
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Autres
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26 Chs

The end and the beginning.

In a huge work station of the headquarters of a robotic design and production enterprise, there were a lot of tools, circuits, and top notch computers.

-I am pretty tired of this Jules I already told you that you can't left liquids near my computer and also how is your new design going I nearly finish the coding of the robotic arm and the boss already told me that we need the new design for Monday and its already Friday.

This angry 6 feet and 2 inches man with unruly short black hair, deep blue eyes is Ian Ward, he is a full fledged engineer, the designer and inventor of hundreds of the most advanced robotic arms in the market, he has a lot of pressure in his arms because he tends to do the work on his own and now he has to actually leave some work for others, he has nearly 3 hours of sleeping time this week.

-Sorry boss, I left the indutrial oil in the desk because I was applying it to the robotic arm, and the design it is almost ready.

-Well then Jules, go and finish it while I finish the coding.

Ian also has a guilty plessure and it is that he enjoys reading novels specially HP fan fictions, now it is time of his favorite one to bring the update chapter, he has the idea that novels made your imagination and creativity soar to a whole new level, he remembers that his passion for engineering could not be what it is now if he did not was a fan of Asimov science fiction novels, HP novels marveled him and also relaxes him that is what he needs now.

So he was walking to his computer when he stumble upon the desk and the industrial oil spread to the computer and all the electronics, he didn't have time to pause the running program when Jules arrives and then when he was going to stand up all he can remember its a huge mass a robotic arm coming to his face at an amazing velocity, then all was black.

-Ugh, where I am? Argh my head!! What's this black space.

-Maybe I am dead and if I am not, I am going to kill Jules that bastard I told him a thousand fucking times of not leaving liquids near the work station that stupid motherfucker.

While he was cursing Jules (and I expect that at least he has some nasty shacking chills) an intense light was coming upon him.

-Whaat is this...

The next thing that he can see it is some viscous liquid and light that comes from what is look like a membrane of skin.

-Well I think that I am an unborn child I guess this umbilical chord justified my assumptions.

In the exterior, there was a lot of people coming and going through the luxurious villa, this people were the top medical staff that british people can afford, in the next room there was 2 old people and a handsome and strong middle aged man that was beyond nervous.

-John, please sit down, you are going to make a hole in the floor if you keep coming and going.

-Mom I am just nervous that's my son and your grandchild what we are talking about, you know that Angelika and I dont have any chances of having children and when Angelika told me that she was pregnant I become the most happy and also the most worry person in whole England, so If I am making a hole in the floor so be it.

-George, dear you have to peace your son now.

-Margaret I am as worried as he is, but that hole is his job I am happy here just trying to not succumb in this chair.

Then the door of the room opens and all the medical staff goes out there were just exhausted because it was a high risk labor and the clients were one of the most powerful families in England.

-How is my son and my wife doctor?!!

-Mr. Ward after 10 exhausting hours your child and your wife are in perfect conditions, your child born with an ocular anomally but you dont have to worry about it.

-What anomally Doctor?!!

-Your son born with heterocromyc eyes but after studies we can tell that this has nothing to make you worry about.

-Heterocromyc eyes that was that he has eyes of different color right?

-Yes now you can go and see your child and wife, we are done with both of them.

-Thanks Doctor, mom, dad hurry to see your grandchildren.

In a bed was an exhausted gorgeous lady with long and curly black hair and deep blue eyes and in his arms was a little baby, she was amazed with her own creation and she can't keep off her gaze from his son, she didn't even pay attention to the medical staff that were leaving the room, and a few minutes later his husband and his parents are entering the room.

-My love, where is our son? Let me see our son!

In her arms was a little baby, white skin, short black semi-curly hair, with one deep blue eye and the other one was a shiny green one, he was calm and steady looking at them.

Ian woke up in the arms of his mother well at first he just freak out of the gigantic persons but then he remembers that he was just a little baby so he just get calmed, he was just looking at the gorgeous woman that involves him in her arms, she has deeper blue eyes than him in his past life and their were mesmerizing, and then he looked at his father he was pretty handsome and he has a strong physique and gray eyes, he was about an inch or maybe two inches taller than his previous life.

-Well at least I have pretty good genes!! And looking at this luxury room, my family has a lot of money.

Ward family one of the richest and most powerful families in England, they have a lot of enterprises around the world and they work in a variety of fields that goes from electronics, food, medical to military and security field they are a full fledged rich family.

-So what name we are going to give to this little pup? Angelika, mom and dad any suggestions?

-George like your father.

-Please George we are not going to do that to this gorgeous being.

-What its wrong with my name Margaret?

-I think that we can name him Ian, John.

-Ian, I like it, mom do you know whats the meaning besides this name?

-It means "Merciful god", I have to say Angelika that its an imponent name, you have a lot of expectations for this little one.

Time goes now he has 1 year he can walk and also he is starting to talk, he didnt want to freak out his family if they know that he can actually make a full conversation with them but now he makes them think that he enjoys reading in a playful and pityful way because he needs to know if this is the same world as the one he cames from and apparently it is, just that he born in Februrary 3rd of 1980 instead of the 90's like his previous life, but now with his knowledge he can make him and his family even more powerful.

In a huge room full of books there is a 5 years old boy sitting on a couch reading, he has already read all the books in the family library, when he was born maybe it was because of the rebirth but he has a more powerful mind his previous IQ was of 185 now he actually thinks that it might be around 220, he actually understand things pretty easily and also he found that he has eidetic memory so with this two powerful abilities he actually read and comprehend all of the family library books has to offer now he is painstakingly learning of languages around the world starting with chinese, german, french, russian, spanisch, arabic and also dead languages like egyptian, latin or antique greek.

2 years later he actually convinces his family to buy stock with Microsoft, Apple and Sony they also buy Nokia and with his knowledge he produce a full operational touch screen, he mades also a lithium battery and made a monitor with tiny leds of red, blue and green color that revolutionize the electronics, he also provides with semi and full automatized robotic arms that makes profit all around the world, but even with that his parents make him go to the school, to make friends they said and stablished connections, so they make him go to Eton College, he just sit in his chair thinking how he is going to make his parents to at least study in the university if he has to.

-Well then now I am going to read the list os students...

-Dursley Dudley... Where is Dursley Dudley? Potter where is your cousin?

-I dont know teacher maybe he is in the school yard with his friends.

-Whaaaaaaat?!!!!!!! Some pretty nasty secreaming interrupts the teacher.

Ian was just excited and have fear and also was curious he actually rebirth in HP world but now he is actually afraid of him being a squib or him not having magic actually he didnt have magic breakouts because he was in full control of his emotions all the time but in this moment he wasn't so with this scream his magic breakout happens and all the spotlights in the classroom just break and he actually sees some weird aura that was coming from one of his classmates when he calms he actually saw that person was actually Harry Potter himself, now his fears banished as he actually knows that he has magic and now he has a weird vision he has to explore about.

Please all constructive criticism and ideas are wellcome here.

I am not good picking the image for the book and we have to get fun with it, the winning pic will have his name in a side character that's going to appear in the whole story and if you want maybe some antecedents, like family, which school brand and all of that you want to appear, dont name it some funny bullshit crap like Dick Longbottom or Luna Lovewood (depressed).

Send me the pic to my email ian_vv@hotmail.com

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