
The little monkey

Once upon a time there is little monkey with her family. they are living in the forest very happily . The monkey name is Lee. She is playing with her friends and used to be happy. He is naughty and funny child of the parents.One day while he was playing he saw a gorilla attacked by a hunter. He went there and taken the tiny bullet from the gorilla body and quickly went back. One day there is festival of 🐒 monkeys all the monkeys are happy and doing festival grantly. But at the same day midnight there is heavy rain .All the monkeys are in their shelters the 🩁 lion came and attacking monkeys.They are fighting with lion but it is killing monkeys ,the monkeys are making huge sounds. The gorilla heard the noise and went there .while gorilla went the lion went to the shelter of Lee. The gorilla saw the lion and fighted giantly with the lion to save Lee. Finally gorilla defeated lion. All the monkeys thanked gorilla but gorilla said it's my pleasure because your little monkey Lee saved me before when I was attacked by hunter. Afterwards they all are doing festival along with gorilla and Lee.

When you help others ,the help get back when you need

Tarun_Dindicreators' thoughts