
Taming the obsessive tyrant

Celine Llanna Lancster.An illegitimate daughter of the duke was adored by her parents. With her beauty that was enchantingly demure and angelic. An innocent girl who doesn't know much of the world, she had caught a lot of attention and captured the hearts of many, and one of them was the dashing crown prince of the Pedalion empire. An accidental encounter, there she met the young crown prince who's been assassinated by a certain person. The crown prince of the Pedalion empire, Lucian Hyacinth Blackwell. The last descendant of the Pride king of werewolves, fell for sweet and innocent charm. The two became friends and soon fell in love with each other. At a young age, the two vowed to never forget each other as they parted. Remembering those precious memories, the two live their lives at a complete distance far away from each other. As time flies by, the vow that they made will soon turn into betrayal. Misunderstandings and lost memories will slowly change their lives. Turned one of them into an obsessive tyrant. EXCERPT: A full moon gives a bright light in the night sky, With the cool breeze of the rising spring, a soft gust of wind blew the falling leaves as they flew with the windy flow in the air. A young woman who's rushed packing her clothes in her suitcase, with a worried expression on her face, planned on fleeing before the sun rises. Celine who was in a hurry running down quickly on the staircase while carrying her small suitcase paused and was shocked as she step back trembling in fear. The man who was standing right in front of the back door chuckled and stared at her teasing, As he walked towards her, slyly smiled while holding handcuffs in his right hand. "My dear Celine! Do you think you can run away from me?" Lucian sighed as his right lip curved and make a smirk, but Celine who was desperate to escape him gambled her life. As she run across towards him avoiding his gaze, yet didn't work .his hands grabbed her wrist and hugged her tightly in his arms while putting the handcuffs on both of her hands. While he's mi at her back, Celine continued to resist his grip, then stopped as she can feel him leaning his face onto her right ear. "Please stop! Let me go!" she begged, trembling and keep resisting his grip. As he hugged her tightly while licking her earlobe, teasing her as he whispered into her ears sweetly. " Darling Celine, you can't run away from me, you are mine, body and soul" he whispered. Placing his face onto her neck then kissed it lightly as he leaves a kiss mark on her pale skin. Celine's shoulder tenses up as he licks her neck slowly, enjoying the situation he mumbles. "What should I do to make your stay?..should I lock you up and hid you somewhere no one can see this beautiful face of yours!" he commented, while Celine who was avoiding his gaze cried, as her 5th attempt at escaping him failed. Celine who was an illegitimate child of an aristocratic family became the Tyrant's Obsession.

shootingstar27 · Histoire
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30 Chs

Nightmare; The unwanted guests

" A descendant? But aren't they just myths? How's that possible?"

" Well, When I was young, I was once lost in a forest of the Veorisian empire. At that time as I remember, I was looking for herbs to sell, but while I was searching for them, I was chased by ' Vorlacs' they were white wolves that had eight eyes... As I was chased by those creatures, my arm got injured and was bleeding so bad that I might faint from losing too much blood, until I stumbled upon a huge tombstone that was lying on the ground. It was cold and my vision are getting blurry at that time, so I fell and lost consciousness. I thought that it would be the end but the moment that I regained consciousness I was in a place filled with the spirits of the whole continent and all of them are friendly and kind... Even though they despise humans especially that certain person they hate the most... As I remember he was a magician filled with greed and discrimination against everyone... They say he was the destroyer of peace and brought nothing but endless wars, so they had no choice but to hide... "

"If they despise humans, Why didn't they threaten you?"

" Well, maybe the moment that I fainted, the blood on my hand that was bleeding accidentally touched the tombstone and was activated as a gateway to the realm of the spirits... It was said that only those who had a pure and innocent heart can enter that realm so luckily, I didn't become food for those beasts..." The reminiscence of meeting and entering the realm of spirits made Celine stunned in disbelief, as she looked at her mother with an astonished expression on her face.

" Wow so all of those myths and tales about them were real, like for real?" The cheerful look on her face brightens up like a beam of light, looking at how cute and beautiful she was her mother chuckled and laughed at her reaction as her mother stood up and spoke.

" Well, now it's time for bed..."

" But!..."

" No buts!..."

"Fine, I'll—"

*Knock!! knock!! Knock!!!*

As their bonding was interrupted by a knock on the door. Both of them felt strange and suspicious about it. Imagine, who would come to their house such late at night? and it's freezing outside, other than that their house is a mile away from the village and her grandfather will return from his trip three days later.

Hearing such a suspicious rap on the door, Celine walk closer as she nervously holds the door handle, but was stopped and positioned on her mother's back. Looking at how nervous and cautious her mother is, Celine also felt the same way as she holds her mother's hand tightly.

" Sweetie, No matter what happens, remember that you must not let anyone know about it, got it?" Her mother slowly peeked at the peephole at their door, but the moment she saw who was that person outside, her eyes widened, terrified by what she saw as she stepped back cautiously and told her daughter Celine that.

