
Talentless Manipulator: I Can Exploit Other Players' Talents!

[The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [All your stats are deemed as trash.] Lucian looked at the screen and gritted his teeth. "Just my luck. I knew that would happen. Did I even awaken a Special Skill? Probably not…” However, Lucian looked a little lower, and his eyes glimmered. [Insight: You can see other players' status.] Lucian looked at his surroundings, and he saw a bunch of bright blue screens with a bunch of different numbers on them. 'This is it...! If I play this right, I'll be able to…' A new system message appeared in front of him, interrupting his thoughts. [The Tutorial will start in five seconds.] [5...4...3...2...1...] [The Tutorial has started.]

JALLEN · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
95 Chs

29 - Vote Results

Everyone stared at this message without moving at first… Observing the movements of everyone around them.

On the interactive screen that had just appeared in front of everyone were the names and pictures of all participants of the first trial.

And… as they looked at this list of names. They all had the same question on their mind: who would be the one voting first?

And they got that answer very quickly as Darius spoke up.

"As I said earlier, I vote that we skip this vote. There's no point in eliminating someone we have no information about."

Then, Darius pressed on the lower half of the screen, ensuring everyone could see him do it. Of course, none of them really knew for whom he had voted. However, from what he had said previously, there was no doubt he had voted to skip this vote since he had been talking about it for a while now.

The next one to vote was Alex, and it was painfully obvious that he had voted for Darius, as he kept eyeing him consistently while doing so.

Then, more and more people voted as they tapped on the air that was in front of them. There was no telling for who they had voted. However, Lucian had made his choice; he had voted to skip this vote and hoped everyone in this room would do the same.

'Let's hope that Ava does the same thing as me.'

Lucian knew that Ava wasn't the most independent, but he hoped that she would at least make the right choice given the current situation.

'Either way, she's not the one who will change anything even if she votes for Darius,' Lucian thought as he tapped on the button [Skip This Vote].


Afterward, he couldn't touch anything and slowly looked at the countdown, waiting for it to reach the 0-second mark.



[The first voting is finished.

The results are:

-1 Vote for Lucian

-3 Votes for Darius

-6 Votes for Alex

-10 Votes for Skip this vote]

'Someone voted for me?'

That was the first thing that came to his mind. He didn't even care about the final result. Knowing that someone had voted for him was troubling him, and he wanted to know who had done so.

The most logical choices were obviously either Darius or his two friends, and Lucian was pretty sure one of the two had voted for him. Even Darius was an option since no one could truly see what they voted for the others.

'One isn't too bad. However, Alex was almost in trouble here… well, his defense was probably the worst one I've seen in a while.'


[Since everyone has decided to skip this vote, I won't ask if you eliminated the impostors yet. You can now stand up and go fix the most urgent parts of the ship… or else, well… there won't be another vote. So, quickly move your asses!]

That message wasn't a personal one like the others. It popped up in the middle of the roundtable for everyone to see, and it didn't come alone... With it, there was the usual little timer that indicated there were five minutes left until they would be teleported here once again.

However, that message made everyone in this room panic… Well, everyone except Lucian and Alex didn't seem to mind, though it was clear that they both had different reasons.

"Quick! We need to go fix whatever that system is talking about," someone shouted as he stood up.

That person was the opposite of calm and collected, as his voice kept shaking every time he tried speaking.

'Let's see, they did talk about a map earlier,' Lucian thought.


[Map Opened]

It seemed the system had registered the word "Map" and had opened it as a result. Instantly, a detailed map appeared in front of him with the multiple things needing fixing. Lucian seemed to be the only one to have remembered about the map as everyone was panicking and shouting.

"But how can we even find what we need to fix?"

"That's not the point! Even if we find it, does anyone here even know how to fix a spaceship?"

The responses to those questions were certainly lacking, as no one uttered a single word.

'Should I tell them about the "Map"?'

Lucian wasn't sure if it was the right choice in this situation since he could potentially win the game and reach the second floor by not telling them.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that not telling them might be a good idea.

'I need to win, after all. Fuck! This is so annoying if only I hadn't been an impostor.'

The only hope for Lucian to keep his friendship with Alex was simple: he needed Alex to be an impostor just like him. Because if Alex wasn't… then chances were… Lucian would die killed by him.

'Let's just hope that's the case.'

Lucian didn't really care about Ava since even if he betrayed her… He was pretty sure that she wouldn't even realize it. The only problem would be that she would be delayed compared to them.

Slowly but surely, Lucian debated inside his mind whether to tell them or not… And after a few seconds, he had made his decision.

Earlier, he had decided to take on the role of the good guy, and he would be sticking with it until the very end. He would try his very best to trick everyone in this room… not by killing people, but by putting people against one another, trying to keep only Alex, Ava, and him at the end.

He knew the task would be almost impossible, but he would try his best.

'I'll ask Ava later if she's an impostor. She'll tell me either way. Let's hope it's a yes… It would make things a lot easier.'

Lucian dismissed his thoughts and looked at everyone in the room.

"I think I know where we need to go to fix the spaceship…"

Don't forget to vote for this book...even Lucian is going to need it for his trial.

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