
The beginning of everything and first principle (rewritten)

  Oliver Evans was a seventeen year old boy, 1.8 meters tall, big and deep black eyes, clear and defined features and shoulder length black hair.

He had a cold temperament, with a somewhat melancholic expression contrasting with a small smile at the corner of his mouth, He may not look like it with his cold exterior, but he frequently got distracted, lost in his own thoughts. Anybody who saw him could only think of him as handsome, he looked somewhat otherworldly.

He didn't talk very much at school, save for with his friends, Tom, Harry and Jonah, or to make one or to questions while at class.

The teachers actually liked him very much, it wasn't because he tried to suck up to them, but simply because they thought him a good student, he had good grades and even while looking bored or distracted most of the time, he would still pay attention in class and ask any doubts he had.

Most of the other students didn't knew him all that well, only the bare basics, especially because it was extremely hard to get close to Oliver.

He would frequently disappear while not in class, and when he was in a group or the few times that he actually attended the parties for wich he was invited he kept himself at bay, rarely participating in conversations, unless it was something directly related to him.

But even then, nobody thought him arrogant, he looked cold and barely talked to anyone who wasn't part of his few friends, three, to be exact, but every time somebody sought him with a doubt while in class he would patiently explain and try to solve their doubts.

  It was the 23rd of April, a sunny day, a rare one in this month, and Oliver, as usual had disappeared from the school grounds, nobody knew where he was, but if somebody actually went there, they would find him laying there, on his favourite spot, with a book in his hands.

         'Clank Clank'

   ''Oliver, you're here again? Well, not that it surprises me'' said Jonah, as he opened the door that led to the rooftop.

  Jonah Johnson was a tall and slim boy, different from Oliver's slim and fit he looked somewhat skinny, he had pretty normal features with brown hair and eyes.

His eyes looked a bit mischievous, a small indication of his personality, he was extremely active, an liked to play pranks and joke about.

   ''The day was great and I felt like it'' said Oliver with a small laugh as he closed his book.

   ''Well, you could at least have brought your phone. I must have called you three or four times. You come so many times up and you never bring your phone.'' Jonah commented as he rolled his eyes. It truly had been a trouble, if he didn't knew the habits of this friend of his he would never have found him, after all, nobody came to the rooftop, probably the reason for Oliver to spend so much time up here, he thought.

    ''Well, I didn't went trough all that trouble just to say hi, Hannah's going to have a party tonight and I, Harry and Tom are going, wanna come?'' said Jonah with face that said ' you better not refuse'

Hannah was one of the girls from their year, she was pretty tall for a girl, at 2.74, almost has tall as him, with long slender legs, a thin waist, well developed body, and a pretty face, she could be called one of the greatest beauties in Deep Blue, their High school, and she liked him, but Oliver had no interest in her, or in any other girl from the school to be exact, the majority of them had already given up on all hopes, save a few of them, Hannah obviously being included.

It had been a long time since Oliver had gotten himself a girlfriend, nobody thought that strange, with his personality, but some said that he wasn't always like that, at least not when he was younger.

''Nah, you know that I don't like crowded places'' Oliver answered, with none of the pity or remorse that one would have for always declining invitations evident on his face.

    '' I knew you would say that... Can't you really come? It will be fun''

    ''Nah, I want to sleep early tonight, I haven't slept much lately because of that new physics teacher, couldn't she send less homework, it gives me so much trouble...'' Oliver said. It was a good excuse for someone who didn't knew him well, but Jonah wasn't going to fall for that

    ''Indeed, I heard that Tracy does send lots of homework, but its not like you have trouble with that is it, if you truly wanted to do it you would have done it long ago, instead of waiting until the end of the deadline.'' Jonah rolled is eyes.

''I still have to do it tough, so it remains a bother'' Oliver said with a defeated look.

     ''Coming back to the topic, if Mister Dodgy is going to skip this one as well i'm going first, it's almost 6 and I still wanna go home'' DPH or Deep Blue High was at a weird location, Deep Blue was one of the biggest cities of Roosevelt Country, with a stunning population of 7 million people, and Deep Blue High was at the extreme far east of the city, a weird location for the best High school of the city.

