart was pounding a mile a minute. She hadn't talked to them since That Day. Everyone turned their backs on her when she messed up, and she couldn't take it. So when high school was over, she made it to where she wouldn't have to see them ever again.

Maybe it was her insecurities showing that she couldn't own up to her mistakes, or maybe it was because she was too scared to face her old classmates, but tonight would be the night where she would face her worst fears.

She took a deep breath, looking down at her feet. 'It shouldn't be that bad, right?' She thought 'I mean, Izuku is now my best friend, what's the worst that could happen?'

'I think it's time I own up to my mistakes. I've been running from the past for too long,'

'Izuku will be there to support me,'

'Or will he?'

"Hey," Izuku said softly, turning around and putting his hands on her shoulders to make her look into his eyes, "Hey, you'll be okay. I don't know the entire reason why you haven't spoken to anybody in five years, but I have a good guess. Let me tell you, they're over it. I'm over it, Eri's over it; you're the only person holding a grudge, and it's against yourself. Sometimes, we just need to let things go, even if it's hard," He finished his pep talk, that surprisingly helped tremendously.

At this point, Raven had tears in her eyes. She had never been comforted so easily in her life. It wasn't just the words that got her, but the fact that he was there, walking her through everything.

She knows that he just dropped this on her, but she couldn't be more thankful for the push that she so desperately needed. He had given it to her.

Raven and Izuku walked towards the limo, the driver opening the door for them as they stepped inside. Immediately, she was greeted by a few of her grown up classmates. Those being Ochako Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui, and Shoto Todoroki.

Uraraka launched herself at Raven, who was sitting in between Tsu and Izuku. "RAVEEENNNN!!!" She screeched, "Oh my god!! We've have missed you so so so much! Where have you been?" She sobbed as she clung to Raven.

Raven reluctantly hugged her back, not being used to physical touch from girls again after so long. "Heh, I've been in hiding.." She joked, but it wasn't really a lie.

"That's okay, Raven!" Iida came in, "We know you have some personal things to attend to, so don't you worry!" He said, jumping to conclusions.

Raven was starting to get uncomfortable with all this attention. She started shifting around, fidgeting with her fingers, and messing with her hair the more those two asked questions. Thankfully, Tsu and Todoroki were keen enough to pick up on her shyness, so they stayed back and talked to Midoriya.

The whole car ride there, Raven couldn't stop thinking about how kind Izuku was to her. She couldn't stop feeling that feeling she had come to accept whenever she was close to him, or when he said something risque, whenever she thought about what he said to her just moments before.

She couldn't stop smiling because of the confidence he had in her.

So when they arrived at the club, she chose to accept that confidence and use it. Raven looked up at the two girls who were staying behind at the entrance, while the boys walked up to the bar. Taking a deep breath, "So," She started out, "You guys don't.. hate me? Not anymore, right?" She asked shyly.

Raven is never usually shy, but in this moment, she was terrified.

They both stilled.

Before, "What??!" Uraraka screamed, and Raven jumped, "What do you mean 'not anymore'?? Raven," Uraraka put her hand on Raven's knee to comfort her, "We never hated you! Sure, some of us had gotten a little tired of everything, and that was the last straw for them, but us? Nooo, we could never!"

Raven had tears in her eyes for the second time that night.

Tsu spoke up then, "You know, I think what happened was that you saw the faces of everybody, and ran. You isolated yourself because you thought everyone hated you so much. You were terrified of what everybody thought of you, so you didn't talk to anyone again. The only person who was always worried about you was.." She stopped, and Raven watched as her eyes trailed over to Izuku, who was chatting up a waitress.

Raven looked at Izuku, and suddenly he stared back, a bright blush forming on his face. Her gaze dropped suddenly, "And I was terrified for five whole years," Raven finished and tears finally left her eyes.

Tsu and Uraraka comfortingly rubbed her back and shoulder, while Raven sucked every tear up back into her soul. This was her own fault. The entire thing was her fault, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the power to fix it.

Maybe things can't go back to how it was, maybe things can't be entirely fixed with some people, but Raven just made two more friends. Three friends more she's had in the last five years, so Raven takes this as a win.

She can't be any more happy right now, and it's all thanks to Izuku.

Taking the third deepest breath she's had in years now, she walked up with her two new friends to the bar to join Izuku, Iida, and Todoroki.

Raven raised her had to the bartender, "Whiskey, neat, please!"


The six of them have been at the club for about two in a half hours now. Raven, Uraraka, and Tsu are dancing while the boys are watching from afar, making sure they don't get themselves into trouble.

So when Izuku saw Raven getting cornered by a large man, his hero instincts kicked on and he jumped into action.


Raven didn't remember talking to this guy, or even saying hi. She only remembers how he came up to her, grinded on her without even a warning, and then when she got upset he told her she should've just let him, because now he's mad.

The other girls were too busy dancing with the guys they found, so they didn't notice her getting separated from the two.

She looked up into the mans eyes, and they screamed evil. Who let a villain into a hero club?!

Raven didn't know what to do, she was very drunk, and could barely stand up straight. Hell, she was seeing three versions of this guy!

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked up to find her knight in shining honor.

Or was it armor?

She couldn't remember.

All she could focus on was the way Izuku's green eyes shone with a deadly aura at the man in front of them, screaming 'If you lay a hand on her, I will kill you,' But Raven found it sexy for some reason.

"Heyyyy!!" Raven slurred, "What are you doing hereeee?" She asked, and he looked down with softened eyes before returning to their previous state.

"I'm here to take you guys home, it's getting late anyways," He said with a hard voice, and Raven pouted.

"Awww, okay! Let's go!" Raven said with a big smile, beginning to walk towards her other friends.

But a large hand stopped her, and Izuku was on guard once again. "Hold on a second, who's this?" The burly man said, the music being so loud that they were shouting.

Raven looked up at him with wide eyes, "Whaaaa~? You zon't know who this is??" She tripped over her words, before hanging off of Izuku's neck suddenly, his arm going around her waist to stabilize her, "It's only the number one hero, of course! He came to save the day~!" She sang happily, pulling herself upright using Izuku as a crutch, and kissed his cheek. "Thank youuu~!" she purred into his ear.

She didn't realize this, but this was affecting Izuku a lot. He grunted as she buried her face into his neck, and his hold on her tightened.

He glared at the man in front of them, who was now staring wide eyes at Izuku like he had just grown three heads, "If you hadn't noticed by now, she's mine. Don't do this again, or I'll come for your head," Izuku threatened, and he walked off with Raven back to Iida and Todoroki.

Of course, Iida is the DD tonight, so he told Izuku to put Raven in the car and stay with her. Todoroki and himself would go get Uraraka and Tsu.

And that's exactly what happened. Izuku was babysitting a drunken Raven, while he himself wasn't all that sober either, and they waited for the others to get back to the limo.

She was laying all over Izuku. He didn't mind though, as she was just laying her back on his chest and sitting in between his legs.

"Hmmmm~" Raven hummed, "You know.." She trailed off, running her hands through his hair.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Hmm?" He hummed back.

"You were really.. really.. What's the word?" She mumbled, before, "Ah! You were mesmerizing tonight, Izuku," She said in her sleepy voice despite meaning every word.

That sobered him up real quick, because the next thing he knew, she was out like a light.