
Team Leader Kim Rok Soo

Team 1 Leader Kim Rok Soo has to fulfill the responsibility passed onto by the previous Team 1 Leader Lee Soo Hyuk to protect the Ability User world infested with monsters. But many underestimate and doubt his abilities and character due to his tenacity and nonchalance. Still grieving from the loss of Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo, his only family, Kim Rok Soo takes on the mantle of Team Leader to protect the Abilty User world. But in the way he has to face numerous deranged villains and vicious alien monsters who oppose him and threaten to destroy everything and ruin what remains of Humanity. Read more to find out about his life journey!

Revinsane · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A Deal

The Silver Star warden was a walking around impatiently and cursing Kim Rok Soo being late

The hooded man was now lazily sitting in his makeshift chair ,which were his followers on all their fours and letting him sit on their back

The Hooded men and Start silver guild Warden were waiting in anticipation for the arrival of Kim Rok Soo .They were planning to ambush him ! .But they waited and waited ,and waited. They had literally waited the Entire day !..

They had planned to Ambush him ... But this plan was getting more and more delayed ….

The Silver Guild Prison Warden kept messaging the Company about the delay form his device but he recieved the same answering all the time that Kim Rok Soo was on the way …..

The Warden has to suppress his urge to just throw down the device and destroy it under this feet ....

Damn you !You indisciplined bastard!! I ll be asking for cash back !!

The hooded figure looks at the Silver Cross Prison Warden and simply shrugged his shoulder ….


At a distance away from the group of hooded figures and Silver Warden a pair of sharp and cold eyes were observing them .

Eyes belonged to man who had scary scars and on his face which went down his net . He also was wearing a full black bodysuit which was made out of the materials from a certain Unranked Monster .

This man s, name was Team Leader Kim Rok Soo...


Kim Min Ah a company employee under Team Leader Kim Rok Soo …. She was responsible for attack team under Kim Rok Soo

She was looking at Kim Rok Soo who was wearing a black body suit made from a certain Unranked monster ,Who was lazily sitting on a makeshift chair made from prison debris and observing the group of hidden figures and traitorous Silver Prison Warden .

" How did you know he was a fraud ?"

She asked curiously

Kim Rok Soo continued observing the hooded men but muttered

" There were several suspicious points .

Like how a mere S rank Ability user managed escape an SSS rank prison ."

During the night of the escape there were several important prison officials were put off duty or given leave .

Communication lines were cut .

And the several criminal ability users were able infiltrate the prison with almost no resistance until they reached the centre of the prison bypassing all security smoothly …

An operation of this scale would require a person on the inside .After I conducted my own investigation I concluded that the only person capable of making all this possible on the inside was the Silver Star prison warden himself ."

He lazily turned back to look back at her

" Of course all this was only a hunch or gut instinct ,but it seems that I was correct "

During the entire explanation Kim Min Ah had her mouth hanging open .He deducted all that and accurately figured out the entire scheme of the Lord of Phoenix with one hunch .

Kim Rok Soo did n t, notice this and simply gave a sign to his team to gather .

" Kim Min Ah will be responsible for taking the Team and attacking the enemy .This will serve as a distraction while I use my ability to bypass space and time to capture their commander . Once their commander is taken out this part of the mission is good as done."

Everyone flinched when he mentioned his ability. They understood what he meant when he mentioned the ability to cross space and time .But that ability took a great toll on their leader ….

Nobody said anything, but team members did send some worried glances at Kim Rok Soo But Kim Rok Soo did not see that .

He told them to disperse and Kim Min Ah lead all the team members and dispersed into the darkness .

Kim Rok Soo continued observing the enemy group and counted till 10 he started to prepare himself to use his ability both mentally and physically . He braced himself for the pain and got into the positron of a marathon runner .

He started the countdown . At the ninth count the Team had attacked the enemy group. The moment he counted ten he had activated his ability " Instant" .

Everything in froze in time . He could see all the frozen faces and attacks of team members and enemies alike . He manuvered his way around all the enemies , members and attacks and made his way towards the leaders of the hooded men .

When he was only a moment away from catching the hooded leader he started to feel the recoil from his ability . He could feel fresh scars opening within his black suit and blood flowing . Even the suit made from the materials of a certain Unranked monster was not able to protect him from the recoil of his ability .

Nevertheless he ignored it reached his hand out and embraced the hooded leader . He was switftly taken away at high speed to considerable distance and soon crashed into a large debri .

The rest of hooded enemies and Silver star warden were not even able to understand what was happening when they were attacked before and a second later their leader had disappeared .

Without their leader they had become chaotic and disorganised and were quickly subdued by kim Min Ah rest of the team members .


Kim Rok Soo had stopped as he had crashed into a debri. He was currently embracing the hooded leader Kim who was knocked unconscious due to the force of the collision .

His hood was torn away and revealed his face to be that a typical , young and immature Lorena youth . Though he seemed to have faced many hardships as he seemed to be malnourished.

Kim Rok Soo took note of that before releasing the malnourished youth and clutching his head in pain . Using the ability Instant did not only put pressure on his body but also in his Brian .

As he was not able to cope with the pain and seem to become delusional he bit his hand strongly . A single drop of blood flowed from his hand and all the pain subsided .

He straightened his body and open is his eyes and was about to contact Kim Min Ah with his device , before realising that the malnourished youth from before was now staring at him .

He coldly turned to look the youth . His eyes were glowing with red flames and many seals were glowing bright red . Kim Rok Soo had seen many kinds of abilities since the advent of the Monster Apocolaypse and knew right away that the the youth was being possed .

The Boy was curiously looking at him before he muttered in deep husky voice

[ You must the Apprentice of Lee Soo Hyuk ….. Kim Rok Soo ? ]

Kim Rok Soo simply hooded his head and said

" Then you must be the Phoenix Lord who is currently possessing the body of this youth through some kind of ability "

The possed youth looked into Kim Rok Soo s, eyes for a long time before laughing out loud like a maniac before he muttered again .

[ I like you , what say you and I make a deal ? ]

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