
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Autres
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26 Chs

She's mine!

(Recommended song for this chapter: Look below in this chapter!!)

I just forget the existence of this guy and start talking with Chloe, Harry was a tomato there talking with Fleur in a silver two parts bikini I know that he took also a critical hit but with his personality it was even bigger, I mean he's shy, but its just he can beat the shit out of the greatest light wizard but in front of Fleur his confidence and bravery values less than a fucking peanut.

We were both watching them and we were just thinking of how cute they are, they are both so shy and nervous when they are together.

I look at Chloe damn she was gorgeous and I dont know what was possesing me that I just recall a poem from my past life.

-An object need not to be large to hold great mass,

That girl, as tiny as a violet.

That girl,

Driffting in the sky like the pettals of a flower draws me

to her with a force greater than the one exerted by the the Earth.

In a single moment, I fell and rolled toward her

without rhyme or reason,

Just as Newton's apple did.

With a thump.

With a thump-thump.

My heart bounced from the heavens

to the earth in a dizzying pendular motion.

Such was the moment...

I'd first fallen in love.

Chloe and all the council members of the place where just quiet looking at me then I realize that I fucking say it out loud, F**K!!! I just cant look at Chloe so I just stand up and go out, Chloe was just overwhelmed and didnt move from where she is standing, Harry wants to come with me but I nod to him and he understands that I wanted some space.

I fall in love once in my past life, we were together for over 2 years, that night I bought her a ring and 2 tickets for the Maldivas Islands the place that she always wanted to go, and I want to surprise her so I sneak into her apartment and as excited that I was I dont see the clothes that were on the floor, when I open the door I saw my girl with what it was my associate and best friend we both started a business together and now she was fucking my future wife, I just lose all fucking sense of love that day, love and fraternity, that was the moment when I decided not to fall in love and just focus on working, I break his nose, I show her the ring and flush it in the toilet and then I took one of the flights tickets and burned it in front of her.

I go out and I flew to the Maldivas Island, there I just dissolve our business and took the job that I was working in when I die, but now I have doubts what did I feel for Chloe? I know that my past life is just in the past, but I cant trust another girl that easily, I went to my room which was really big I took out my things and place all of the music instrument in order, then I place the grand piano and I just want to let out what I am feeling so I just sit and start to play.

(Frederic Chopin - Nocturne In C Sharp Minor)

The quiet common room was filled with music but it was somehow lonely and sad song, as Ian touch the piano keys with rythm but in a much lower pace than the original.

All in the bathroom were listening to this song, Harry knows that something was not right, Ian would never play something like this if he is ok, the mood of the song was just like being mad at someone, also extremely sad and lonely, he just wore his clothes and go to his brother room, in the way there the song finished, and a new one started.

Frédéric Chopin - Prelude in E-Minor (op.28 no. 4)

Something's wrong, two of the saddest songs of Chopin, something was extremely disturbing his brother, he needs to hurry up, he open his brother room when he was finishing to play the song.

Harry watch his brother he is probably the only one that knows all about his brother, but here he was with something that he never saw on his face, remorse, sadness and angry, he looks like he was betrayed, Harry just touch his shoulder and he looks at him, Harry knows that he wants to just let it out all of his feelings from his system, he took out the violin and nod at his brother, waiting for the song that he was going to play, 4 years of playing together makes them the best cooperation partner in music and fighting also, when he play the first key of the song Harry look again at his brother he broke somehow this is one of the saddest songs ever and he wants to play it.

Secret garden- Song from a secret garden.

The combination of the violin and the piano makes all the people's hearts in Hogwarts tremble, all in Slytherin where outside Ian's room, listening to this song, Chloe just feel that something was wrong with Ian, she was extremely happy when he hears Ian's poem to her, but then his face change when he finished, he stops looking to her eyes but she saw that his eyes those eyes that mesmerize her, those eyes that she loves to watch, just lost his glow, his face change from a happy one to the most sad thing she saw in one person, this change just let her petrified, the thing that broke this enchantment was the sad songs, when she saw how Harry run from there she knew that the author of this songs was Ian and she can feel that he was broken.

She goes with all of the Slytherin students outside Ian's room, but when this last song sound she just snapped and broke in tears, how is he feeling right now that he's playing this song, what is he this sad? Almost all the people in Hogwarts broke in tears with this song, all remember the saddest moments in their lifes with this song, this song just broke all the hard shells of everyone.

In an office in Slytherin, there was a fucked up Snape crying, remembering all his past life with Lily, In the headmaster office ther was a Dumbledore longing for his sister and his family all in this place have at least one moment when his lives went wrong and resonate with this song.

The song ends and then Hogwarts gets quiet again, but the melancholy atmosphere just can go out, this was a powerful magic that affects the hearts of the people with notes, in this magic world that doesnt have a strong influence on music, this day all of them recognize that its awesome how the music moves people's hearts, all of them return to his rooms except Chloe and Fleur, Harry went out and look at them.

-Ian is not feeling well, please leave him alone today, I never saw him like this, he needs some space.

-Chloe let's go to our rooms, let's talk to him tomorrow.

-Harry, It's him ok?, Stupid he is not ok what I have to do to make him my noisy prat again.

-... My?

-... Good night.

In the shadows were someone watching at them that hear all the conversation and he just go away.

The next day they went up to the breakfast and Ian just keep walking to the Great Hall, Bella was really sad yesterday his master sleeps with tears on his face, and the songs that he play was something that even magic creatures resonate with, she knows that he was not ok, she just keep staying on his shoulders, caring him and trying to make him feel better.

Then some guy just push Ian, him with his reflexes just evade this attack and keep watching in front of him, this is that noisy guy from yesterday, dont you fucking know that I am not in the mood to deal with you.

Bella that was in her master shoulders was getting annoyed with this guy, who are you and you dare to piss off my master when he is in this state you ugly bastard!! Sensing the annoyance and anger of Bella he just patted her head.

-Look I dont know you and I dont care who you are just dont piss me off ok? Now I am trying to go for breakfast if me or my pet dont have anything in the stomach we will be extremely annoyed and we could beat the shit out of you.

-Now listening to my Ward, you better dont go near Chloe or I am going to make your life hell.

-And why did I do that I know her before you, we were friends from a long time now why the heck I have to listening to you and your stupidities?

-I dont care of that Ward, she is mine!!!!!! And If you keep being with her I am going to put you in the Hospital room some weeks do you hear me?!

Then he do something stupid, he just fingered me and start poking me, I just grab his finger and broke it, he just scream and his Battle Magic Pet a black crub started growling at me, then it tries to bite me, and then a pissed Bella appeared in front of him her tail was grabing the crubs head estrangulating him.

I just walk towards him and he just look horrorified at Bella, that was walking behind me with the crub on her tail.

-Look be glad that I am not in the fucking mood today or your finger were not the only things that I could break from your body do you hear me, leave me alone and never appeared in front of me or Chloe or I swear that you are going to be the next one in my pet tail next time.

Bella throws the crub to his owner with all her might, that broke some bones Bella you are such a mean girl, I pet her all the way to the Great Hall.

Remember that all the constructive criticism and new ideas are welcome in this story.

What do you think of this chapter? Do you like my selection of songs? Let me know in the comment section!!!

Thanks and Enjoy!!

MordredIVVcreators' thoughts