
Tales of Naruto Phenex in DXD

After suffering a heartbreaking betrayal from two of his closest persons, Naruto Phenex leaves underworld only to rise to the top of the world.

AculturedCitizen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

"No matter how many times I see this but damn this castle has an extravagant look outside", Naruto thought to himself as he entered the compound and looked at the huge mansion before him.

It's the Phenex household's mansion, the one in which he grew up ( again). It's been years since he looked at it leisurely like this, the last time was during Ruval's birth. He slowly walked towards the entrance, admiring the beauty of the surroundings. And as he neared the entrance, he took a deep breath before entering it.

As he entered, he saw three maids carrying a food trolley, towards the garden if his memory served him right. And as soon as they turned toward the entrance, their faces turned into a shocked expression before their faces turned bright red. He figured out that they most probably knew who he was and signed them to be silent with a smile. And before they could apprehend what had happened, he took the food trolley towards the garden. He also changed appearances, so that he could surprise his parents. Though his real wish was that whatever punishment was awaiting him would reduce even a bit

"You over there! Please wait!!

Naruto stopped in his tracks as he heard this voice, cause he knows too well who it is. He turned to back to see a petite blonde girl, in a Victorian-style dress and a fan in her hand. She looked at him seriously before walking at him with a stern expression.

" I never saw you in this mansion before, are you a new recruit?"

Naruto knew where this conversation is going and went on with it, smiling inwardly,

"Yes, I'm a newly appointed butler. I'm pleased to be at your service."

The girl squinted her eyes at him before suddenly casting fire at Naruto, with an appreciable speed,

" For someone who had the skill to break into our house and almost sneak up to their owners, you are stupid. There are no butlers at the Phenex house.

Ravel looked at the burning body of Naruto, which was still engulfed in flames for some time before walking away. And before she could do it, a cold metallic knife was placed on her neck,

"For your age, that speed of casting is amazing. And added to that, the famed Phenex flames. Not bad, Ravel Phenex. Oh and by the way, I'll make sure I explode this place if you make any noise"

Ravel was motionless and shocked. She was completely sure that she got the invader 100%. And the fact that the man is capable of using explosions made her more scared. Though she tried to remain calm, her voice wavered,

"Y-you b-astard, w-who are you? What do you want?"

"What will you do if I tell you?"

"I'll make sure that I stop you!!", Ravel said sternly, though her voice was still wavering.

"Hmmm, I thought to do my work silent and calm but since the youngest Phenex saw me, I can't help it. I'm sorry but, it is what it is.

The blonde closed her eyes in anticipation of what was to come. A million thoughts ran in her mind, especially of a particular two. Her parents, whom she loved since her childhood. Though she is about to die, she knew they can protect themselves but that is not the first though of hers, it is about her elder brother whom she had not seen ever. He is a legend in the underworld and literally everybody knows him but her.

His tales of bravery in the war and the way how he inspired people made her love him, along with giving her a reason to hate the Gremory house. And that is why she didn't want to die now. She never saw him. She began to conjure one of her finest spells and was about to cast it before,

"Really, the similarities between you and mom go beyond appearances"


The tone of the voice was completely different from what it was moments ago. Warm, gentle, and reassuring. But that one word stuck in her mind,


She knew Ruval's voice though it was gentle, it was not anything like what she just heard. It could not be Riser's voice in a million years. Just as she thought the man lied to her, she realized and turned back to see a young man in his early twenties with tanned skin and golden blonde hair that was kept short but was very spiky. He was a completely different man from before and before she could realize it, her eyes watered,

"N-naruto n-nii sama..."

Naruto smiled and rubbed the back of his head,

"Ha ha, this is the first time seeing my sister and she really called me the most anticipated word. Somehow, I don't know what to say dattebayo."

The girl's mind which was going haywire suddenly stopped when she got the reconfirmation. And before she could know it, she was hugging her elder brother and face in his lower chest. Naruto smiled and patted her head, somehow he had been doing that a lot these days,

"I'm sorry that I took this long to see you guys. But I see you have grown splendidly, Ravel."

Ravel slowly backed off from the hug, her face still red. She looked up and asked,

"You are really my Naruto-nii sama??"

"Nii-sama is a little extravagant for me but, yes I'm your elder brother Naruto Phenex."

Ravel gave one of the most beautiful smiles, one which he had seen countless times on his mother. But suddenly her smile dropped and her voice lowered,

"Even though you apologized, isn't seeing your siblings after a decade after their birth isn't too much??"

In fact she wanted to vent all of her newfound anger on him. There are countless birthdays when she asked her parents whether big brother would come or not, only to be disappointed. Many times when she wanted to play with her siblings, only for no one to be found. Riser was a menace since his childhood. Many times when she wanted to learn more magic and things and wished that her legendary elder brother would come and help her, only to be left alone to learn. Her parents were loving and caring, but some things could only be done effectively when certain people do it.

"All these years, I always thought of you. Whether you are living well, whether you are safe, whether you will visit me. But you never did once!!!. And for what! All for a sorry excuse for a woman who-"

And that's when Ravel knew she almost crossed the line. The term she was about to use was not like her and it was the first time seeing her elder brother in her life and she lifted the most unwanted topic in front of him. She quickly regained her composure and was about to apologize when pulled into a hug,


"I'm sorry, Ravel. I'm really sorry. I know this is long due but, I'm the one in wrong. Leaving my family just because a girl cheated on me is pathetic. And this being the first time talking to you since your birth speaks volumes about my cowardice. But, I swear that whatever life I have in me, I'll devote it to looking after you guys. I promise.

Naruto was actually close to crying. Nobody ever said it out but he knew what he was doing, a long time ago. Leaving the most wanted thing he ever wanted just because he was cheated on? Though the situation was exceptional he knew he was in wrong. And his younger sister just pointed out that.

Ravel was in his hug was flustered and embarrassed,

"NO! No Naruto nii-sama, don't be sorry. Something just went off in me and I began to rant. Please don't mind me."

Naruto pulled her from the hug and gave her a smile,

"No, I mean everything I said. I'll devote my entire time to you guys. I promise, and I never go back on."

Ravel looked in awe at her brother before,


"Yes, for real."

Ravel put that beautiful smile back on her face as if she is the happiest woman in the world right at that moment