

Auteur: DaoistcIFaS0
Magical Realism
Actuel · 259 Affichage
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please reset the booktitle BLuU_the637 20231218092329 81

Harutos life isn't going so well. Sisters locked up 1 parent dead, 1 in a coma Childhood friend/girlfriend cheated on him Best friend slept with gf He's single heartbroken but he's a nice guy. He's just wants everyone in his life to be happy. Can he do it without becoming an asshole? NTR protagonists always get robbed. They get the short end of the stick. Forced to lead a life of obsession for something they can't have, but what happens afterward? The nice guy MC always doing the right thing and always gets disrespected and looked down on. The waifu gets dicked down and drowns in pleasure while the cucked MC caters to her. But, what happens when love tries to steal the MC from her? After reading over 100 NTR novels I have achieved NTR-NIRVANA and this is my attempt at a new genre. RNTR! "REGRETORARE".... where the female that was stolen regrets her decision. This isnt about revenge, or the MC seeking justice. Its about a nice guy who was raised to love others AND DAMMIT HE'S GONNA DO IT. (This is my first attempt at writing, beware of incest, horror, trap, and netorare tags. "MOST" NTR happens in flash backs because we are starting after it happened, growth is very slow, the main point is MC didn't break and stopped taking shit from others. I will be making a Satire of every NTR trope. from gyaru-oh DQ's, NTR cheating on special holiday's, NTR blackmail, NTR Shota, NTR deception, NTR trauma..... etc. it will be painful before it gets better.) add: tags" brother/sister, son/mother, blackmail, netorase, hiding-gifts, pregnancy, trap, cannablism, gore, violence, pansexual *I don't use bisexuality tag because MC isn't attracted to trap because of a penis, but because they have a genuine connection. (Cover image is not mine, all credit goes to artist, this just displays the best description of a character)

BLuU_the637 · Politique et sciences sociales
27 Chs


[Flint Reynolds, Congratulations on Awakening the System] [You have harvested hundred Zombie Nucleus] [Zombie Nuclei in Possession: 100] [Due to delayed Awakening, a fine of 100 Zombie nucleus shall be deducted] [Zombie Nuclei in Possession: 0] _____ Flint had just finished a game he had bought from a stranger. He had spent the whole day playing one single level. That was it, the game only had one single level. The one he had lost 99 times. Flint finally won the game at the 100th time only for him to get a strange reward. Accepting the reward, Flint woke up himself in the middle of a strange apocalypse with a robotic voice in his head. Now he has to survive this world. ________ In the ruins of Haven 42, hope crumbles alongside the survivors’ spirits. But as Flint, stands tall, a chilling scream pierces the air, reverberating through his veins. With determination, he leads his group to a hidden laboratory, their footsteps quickening with trepidation. There, in the flickering lights, they uncover a horrifying truth—the virus is mutating, its insidious tendrils reaching deeper into the core of the earth. Fear tightens its grip around Flint's heart, but his resolve strengthens. He only wants to go home. As the fate of humanity teeters on a knife’s edge, Flint's courage will be tested like never before. _____ [This is going to be a very long novel] **Disclaimer** This book is a work of fiction, and all characters, incidents, dialogues, and settings are purely the creation of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization or entity. While great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of any described locations, cultures, or historical events, creative liberties have been taken for the purpose of storytelling and reader engagement. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author or Webnovel, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Thank you for joining me on this literary journey. Enjoy the adventure!

LIGht_Pen · Urbain
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Aetheria's Unlikely Ascendant

In a twist of fate, Alex, a seemingly ordinary college student from Earth, finds themselves suddenly transported to the magical world of Aetheria. Having no recollection of their past life, they wake up in a small village nestled amidst the majestic Elemental Peaks. Unbeknownst to Alex, they possess a unique and unprecedented affinity for all five elemental essences: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and the enigmatic Aether. This extraordinary gift captures the attention of the village's Elemental Sage, who takes them under her wing, teaching them the ancient art of Essence Harmony cultivation. As Alex embarks on the path of cultivation, they must overcome numerous challenges and adapt to the customs and traditions of Aetheria. Along the way, they form bonds with fellow cultivators, forge alliances with mystical creatures, and unravel the secrets of their own mysterious past. However, the path to Ascension is far from easy. Alex faces fierce competition from other cultivators and encounters formidable adversaries who seek to exploit their exceptional elemental affinity. As ancient prophecies begin to unfold, Alex becomes the linchpin in a struggle between the elemental realms and a dark force that threatens to plunge Aetheria into chaos. With the fate of Aetheria hanging in the balance, Alex must push beyond their limits, mastering the art of cultivation, and unlocking the true power of the elements. As they ascend through the ranks of the Essence Harmony System, they begin to realize that their arrival in Aetheria was no mere accident, and that they may be the key to saving not only Aetheria but also their long-lost home of Earth. "Aetheria's Unlikely Ascendant" is a tale of self-discovery, friendship, and the pursuit of ultimate power. Join Alex as they traverse the enchanting world of Aetheria, uncover the mysteries of the elements, and strive to achieve Ascension, forever changing the course of their destiny and the world around them.

