
The Boy and His Fight

That night, Mik continued to dream.


"Mother," he whispered to the quiet room, yearning for the sound of her voice. It was during these quiet moments that her presence felt closest.

In the depths of his memories, he could almost hear her soothing response, "Yes, my dear?"

Mik's heart swelled with warmth as he imagined his mother sitting beside him, her gentle smile lighting up the room.

"Can you share more stories about the world outside our town, Mom? Adventures and faraway places, please."

Her voice filled the room, carrying him away to distant lands. "Of course, my little adventurer. Where should I start? The world out there is vast and filled with wonders. There are towering mountains, grand cities, floating islands, seas of clouds, and hidden treasures and civilizations beneath the ocean's surface. Adventures, my dear, are what make life truly exciting."

Mik's eyes widened with wonder as he absorbed her tales. "Tell me about the brave adventurers and the scary monsters."

Her laughter was like a soothing melody. "Ah, the adventurers I've met! They were brave souls, always ready to protect the innocent. And the monsters, my love, were fierce, but even they could be defeated with courage and cleverness. You're father was the bravest of them all!"

Mik's fascination with the outside world grew stronger as he listened to stories of daring rescues, ancient relics, and the mysteries of distant civilizations.

Each story painted a vivid picture of a world far beyond his own.

"I have a father?" Mik asked innocently.

"Of course, silly." Her mother replied with a smile.

"Mom," Mik's voice quivered excitedly, "I want to explore that world too. I want to have adventures, and since you taught me how to draw, I'd love to remember everything I see into sketches, just like you did."

Her hand gently caressed his cheek, soothing his restless spirit. "My darling, I knew this day would come. You are destined for greatness; the world awaits your courage and compassion. Promise me, Mik, that you will never let fear hold you back."

His resolve solidified with every word. "I promise, Mother."

Tears of pride and love welled up in his mother's eyes. "That's my brave little adventurer. Remember, no matter where your adventures take you, my love for you will always be with you, guiding you through the darkest of times."

As Mik drifted into a deep slumber that night, his dreams were filled with visions of his mother's words echoing in his heart.

In the quiet room, the candle flickered, casting long shadows that danced like memories.

In the nearby bed, Wil was immersed in a whirlwind of feelings. His face displayed a mix of memories of anger and frustration.

He clenched his fist while staring out of the room's single window, focusing on the night sky filled with sparkling stars.

His mind overflowed with recollections from his past, and a sense of helplessness washed over him.

As he looked out into the vast expanse beyond the window, memories from his earlier years surged back, flooding his thoughts.

Frustration and a deep feeling of being powerless consumed him, preventing him from finding comfort in the soft bed.

Sleep escaped him that night.


It had taken the party of two an entire day to search the nearby creek, where hundreds of toads live, for the medicinal plants and herbs needed to complete their tasks.

Mik's clothes were covered in dirt and mud; he had overturned rocks, crawled through muck, and gotten himself completely dirty.

"I never thought medicinal plants could be so hard to find," Mik exclaimed, panting and wiping sweat from his forehead.

Wil chuckled, watching as Mik wiped dirt and sweat from his forehead. "You'll get used to it, kid," he said.

His clothes were pristine and untouched, having left most of the work to his young companion in the name of gaining experience.

Despite his exhaustion, Mik felt accomplished. "Yes, we did it! I feel like I've been rolling in the mud for ages."

Wil, who almost did nothing, felt a grumble in his stomach. "Yeah, we did. Great job, kid. Let's get back to town. I'm starving," he said.

As the sun set, they approached the town's gate, only to find it strangely empty.

Lost in his thoughts of their successful mission, Mik didn't notice anything unusual.

The usually bustling streets were now deserted, and the town lacked the usual crowd of people and carriages, which piqued Wil's curiosity.

He felt things were about to become very interesting.

"I knew they would finally make their move. I becoming was bored," Wil said, his excitement growing.

He knew Heavy-Fist had spies keeping an eye on them, even in the mountains, but he wasn't concerned as they wouldn't approach them. 

"Looks like they couldn't resist any longer. I hope they will put up a good show," he added with a sly smile, eager to see what will unfold.

Upon closer inspection, they noticed the townspeople huddled inside their homes, nervously locking doors and windows.

"It seems like everyone's hiding," Wil observed, scanning their surroundings.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Mik didn't initially respond until he realized something was amiss.