" How?.. How can that be?.. That crest, how did they find us?.." The trembling voice of her mother was full of fright and an expression of disbelief, meanwhile, Celine was also confused and scared of how her mother reacted to what she saw.

" Mom is something wrong?"Apprehensively she asked, looking at how her mother gasped for air, The rapping knock of the door continued for less than seven seconds.

" Celine listen carefully to what I'm going to say... Please, get your coat and escape to the back door, hurry please...." She whimpered anxiously, cautiously looking at the front door with such an anxious expression. On the other hand, Celine instantly obeyed her mother's order without any further question, she calmly wore her coat and rashly escaped through the backdoor, but the moment she stepped out to their house, a tall armored man appeared and frightened her.

" Kyahhhhh!!!!!..." She screamed while struggling with its grip.

" Let me go!!! Mom help!.." As she screamed for help her mother immediately grabbed a knife and slit the hand of the man who was holding her in captivity. At that moment when her mother holds her hand, five men appeared and knocked her down with a strike hit on her neck that made her mother faint, seeing how her mother was laying on the floor Celine screamed with rage look on her face as she fiercely looked at those five men who's holding her mother.

" Mom! Mom look at me! Please, please..."

" What exactly do you want from us?!!!!" She exclaimed with such question, as a woman entered wearing a red hooded cloak.

" Well, well, well...look what we had here, It seems the rumors can be trusted, after all. A child whose skin is white as snow, hair that is like precious silver, and eyes that are like amethyst crystals... You do resemble your father, am I right Emilia?" The devilish tonality of the woman was filled with animosity and satisfaction of one's revenge. As the woman walked closer, a wry smirk was all over her, while unsheathing her dagger, Celine was bewildered about who that woman was. But the moment her mother had glanced at the unwanted guest one word came out of her.

" Rosella?... Why are you here? What do you want from us this time?..." As she spoke the woman turned around and tugged Emilia's hair with such antipathetic expression on her face.

" Looks like you still remember me, huh?! Well, I also didn't forget you, since you are the main reason why you made my life miserable!!!!" The hostility she felt when she finally saw Emilia made her more irritated as she slowly lacerate its face with a dagger, Celine screamed and begged at her with such an anxious look on her face, while her mother screamed for the pain.

" STOP! Please stop, Don't hurt her!! Please!!" Begging for it to be stopped, the woman instantly pointed the dagger at her neck to shut her up, As her mother immediately begged in front of Rosella.

" Please don't!!! She has nothing to do with this! So, please don't hurt her just me instead..."

" Shut up!! Do you think I came in here just to kill you? Of course, it would be disappointing to just send some assassins to kill you, but I am here to take someone and make you both suffer... Hmmmn, guess who'll that person be."

" Please I'm begging you, aren't you already got what you wanted?!! Is marrying him not enough!!!"

" I said shut up!!" *Stab* The irritated look on her face as she stabbed Celine's mother with such hatred, Celine screamed and struggled with such strength but can't budge herself out to stop it.

At that moment the dagger was instantly pulled out, then blood dripped and the floor was tainted with blood.

" Please, please enough! Mom, please don't close your eyes... Please don't, I'm begging you!!! Please do it for me..." The trembling voice of her that was pleading for her mother's life, Celine didn't have a choice but to do it.

" Enough!!! You came here for me, right? then I'll come with you. In exchange please spare her life and let me treat her wound, please..." Exchanging her life for her mother's sake, Celine gazes at her firmly yet trembling in fear.

" Pfttt! Hahahhahhah!! You both are so amusing but too bad, I wasn't even planning on keeping your mother alive thought, Hmmmn... And that reminds me, I nearly forgot that I have a present for both of you, A specially made for just two of you." As she took out two apothecary jars where two different potions have been placed, Rosella's wry smirk frightened her even more than what it did recently. As she thought of her as nothing but a psychopath.

As she opened the first jar, her troops instantly dragged Celine's mother toward Rosella and pulled its hair down as they showed no mercy on her, as the blood did not stop dripping and her blood was like paint on the floor. Rosella harshly hold her cheek and forcibly opened Emilia's mouth to open. Meanwhile, Celine was horrified at how they tortured her mother in front of her, as she can't even defend herself from the knife that was placed on her neck.

" Guess what, Do you know who made this potion?"

"Only nothing but your father, child..."

" Now, yes that's good... don't waste such a precious gift from your lover... That's right, very good you drank it all up... Now look at how horrified your daughter is, isn't she really beautiful!... Now, do you know what that potion means Emilia? It means this is your curse. "

Looking at how Rosella was so amused by what she'd done. on the other hand, on the brink of her death, Emilia looked at her daughter with such a compassionate and apologetic expression on her face, as those words that she couldn't speak of were shown in her tears, tears of love and forgiveness.