NovaSyntax · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


Reina salsabila,gadis yatim piatu saat usianya masih 10tahun,,reina begitu periang dan berparas lembut, tapi semenjak kepergian ayah dan ibunya lha yang membuat reina menjadi sosok yg pendiam dan selalu menutup diri dari sekitarnya. Kecelakaan kedua orang tua reina,,di sebabkan hujan lebat yang membuat jalanan licin,dan minimny penerangan jalan di tol suka maju..kecelakaan it mengakibatkan kedua orang tua reina meninggal di tempat sebab kecelakaan it adalah ke celakaan beruntun.. ********* Kini reina d asuh oleh paman dan bibinya..sang paman adalah adik kandung dari sang ayah.. Paman abraham dan bibi ningsih Kalau kalian pikir hidup reina senang tinggal di paman bibinya it salah,hihihi. Reina d perlakukan begtu buruk oleh sang paman dan bibi,bahkan rumah,toko,dan tanah milik ayah reina paman bara sudah menjualnya untuk menghidupi mereka berdua saja. Eeeee bukan buat reina yha..reina justru d perlakukan layaknya pembantu,(pembantu geratis maksudnya). *dia selalu d angap benalu bagi paman dan bibinya,maka dari itu sang paman bara dan bibi ningsih belum di karunia anak hingga sekarang, bahkan di usia reina yang sudah menginjak 22tahun.. ** ^Rennn........ Suara sang bibi dari meja makan, ^mana sarapan kami. *i-iya bii ini reina bawakan. ^kalau kerja yang bener,lelet banget sie kamu ini,,kalau begini bisa* kita mati kelaparan,ingat kamu di sini cuma numpang tidak ada yang geratis.. *maaf bii reina bangun kesiang tadi,reina janji ini nda akan ke ulang lagi... **cehh,,alasan saja kamu ini,,yaa dan ingat minggu depan uang kamar kamu sudah jatuh tempo,,kamu nda lupa kan renn, Lanjut sang paman menimpali *t-tidak kok paman bibi reina nda lupa kebetulan hari ini reina gajian jadi bisa reina bayar setelah plng kerja.. **baguslha dan yhaa kamu harus bayar lebih buat listrik lampu kamar kamu selalu menyala di malam hari kau tau itu pemborosan.. *i'ya bibi nanti reina tambah buat listriknya juga.. ,,paman bibi reina pamit kerja. Itulah rutenitas rena di pagi hari yang harus melakukan pekerjaan rumah yang seharusnya bibinya pun bisa mengerjakannya,tapi reina tdak mau ambil pusing dengan semua itu yang penting,reina melakukan semua itu dengan ikhlas.. **Oh yha ampun bisa telat ke kampus ini,,bisa* gue ngulang skripsi nie hahhhh...semangat reina kamu bisa(dengan mengusap kdua bahunya secara bersamaan). Reina kuliah di kampus elit di jakarta pusat kampus UI,di mana yang kuliah di kampus itu adalah anak*sultan dan anak pejabat tinggi.. *hahh semangat reina kamu harus bangga bisa kuliah d kampus ini( memberi dukungan buat diri sendiri). Reina mengambil jurisan general accounting dimana reina hanya tinggal menyerah kan hasil skripsi nya,,*semoga lolos yha tuhan(gumam reina). 'Renn,,(seseorang berteriak d belakang memangil nama reina). *Eee elu nis,,, (Anisa putri sahabat reina semata wayang) 'Hihi, kok tumben lu baru datang,biasanya selalu lu duluan datang. *biasa lha niss di rumah drama sinetron indocear lagi tayang hihihi,,,, 'Drama di rumah lo emang nda pernah habisa yha ren,gue sie sebagai sahabat lo semata wayang ini ,cuma bisa kasi semangat aja hihihi......... *haha dengan lo semangatin gue aja udah semangat lagi gue nie nis thanks yha,sahabat semata wayang ku hihihi.. Reina kuliah mengambil jalur beasiswa maka dari itu reina tidak terlalu  pusing sial biyaya kuliah,yang reina fokus cari uang buat hidup mandiri itu saja. 14:16wib     **urusan kampus pun telah usai reina pun memutuskan langsung k tempat kerja, * Reina pun sampai di tempat kerja,,yhaa reina kerja sebagai OB di prusahaan ternama di jakarta,  *abdhi rajasa Group*  Perusahan besar ini mencakup tekstil,properti,hotel,dan restoran,dan menjadi perusahan terbesar seantero jakata tahun ini, Reina sengaja mengambil shif  kedua,bukan tanpa alasan kalau shif pagi reina harus ke kampus untuk kuliah,,             -untung nda telat aku huhhh...

Asia_nia · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs


  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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