    ''Well, you should really get going, you live at the west part while she lives here in the east, you'll probably be a bit late already''

    '' Nah, the party's at 8 30, I still have time''

    '' Not if you lose the subway in ten minutes'' Oliver said with an amused expression, Jonah had to use the subway and a bus to get to school or go home, but he was extremely bad with the timetables, so if somebody didn't remind him he would be losing the bus or the subway day in and day out

    '' Ohh, so it is in ten minutes...''

    '' Nine now'' Oliver said as he looked at his watch

    '' Nine... wait, what??'' It finally dawned on him.

''You could have said it sooner no?'' Jonah was in panic, if he lost the metro he would also miss the bus

'' See you tomorrow'' came his voice as he flew trough the stairs.

  Oliver smiled as Jonah left, it was always like this with him, he never learned

  'I should also get going' he thought, his house wasn't in the city, he lived in a medium sized mansion in the forest, about four miles north of the city, his parents had found the place beautiful and somehow managed to get the rights to build a house there, and it truly was beautiful, the house had two floors, a somewhat modern design with a mixture of normal and glass walls, but it fitted well with the place, it also had a lake near it and you could see it trough the gaps between the trees.

   Oliver got home at 8, he had to go trough the subway and a bus, and in the end, he still had to walk for about 20 minutes, who told him to live there, but he didn't mind, it was one of the few things that he had left that once belonged of his parents, they would always be travelling for work when he was small, and when he was 12 they had died in an accident. Now that he thought about it he never really spend much time with them, they would always spend more time away than at home, but one of the things that he remembered of them was that they loved him very much.

    ''I'm home...'' he said has he opened the door, a habit that he developed some years ago, he wasn't talking to himself, he had a cat, Silver, he wasn't sure if he was home though, it rarely left home, but the small bastard was lazy and rarely got up when he got home, so, even when the furry thing wasn't home he couldn't be certain.

He went directly up the stairs and into his room, it was is favourite place in the house, with a big, glass wall from which he could see the lake between all the trees, he liked to sit in his armchair and read, or just gaze outside while just daydreaming, hearing the rustling of the trees and the small animals running around from a place to another while the birds chirped up there.

Oliver liked his bedroom precisely because of that wall, he liked the calm and quiet, like his personality, you could call him both calm, or cold, he was both, the majority of people who described him paying more attention to the cold part, water and ice were both calm, but they were different, water had ripples, and Oliver hadn't, he was indeed kind to his friends, and he wasn't aloof, nor did he considered himself to be high up above everyone else, but a normal person who talked to him would see no more than his usual expression, no ripples, everybody wondered how had Harry, Tom and Jonah managed to befriend him.

He also liked the sound of silence, or just gazing outside while paying attention to everything, yet nothing.

He also loved books, he loved the silence and peace, but he also loved to dream, losing himself in what if's, and books for him were great stories, and precisely that, what if...

  'There you are small bastard' he thought as he entered the room. He didn't know how others cats were always so active, his was always lazing around in his bed or somewhere comfortable.

He dropped his bag beside his desk and sat on his armchair while listening to nature, he didn't know why, but lately everytime he was like that, lost in his thoughts while gazing outside he just felt different, it was as if he discovered something, but he couldn't put his finger on it, that left him with a weird feeling has if he had learned, or realised, something important, but it always escaped between is fingers.

  The sun was setting, the light was passing trough the trees, hitting directly on his window, it was beautiful, but nothing too out of the norm comparing with the other days, yet he felt different.

  'So beautiful, the birds are still chirping, the animals are still running, the trees, still look the same, yet at the same time they do not, I feel like something is different from before even when my eyes are telling me that all is still the same, it all looks so alive, so vibrant, so full of... vitality'.


Hi all, author here, thanks for reading and please leave your thoughts about the novel on the comments :)

Ps:I'm rewriting these first four chapters before releasing something new, any opinions on the differences? Is it better? Worse? Thanks!

ChenXiancreators' thoughts
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