
The Dark Angel

Chapter 1-

A beautiful soothing beach that calms me with the sound of each wave. The soft warm wind tickles my ears as I watch the sun slowly start to set. The water sparkles from the reflection of the sun like a shiny diamond ring, crystal clear and blinding. I can hear the waves organically create music as they move with the wind. The sound of water makes me feel at peace. A part of my hair on the top left loosens up from the pin I had set twisting my hair back, whilst parted in the middle. Two twin boys soon approach me. I see them walk towards me out of my peripherals, couldn't be older than ten. Both have olive skin and ash brown hair. I look over at them and smile- they were still distant and with my poor vision I am only able to make out blurry faces. The twin boys smile back as they walk towards me. Darkness slowly approaches as the sun begins to set. One of the twin boys begin to speak.

"Come with us." The twin boy so innocently smiles yet again as he speaks.

As I kneel down towards the young boy, I can feel the soft warm sand brush against both my knees. My white dress flowing against the wind, now smeared into the wet sand. I smile as I look at both of the twins faces, so innocent. I love that. I love looking at kids because it brings me a sense of sanity and happiness. They're so pure and so harmless. The twin boys are wearing matching t-shirts. They have on a green and white striped shirt, and ash brown capris along with matching ash brown sandals with a velcro to close them off.

"Now then, where are you taking me?" I softly respond.

By mid sentence, both the boys, one on each side, grip on to my forearm firmly. Alarmed, I jump up. My smile wipes off my face into an immediate look of concern as their finger nails pinch into my skin. They hold on ever so firmly that my brown skin begins to retain red marks. I look down at the two gripping on my arms, and panic. I look back up at them with my mouth wide open in awe. This time- their eyes are not green. Their eyes are red, and not just their pupils. They have eyes so red and filled with evil I could no longer look into them without having to look away. By no means are they angelic, rather I am witnessing the daunting look of the devil amongst both the twins. I freeze- and I can't let go. They are too powerful, tugging hard at my arms by a force greater than humankind. The beach turns into a cemetery and behind the twins holds a large black gate opening on its own. I could barely bring myself to formulate words. All I could see is darkness…darkness everywhere around me.

"L-let go of me." I pant, frozen in fear barely able to formulate words and more so mumbling them.

Suddenly, I jump, in present time, and my whole bed begins to shake. I am pored in sweat and both my arms are lifted up on their own. I begin to pant as still I see darkness. I look around me and within ten seconds feel relieved to see that I am in bed. I lower my hands back down to my body and begin to take deep breaths.

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