"Why are they hiding?" He asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"I'm not sure, but we'll find out soon," Wil replied. He sensed his young companion's fear.


The town gates suddenly slammed shut, and the hidden sentry guards responsible fled in terror.

Mik gasped in fear, stepping back.

"What's happening?

"Don't worry, kid," Wil said, sensing Mik's fear. "Sometimes, you have to face your fears head-on.

Mik nodded, taking a deep breath and summoning his courage. He realized it must be Heavy-Fist. He knew he couldn't run from them forever.

A young man and a woman soon emerged from a nearby street with weapons in hand. It was Van and Emi.

The twins both are holding their short staves. Wil had remembered that these kids were mages. He was also intrigued by their sudden appearance.

"Mik, Father has heard that you're back," Van growled, his anger apparent in his eyes. "You know how he feels about deserters. Come back to the clan now, and maybe you'll only face a minor punishment."

Emi, her voice dripping with disdain, addressed Wil. "As for you, stranger, mind your own business! Stay out of our clan's affairs. We might not be able to defeat you, but our father can crush you like an insect."

Wil's smirk remained calm, "Kid, remember your training. Prove yourself and demonstrate your training."

Mik took a deep breath and squared his fist, determined to stand his ground. "I won't let you dictate what I do anymore," he declared. "I'm fighting for my freedom and won't return to the clan."

"You, runt! How dare you raise your hands against your masters! Have you forgotten that we own you?!" Van shouted at Mik, his voice seething with anger. "We must beat you to remind you of your place!"

Emi stepped forward, a cruel smirk on her lips. "Oh, Brother. The runt has finally rebelled against the clan. Now that it has come to this, how about I reveal a little secret? Do you know why your mother isn't here to protect you?" she taunted, her voice filled with venom. 

"It's because our father killed her! After all these years, he finally grew tired of her and ordered her thrown onto the streets, but she begged to stay because of you. Oh, her poor baby, she said. He was so drunk then and annoyed by her crying and wailing that he killed her in a drunken rage."

Mik's heart sank as Emi's words hit him. The shock and horror of what he had just heard were nearly too much to bear. He almost stumbled back, his eyes wide with disbelief, tears streaming down his face.

"No... no, that can't be true," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "My mother... you're lying...!"

But the twins only sneered, reveling in the pain they caused. 

"Oh, how we wish we were lying. We witnessed it with our own eyes. Father was so drunk that he didn't even remember the next day, but he didn't care," Van said mockingly. "It's the truth. And now, it's time to follow in your mother's footsteps!"

Mik's emotions surged within him, a whirlwind of anger, pain, and sadness overwhelming him.

He let out a primal scream, lashing out with all his strength, swinging his fists wildly at his attackers.

"You killed my mother! You killed her!" he shouted, his voice hoarse with emotion. 

Wil stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Mik's shoulder. He could feel the mana inside Mik going out of control. 

"Kid, I know this is incredibly difficult, but you can't let your emotions control you like this. As a warrior, you must control and transform your feelings into strength. Don't let your emotions consume you," he said, his tone gentle yet determined.

Mik's voice trembled as he looked up at Wil, his eyes filled with tears. "But... my mother," he choked out. "She was the kindest person. How could they do something so cruel to her?"

"Listen to me, kid," Wil said, his voice steady but gentle.

"I know it's hard. Believe me. I know what you feel, but I hoped you could use this emotion as strength. Your mother, above all else, would want you to be free. You're fulfilling her final wish by defeating the people who seek to keep you in chains."

Mik wiped away his tears, his eyes now filled with determination. "You're right," he said, his voice unwavering. "I'll use my anger as a weapon and, with my fists, make them pay for what they did to my mother. I won't let her pain be in vain!"

Wil grinned. "That's the spirit, kid! I have faith in you. But this time, we'll fight separately. There are more interesting things for me to do."

Mik nodded, "I've got this," he said confidently.

As Wil disappeared from view, Mik redirected his focus to Van and Emi, his fists clenched. "You won't get away with what you've done," he declared, his voice unwavering.

Van sneered at him. "You're no match for us, trash. Once a trash, always a trash. Don't you know that?"

Mik smiled, a fierce determination in his eyes. "We'll see about that."

With a cry of rage, he launched himself. He was ready to put his life on the line to make them pay for their crimes.

(2/2) The foundation has been set. See you next week!

Creation is hard. Cheer me up!

AdmiralBayabascreators' thoughts
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